• 所以阿肯大学治疗过女性心碎综合症心脏专家阿布舍克·德希穆克博士这种究竟性别有多大关系产生了兴趣。

    So, Dr. Abhishek Deshmukh, a cardiologist at the University of Arkansas who has treated women with broken heart syndrome, became curious about just how gender-specific the condition was.


  • 来自阿肯东道主理查德·桑切斯博士投入相当资金用于防治正在肆虐全城的一新近出现的——艾滋

    The Arkansas host, Dr. Richard Sanchez, was heavily invested in the efforts to treat and prevent the relatively new disease of AIDS, which was sweeping the city.


  • 紫外线穿过、后窗,穿透你的皮肤,使之产生甚至皮肤

    UVA rays pass right through your car's side and back windows, penetrating your skin and eventually triggering fine lines, spots, and even skin cancer.


  • 精神学家们预测说,人们的未来灰暗他们正在摒弃喜怒不形于的形象,而且越来越多女性成了家庭的主要经济支柱

    Men face a depressing future as their stiff upper lips start to crumble and more women become breadwinners, psychiatrists predict.


  • 最后他们一家距离纽约不远的地方定居丈夫开始精神筹建计划她自己则从1995年7月开始,便在贝斯伊医疗中心进行精神实习

    They eventually settled close to New York City, where her husband started a neurology residency program and Kazim began a psychiatry internship at Beth Israel Medical Center in July 1995.


  • Goldenberg医生对于40多岁的女人来说,出现性角质真是再平常不过了,这种包括额头脸颊鼻子上出现干燥、血丝、的情况。

    It's not uncommon for 40-something women to develop actinic keratosis-dry, red, flaky spots, often on the forehead, cheeks, or nose, Dr. Goldenberg says.


  • Goldenberg医生对于40多岁的女人来说,出现性角质真是再平常不过了,这种包括额头脸颊鼻子上出现干燥、血丝、的情况。

    It's not uncommon for 40-something women to develop actinic keratosis-dry, red, flaky spots, often on the forehead, cheeks, or nose, Dr.Goldenberg says.


  • 体育尤其是足球将有助于打破社会隔阂,挑战谈‘变的社会现象……希望今天年轻人了解艾滋相关讯息。

    Sport and especially football can help break social barriers and fight the stigma around HIV…I want today's youth to know the facts about AIDS.


  • 艾滋全球发生的同时,作为人人闻之变的灾难性,在令人惧怕的同时,开始向我国蔓延

    As AIDS spreads to the whole world, AIDS which is the most devastating diseases in today's world that everyone fears, has been sweeping across our country.


  • 接受了阿肯囚犯身上提取被污染血浆加拿大人中,有1,000感染艾滋,20,000多人感染乙型肝炎毒。

    More than 1,000 Canadians who received plasma contaminated by that drawn from Arkansas prisoners were infected with HIV and 20,000 with hepatitis C.


  • 目的探讨常见定量方法以及与高血压及其证候相关性。

    Objective to investigate the fix quantity method of pathological colour of the tongue and the analysis on relationship between colour of the tongue with disease and syndrome.


  • 目的研究马拉菌属分类及其在一些皮肤分布情况。

    Objective to study the taxonomy of Malassezia and distribution of the it in some dermatoses.


  • 为此用多参数流式细胞术荧光直接标记进行免疫分型,急性白血确诊治疗预后重要临床意义

    In conclusion, multiparameter flow cytometry and three-color direct immunofluorescence staining methods may be of important clinical significance in diagnosis, therapy and prognosis of acute leukemia.


  • 早期症状出现浅红最终的丝状体变成黄白

    An early symptom of the disease is tiny reddish brown spots; the color of diseased conchocelis finally turned yellowish-white.


  • 目的利用流式细胞术急性淋巴细胞白血(all)免疫表型跨系表达进行研究

    Objective to study the cross-lineage expression of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) with the use of multi-parameter flow cytometry in the immunophenotype of ALL.


  • 目的调查婴幼儿擦烂性念珠皮损处及非皮损处马拉存在状况

    Objective To survey the exist condition of malassezia in Candidal intertrigo in infants.


  • 公众艾滋艾滋,闻艾滋变,到现在仍有许多对待艾滋存在着恐惧心理。

    People are afraid of hearing of or talking anything about AIDS, whose negative effect is much more serious than any disease.


  • 你们当然已经看过听过这项新闻布莱尔·里弗——一个提倡帮助亚利桑那州臭名昭著汉堡心脏烧烤餐厅做广告多彩人物——几天死了

    Surely you've seen or heard the news item: Blair River, a colorful character who promoted and helped advertise the Heart Attack Grill, a notorious burger joint in Arizona, died the other day.


  • 早熟直立型品种植株长势强健。叶深绿,耐,抽苔晚,品质

    Plant is vigorous, stem is strong and the color is dark green. Early maturing variety. Good orthotropism, good tastes, high quality.


  • 选用部分酸性染染料染深绞装桑蚕丝,有效地解决了疵,使丝毯层次分明

    Colour stain can be eliminated effectively in skein mulberry silk yarn heavy-shade dyeing with some selected acid mordant dyes. Silk carpets made of such yarn will give clear-cut multilevel shades.


  • 擅长银屑白癜风皮炎湿疹痤疮疤痕化妆品皮肤的的诊断治疗皮肤美白技术领域有较深造诣。

    He is good at diagnosing and treating psoriasis, vitiligo, dermatitis, eczema, color nevus, splash, acne, scar, cosmetics skin diseases, skilled in the field of skin whitening.


  • 擅长银屑白癜风皮炎湿疹痤疮疤痕化妆品皮肤的的诊断治疗皮肤美白技术领域有较深造诣。

    He is good at diagnosing and treating psoriasis, vitiligo, dermatitis, eczema, color nevus, splash, acne, scar, cosmetics skin diseases, skilled in the field of skin whitening.


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