• 中国—东盟中心积极支持东盟留学生

    ACC has consistently supported ASEAN Students' activities in China.


  • 哎哟,和相比,在美国的留学生活就没那么自在了。

    Larry: Hey, I didn't say we didn't study! We got to live it up while we learned Chinese.


  • 不禁想象将来国外留学生活以及各种生活中的可能。

    And I could not help wondering about my life in a different country and all the possibilities that come with it.


  • 两年的留学生活钟睿依依不舍地告别英国的同学老师,随父母返回国内

    When Zhongrui came back to China with his parents after Zhongrui's father finished his work in Britain, he was quite unwilling to say farewell to his classmates and teachers.


  • 无论选择在什么地方留学都要仔细搜集相关资料,这样才能充分享受留学生活

    Wherever you choose to study, be sure to do some research so that you can get the most out of your studying abroad adventure.


  • 如何在号称世界物价之的东京经济地度过留学生活,下面是一些过来人的省钱小窍门。

    How many times have you heard the expression that most people spend more time planning their vacation than they do planning their lives.


  • 最后如果你们生活学习遇到困难及时我们沟通你们在中国留学生活愉快

    Finally, if you encounter difficulty in living and learning, to communicate with us in a timely manner. Wishes you to study abroad in China live in interesting times!


  • 留学生活只有英语听力在经常听课导师讨论过程得到锻炼提高

    In the two and a half of student life, she is only listening with regular lectures and discussions during the process of teacher training and improvement.


  • 也许很多很羡慕留学生活觉得留学国外电影电视剧般的大学生活新鲜由此产生了一种对陌生追求。

    Some people, perhaps, envy the life of an overseas student. They think life in a foreign country is as light and bright as in the movies, and TV shows.


  • 留学生活慢慢开始时候,便发现许多准备不足的地方希望的这些建议可以后来同学减少烦恼

    When life keep going, then I found I forget to prepare many things. There are some of my Suggestions. I hope they can help the later students to reduce some trouble.


  • 雅晴认为留学生活可以自己得到学位别的事情——一件可以永远记住巴黎的事情。

    Yang thought that two years' of studies could bring her a degree, but she wanted to do something which could give her a lasting memory of Paris.


  • Southern Vectis巴士公司运营经理马奇·摩根•胡斯说:“怀特很多外国留学家人生活一起的。”

    "On the Isle of Wight we get lots of foreign language students staying with families," said operations manager March Morgan Huws.


  • 我们无法我们也有同样数目美国中国学习但是,“10万留学计划”大幅度增加在中国生活学习美国年轻人的人数

    We cannot claim the same number of Americans in China, but our 100, 000 Strong Initiative will dramatically increase the number of young Americans living and studying in China.


  • 也许本土学生留学不同生活方式当时接待家庭里他们每周饭吃。

    Maybe local students and international students might have different lifestyles but I was living with a host family and they cooked for me once a week.


  • 英国海外留学喜欢那儿生活

    Overseas students in Britain enjoy their life there.


  • 留学宿舍广大留学生活学习场所为了使大家个安静的学习环境正常秩序,特规定如下

    Students' 'dormitory provides international students with a comfortable space for living, study, and social life. In order to maintain an orderly environment, the following regulations are formulated.


  • 如果留学不能及时异国调整生活方式他们遇到许多困难

    If overseas students fail to adapt their lifestyle in another country in time, they will encounter a large number of obstacles.


  • 外国留学公寓外国留学生活学习重要场所规范管理,特制定本规定

    This REGULATION is formulated for the purpose of standardized management of foreign students' apartment, which is an important place for living and studying.


  • 对于留学尤为如此因为他们即将开始异国生活

    This is especially true for students, since they are going to live in a foreign country.


  • 有些留学由于不能适应当地生活经常情绪低落。

    A number of oversea students often feel depressed in that they cannot adapt to the local life.


  • 留学出现影响周围一切。周遭得愈加以消费为导向。人们生活方式发生了改变。

    The presence of overseas students has influenced the neighborhood. It's more consumer-oriented. People's lifestyle have altered.


  • 留学身份出去的,国外生活十几年

    Went abroad to study. Lived overseas for a decade.


  • 同时希望本次机会祝愿所有留学享受校园生活今天的圣诞参会吃的开心,玩得愉快。

    I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the international students to enjoy your stay in our school and all present to have a wonderful time tonight.


  • 朋友悉尼过学告诉留学在悉尼的生活开销非常贵。

    I also had a friend who studied as an international student at, in Sydney and he told me it's quite expensive for international students to live there.


  • 每天完成高中课程以后老师都给我们留学辅导汉语。为的是让留学生在中国生活方便

    Every day, teacher tutor me Chinese course, after finish the lesson of high school, for my life is more convenient.


  • 那些来自世界各地留学多种文化带到这里体会到了生活丰富多彩。

    Those international students from various places in the world have brought multiple cultures here, which enables me to experience a colorful life.


  • 那些来自世界各地留学多种文化带到这里体会到了生活丰富多彩。

    Those international students from various places in the world have brought multiple cultures here, which enables me to experience a colorful life.


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