• 创造者:康奈尔大学安迪

    Created by: Andy Ruina at Cornell university.


  • 我们正在理解徒步力学,”

    "We are trying to understand the mechanics of walking," Ruina said.


  • 许多机器人专家关心使用能源最大限度提高性能安迪瑞那关心最大限度的使用能源。

    Many roboticists are concerned with maximizing performance independent of energy use, while Andy Ruina is trying to maximize energy use.


  • 乌拉圭铅笔收藏家瑞那周二展示购买德国辉柏铅笔,他是金氏世界纪录收藏最多枝铅笔的纪录保持人。

    Pencil collector Emilio Arenas from Uruguay shows new pencils he'll buy from German pencilmaker Faber-Castell on Tuesday. He holds the Guinness World record in collecting pencils.


  • 女友迷你发现动物出去散散步可以让自己冷静下来。 它们永远只有当下,研究证明在身旁养一只猫或狗可以放松自己。

    My girlfriend has a miniature schnauzer and I’ve found that hanging out with animals really calms me down.


  • 教员-凯乌平斯基女士,"还有一点必须注意,如果小马尾巴辫子,最好披散头盔下面,阿富汗可以看出你是一个女儿身。

    And one more thing: “If you have a pony tail, ” said Marina Kielpinski, the instructor, “let it go out the back of your helmet so people can see you’re a woman.”


  • 朋友记得从容笑容记得是因为天天戴着母亲送给手镯

    His friends remember his easy smile; I remember Ryan because of the bracelet his mother gave me that I wear every day.


  • 1970年佛退休了,打以后他们一直居住在勒姆市。

    He retired in 1970, and they have lived in Salem since then.


  • 艾米莉太好了!如果应该告诉怎么想的。理解给你全力支持的。

    Emily: That \ 's great! If so, you should tell Eric what \' s on your mind. I think he will understand you and support your idea.


  • 玛莎·科指控社区里,引起了极大关注是萨勒教堂的虔诚教徒;如果巫婆所有人都可能是。

    Charges against Martha Corey, a loyal member of the Church in Salem Village, greatly concerned the community; if she could be a witch, then anyone could.


  • 如果大脑一部分区域出现自我意识可能前额皮质——位于前额后面延伸大约耳朵的区域。

    If there is one part of the brain where the "self" part of Corina's mind began, it would be in the prefrontal cortex-a region just behind her forehead that extends to about her ears.


  • 里昂多。迪卡普里奥气质和年轻人乐观福一样背负同样包袱

    Leonardo DiCaprio has the right air of blessed, youthful optimism but he carries the same baggage that Redford did.


  • 最后一点差别存在斯德哥尔摩比率研究机构公职竞争中,尼古拉斯·伯格·同事简要阐明了这一点。

    That last distinction also applies to elections to public office, as was neatly demonstrated by Niclas Berggren, of the Ratio Institute in Stockholm, and his colleagues.


  • 位于孟加拉湾奎师哥达瓦理河流域是印度最大油气田之一,此次争端焦点就是油气天然气的价格

    The row centres on the pricing of natural gas from one of India’s biggest fields, in the Krishna Godavari basin in the Bay of Bengal.


  • 印度能源匮乏,而奎师哥达瓦理河流域油气皆具,可以帮助减少印度进口上的巨额账单

    The Krishna Godavari basin contains oil as well as gas that could help to reduce energy-starved India’s gigantic import bill.


  • 印度能源匮乏,而奎师哥达瓦理河流域油气皆具,可以帮助减少印度进口上的巨额账单

    The Krishna Godavari basin contains oil as well as gas that could help to reduce energy-starved India's gigantic import bill.


  • 我们冠亚军支持率只差不到2%,这也正是水晶距离冠军一小步。(印象这是2003年届之后差距最小的一次。)

    Ryan told us that less than 2 percent-the narrowest margin, I think, since Ruben and Clay back in 2003-is all that kept Crystal from winning.


  • 迪尼: 当接触克罗时感到他们很有意思。

    Gandini: I was really interested in Corona and Ricky, who I got close to.


  • 只是赞赏如果你能摆脱高贵阿希先生的迷恋,我希望了解你一些。

    Rhett: I meant it as a compliment and I hope to see more of you when you are free of the spell of this elegant Mr. Wilkes.


  • 诺佛兹不会雇用杰弗里•萨克斯一个有影响力的经济学家)样,认为最底层十亿人得都算不上消费者应该偶尔接受一些免费施舍的人。

    Ms Novogratz dismisses those such as Jeffrey Sachs, an influential economist, who think that the bottom billion are too poor to be treated as consumers, and should sometimes receive handouts instead.


  • 当今,担心活着埋掉并不是普遍。” 葬礼决策创建人兼CEO,迈克尔·这样说

    “The fear of being buried alive isn’t too prevalent in this day and age,” says Michael Regina, CEO and founder of FuneralDecisions.com.


  • 库马拉斯瓦米•纳格斯瓦身着整洁的T恤,沮丧地指着高高的围墙,就是村子、他在可马里海岸英亩田地分开来了。

    WEARING a crisp blue shirt, Kumaraswamy Nageswaran gestures dejectedly to a towering fence that keeps him from his village and his three acres of farmland on the Trincomalee coast.


  • 书上看来关键是玛利亚的坟墓

    It’s Marie’s grave, though, the one drawn in the book Thorvaldsen bought, that seems to be the key.


  • 真是个令人尴尬时刻,但年后赖安已经使Method成为世界最大环保清洁品品牌

    In the eight years since that embarrassing moment, Ryan and Lowry have built Method into the world's largest eco-friendly cleaning brand.


  • 是美国主要职业棒球队中的一名普通内场手,他进入棒球名人哥哥卡尔·总被媒体包围得水泄不通,他却得努力伸长脖子招人注意

    But it couldn't have been easy being Billy Ripken either, an unexceptional major league 4 infielder craning his neck for notice while the press swarmed around Hall of Famer and elder brother Cal.


  • 游客们可以歌手Tom Prasada-Rao学习OM唱法以及歌曲“哈利路亚•哈”,或者聆听来自旧金山牧师保罗弗罗姆伯格谈论2005年另一名男子婚礼

    Visitors could learn from Tom Prasada-Rao, a singer, how to chant “OmandHallelujah Hare Krishna”, or hear Paul Fromberg, a pastor from San Francisco, talking about his 2005 wedding to another man.


  • 游客们可以歌手Tom Prasada-Rao学习OM唱法以及歌曲“哈利路亚•哈”,或者聆听来自旧金山牧师保罗弗罗姆伯格谈论2005年另一名男子婚礼

    Visitors could learn from Tom Prasada-Rao, a singer, how to chant “OmandHallelujah Hare Krishna”, or hear Paul Fromberg, a pastor from San Francisco, talking about his 2005 wedding to another man.


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