• 告诉4B - 1·考德的哥哥她把纸条转交给她。

    I told her I was Phoebe Caulfield's brother, in 4b-1, and I asked her to please give Phoebe the note.


  • 班菲先生热切希望那些无法亲自面对冰冷深海人们展示海底世界美丽

    Mr Banfi said he was keen to show the beauty of the undersea world to those who can't face the icy deep themselves.


  • 本周田纳西州市,在那里布克·华盛顿高中毕业同学们发表了演说。

    This week, I went to Memphis, Tennessee, where I spoke to the graduating class of Booker T. Washington High School.


  • 加西,形势变得艰难,因为加西的人们喜欢工作他们认为卡扎终结之后凭借石油所有人都成为百万富翁。

    But in Benghazi it will be difficult because people in Benghazi they don't like to work, they think when Gaddafi is finished with all the oil everyone will be a millionaire.


  • 卡扎上校承诺重新夺回反对派堡垒加西声称不会姑息和同情继续顽强抵抗叛军战士

    Colonel Gaddafi has promised to retake the opposition stronghold of Benghazi and says there will be no mercy for rebel fighters who continue to resist him.


  • 斯已经曼哈顿音乐学院朱莉亚音乐学院开设学习学员们可以在一时间了解斯乐团花费多年克服各种困难

    Orpheus has begun leading workshops at the Manhattan and Juilliard schools of music, and students are learning at first hand about some of the difficulties that Orpheus has taken years to overcome.


  • 看过穆阿迈尔·卡扎最后时刻悲惨视频后,年轻翻译阿卜杜拉了电话,去年春天加西一起工作过。

    After viewing a few of the gruesome videos of Muammar Qaddafi's last moments, I called Abdullah, the young translator with whom I'd worked in Benghazi last spring.


  • 艺术家加西墙上绘制了一讽刺卡扎的漫画。

    An artist paints a caricature of Muammar Gaddafi on a wall in Benghazi.


  • 卡扎上校急速开进加西意味着外界要么几天之内干预要么干预。

    Colonel Qaddafi's rapid advance to Benghazi meant that the outside world had to intervene within days or not at all.


  • 从轻方面来看,至少让卡扎的陆军会受到加西以及其他叛变地区回击,当然这是以平民保护下免受攻击为前提的。

    At the very least, his ground forces will need to be pushed back from Benghazi and other rebel areas, if civilians are to be protected from attack.


  • 至《经济学人发稿,发现联合国安理会对此作最后商讨卡扎已经加西进军

    As the Economist went to press, the UN Security Council was at last discussing this but Colonel Qaddafi was advancing towards Benghazi.


  • 至于阿卜杜拉枪杀卡扎很满意,他确信是某个人处决了卡扎城内个传言说是一个西人枪。

    As for Abdullah, he was sanguine about the shooting. He was sure someone had executed Qaddafi, and the rumor around town was that a Benghazian had pulled the trigger.


  • 当时利比亚,从事职能提供年轻人社会地位上升机会于是1961年卡扎进入位于加西的利比亚军事学院

    In Libya at that time, a military career provided an opportunity for upward mobility, and Qaddafi entered the Libyan military academy in Benghazi in 1961.


  • 自从星期西方轰炸阻止卡扎坦克进入加西利比亚大大降低西方干预的门槛

    Since Western bombing stopped the colonel's tanks advancing on Benghazi two weeks ago, Libyans' threshold for accepting foreign intervention has become markedly lower.


  • 利比亚反对派加西卡扎上校儿子的黎波里附近击毙已经埋葬尼瓦里附近。

    The Libyan opposition in Benghazi say that one of Colonel Gaddafi's sons has been killed near Tripoli and has been buried near Bani Walid.


  • 北约空军介入阻止卡扎动摇加西可能地停止反叛

    It was the intervention of NATO aircraft that prevented Gadhafi from rolling into Benghazi and potentially halting the rebellion.


  • 加西一名英国记者告诉BBC这座城市受到支持卡扎力量的猛烈炮轰但是下午晚些时候出现炮火

    A British journalist in Benghazi told the BBC that the city had been heavily shelled by pro-Gaddafi forces, but that there had not been any incoming fire since late afternoon.


  • 上周美国参议员麦凯恩访问加西呼吁卡扎上校海外冻结资产转给反对派

    Last week, the US Senator John McCain visited Benghazi and called for Colonel Gaddafi's frozen assets abroad to be released to the opposition.


  • 自从以前西方轰炸行动制止了卡扎上校的坦克往加西推进利比亚人民接受外国干预门槛已经明显降低

    Since Western bombing stopped the colonel’s tanks advancing on Benghazi two weeks ago, Libyansthreshold for accepting foreign intervention has become markedly lower.


  • 第一自行车很伤感因为从来没有自己自行车;罗斯买了送给

    Ben's first "big kid's bike" prompts Phoebe to reveal that she's never had a bike of her own; Ross gives her one as a gift.


  • 人马:麦克·梅尔斯·莱克,卡梅隆·迪亚茨·奥娜,艾迪·-驴子以及安东尼奥·德拉斯-穿靴子的猫。

    The regular gang: Mike Myers as Shrek, Cameron Diaz as Fiona, Eddie Murphy as Donkey, and Antonio Banderas as Puss in Boots.


  • 在国内,利比亚叛军战斗动摇卡扎上校加西的统治基础,他们正在向首都的黎波里推进

    Rebel troops fighting to topple Colonel Muammar Qaddafi broke out of their enclavearound Benghazi but struggled to advance towardsTripoli, thecapital.


  • 清晨时分加西欢腾人群发射自动火炮,庆祝卡扎统治已经过去。

    In the early hours of the morning, jubilant crowds in Benghazi celebrated the passing of Colonel Gaddafi's rule with volleys of automatic fire.


  • 安理会投票之前卡扎黎波里电台节目宣称他当晚进攻加西使得投票更加紧迫

    Speaking on a radio call-in show in Tripoli before the vote, Colonel Qaddafi raised the level of urgency on the vote, saying that his forces would begin an assault on Benghazi that night.


  • 安理会投票之前卡扎黎波里电台节目宣称他当晚进攻加西使得投票更加紧迫

    Speaking on a radio call-in show in Tripoli before the vote, Colonel Qaddafi raised the level of urgency on the vote, saying that his forces would begin an assault on Benghazi that night.


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