• 一些方面看夸克——胶子物质看上去非常眼熟,和相对重离子对撞机理想液体一样,我们从中得以发现一些新的东西。

    In some respects, the quark-gluon matter looks familiar, still the ideal liquid seen at RHIC, but we're also starting to see glimpses of something new.


  • 灵魂这个词时,我将会脑中泛起二元学说灵魂,一种非物质无形东西

    When I use the word "soul," I'm going to have in mind this dualist view according to which the soul is something immaterial, nonphysical.


  • 此刻,对测试最大期盼来自欧洲粒子物理研究所(CERN)的大型强子对撞机(LHC)实验室,强子对撞机设计用来寻找构成物质细小基本粒子

    Right now, the best hope for string theory tests comes from CERN's Large Hadron Collider, which is designed to find the tiniest elementary particles that make up matter.


  • 其实笛卡尔的本体中,世界上只有实体心灵物质上帝

    In fact, in Cartesian ontology there are only three kinds of substance: mind, matter and God.


  • 对于笛卡尔二元来说还有几个主要问题其中一个非常著名,是关于两个不同物质是如何互动的。

    There're also some major problems for Cartesian dualism, one of them a famous problem uh, how can two such distinct substances interact at all.


  • 例如基于广义相对科学家们认为物质存在是因为宇宙物体运转表明似乎它们我们观测到大的质量

    Based on general relativity, for example, scientists think dark matter exists because some cosmic objects behave as if they have more mass than we can see.


  • 按照元学说心灵这种物质的物体,我们不同名字

    According to the dualist, the mind is this immaterial substance and we could call it by different names.


  • 物质主义按照这个观点没有灵魂

    And there's the physicalist view, according to which there are no souls.


  • 这种心智物质区分先天假设称之为常识二元”。

    He calls this innate assumption that mind and matter are distinct "common-sense dualism".


  • 这种方法可以使相对量子相和谐,前者可以解释信息处理过程怎样创造空间——时间,后者可以解释信息处理怎样创造能量和物质

    Such an approach could reconcile relativity and quantum theories, with the former being how information processing creates space-time, and the latter how it creates energy and matter.


  • 现象是指光线在时空中传播过程中由于质量物质的引力而发生弯曲,这也是爱因斯坦广义相对预言的。

    This phenomenon, predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity, causes light to curve as it flies through space-time that has been dented by the gravity of large bodies of mass.


  • 如果我们现在二元框架灵魂观念是非物质的东西,不是一般原子组成物质

    If the very idea of soul that we're working with here under the dualist picture is the soul as an immaterial substance, it's not made of ordinary atomic matter.


  • "灵魂"这个词时,我会采用二元思路,因为他们认为,灵魂是非物质,非物理

    When I use the word "Soul," I'm going to have in mind this dualist view according to which the soul is something immaterial, nonphysical.


  • 二元认为心灵就是灵魂,而灵魂一种物质实体

    The dualist position is that the mind is a soul and the soul is an immaterial object.


  • 认为尼采反对,已物质实体胜于物质心灵

    But really I think Nietzsche rejects both sides of the duality. There's no merely material body any more than there's an incorporeal mind.


  • 他们需要量子力学相对这两大物理学统一起来——前者是人类微观粒子运行的描述,而后者则适用解释宏观的空间时间物质相互作用的机制。

    They have to stitch quantum theory - our description of how very small things behave - together with relativity - the theory behind the way space, time and matter interact.


  • 而且因为它们之间存在交互——或者说没有星体物质在它们间流动——我们提供处独特的星体实验室,在这个实验室里我们可以寻找广义相对引发的效果并且探测极端重力

    And because there is no interaction-or star matter streaming between them-we may have a unique stellar laboratory here to look for effects of general relativity and probe for extreme gravity.


  • 其二形而上学认识基本信念:客观世界逻辑本质物质实体存在确信,是对心灵所具有超验理性能力的确信。

    Secondly, there were two basic faithes in metaphysics:one is the existence of objective world logic essential and material entity, two is the existence of the mind'trancendent reasonableness.


  • 但是二元没有给出这样解释也许我们假设物质的存在好一些

    But dualism doesn't so much offer the explanation typically as just say, "Well, maybe we'd be better off positing something immaterial."


  • 并未包括特定杂质化学对照物质相对保留时间。

    The monograph does not include chemical reference substances or relative retentions for specified impurities.


  • 按照古典广义相对既不是物质也不是信息黑洞内部流动外面观察者那里

    According to classical general relativity, neither matter nor information can flow from the interior of a black hole to an outside observer.


  • 大多数天体物理学家接受这个情形自从依照广义相对充份密度物质任何集中一定必然坍缩一个黑洞

    Most astrophysicists accept that this is the case, since according to general relativity, any concentration of matter of sufficient density must necessarily collapse into a black hole.


  • 物质实体精神实体、上帝实体批判摧毁了形而上学认识

    He has shattered metaphysics epistemology by the criticism of material entity. spiritual entity and God entity.


  • 三月份时候,宣称日本地震海啸警告”,因为这个国家追崇“偶像崇拜无神以及物质主义”这类歪门邪道。

    In March he sparked a storm of criticism by claiming the earthquake and tsunami in Japan was "God's warning" to a country that follows "idol worship, atheism, and materialism".


  • 通过现实个人存在基础的分析指出现实个人它们活动及其物质生活条件

    Through the analysis of ontological bases of realistic individual, the author points out that actual individuals constitutes the material living condition of their activities.


  • 三种基本类型一元公认的:物质一元理想主义的一元,心的东西。

    Three basic types of monism are recognized: materialistic monism, idealistic monism, and the mind-stuff theory.


  • 如果按照欧洲药典物质进行分析,我需要证明符合国家吗?

    If I analyse a substance according to a Ph. Eur. monograph, do I also need to demonstrate compliance with the national monograph?


  • 如果按照欧洲药典物质进行分析,我需要证明符合国家吗?

    If I analyse a substance according to a Ph. Eur. monograph, do I also need to demonstrate compliance with the national monograph?


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