• 没有大学18娶了大8的安妮·海瑟薇

    He did not go to university and at age 18 married Anne Hathaway, who was eight years his senior.


  • 右腿上,裤子被卷膝盖爸爸举重器材上取下来塑料板,正他那超级大拇趾的底隔大约一秒钟的时间,他便上下伸展弯曲一下他的大拇趾

    His right pant leg was rolled up to the knee, and on the end of his big toe was a plastic weight from his dad's weightlifting set. Every second or so, Hayden flexed his toe up, then down.


  • 好的拥抱感情·利克氏疗法:人们双臂环绕着,用力一下,然后所有湿湿嗒嗒的一恐惧忧虑,都会嘴里喷涌而出,然后你就自由呼吸了。

    A hug is like an emotional Heimlich: they put their arms around you and give you a squeeze and all your fear and anxiety goes shooting out of your mouth like a big, wet wad and you can breathe again.


  • 我们现在已经有了神经成像基因组扫描那样工具搜寻与阿尔茨海默氏症有关基因以及经一大批经过长时间随访人群样本。

    We now have such tools as neuroimaging and genome-wide scans that hunt for genes related to risk, as well as big samples of people who've been followed over time.


  • 1959年,古根海姆博物馆开张的那会儿,第五大道可以双向通车

    In 1959, when the Guggenheim Museum opened, traffic on Fifth Avenue moved in both directions.


  • 年前天文馆成员重新设计馆内展品时,他们冥王星划入伊伯天体的集团中,还不是八大行星在一起。

    A decade ago, when he and the Hayden staff redesigned the planetarium's exhibits, they lumped Pluto with the Kuiper Belt objects rather than with the eight official planets.


  • 光芒能产生使蜗牛看起来实际假象,这种光芒使呈现鲜艳的外表吓退掠食者

    The light creates the illusion that the snail is bigger than it really is, giving it a glowing presence for warding off predators.


  • 第谷·布拉赫号飞船周五越过热火- 1x号火箭发动机头顶波罗平台升空(如图),私人太空飞行本周向前迈出了大步

    Private spaceflight took one giant step forward this week when the Tycho Brahe craft lifted off atop the HEAT-1X rocket engine Friday (pictured) from a platform in the Baltic Sea.


  • 大卫又从属哈大利提巴(提巴或作比他)均二中夺取了许多的后来所罗门制造,铜柱,和一切的铜器

    From Tebah and Cun, towns that belonged to Hadadezer, David took a great quantity of bronze, which Solomon used to make the bronze Sea, the pillars and various bronze articles.


  • 丹麦拥有座世界令人震撼大桥连接东西丹麦贝尔特海峡大桥横跨瑞典和丹麦之间的厄勒海

    Denmark boasts two of the world's most impressive: the Great Belt bridge linking east and west Denmark, and the Oresund bridge spanning the strait between Sweden and Denmark.


  • 2010年大都会人寿基金会调查55岁以上恐惧疾病就是阿尔茨海默氏症。

    People over 55 dread getting Alzheimer’s more than any other disease, according to a 2010 survey by the MetLife Foundation.


  • 虽然一个汗水毛孔往往会指纹留下空洞但韦特海姆表示这些空洞拉长显得异常

    Although a person's sweat pores often leave voids in a fingerprint, Wertheim says that these voids were unusually big and elongated.


  • 2010年大都会人寿基金会调查55岁以上恐惧疾病就是阿尔茨海默氏症。

    People over 55 dread getting Alzheimer's more than any other disease, according to a 2010 survey by the MetLife Foundation.


  • 海曼·明斯基在1982年本书《“”还会发生吗?》,提升了发生大萧条可能性

    Hyman Minsky wrote a 1982 book, "Can 'it' Happen Again?," that raised the possibility of a new depression.


  • 叹息一声,塔克·海大拇趾芭蕾舞

    I groaned. Hayden Tucker's big toe in a tutu?


  • 阻断太平洋地方加勒比海出口虾的地方)虾(洪都拉斯拉丁美洲第二大出口商)的运输

    This disrupted the transport of shrimps (Honduras is Latin America’s second-biggest exporter) from the Pacific, where they are caught, to the Caribbean, from where they are exported.


  • 汉默斯坦桑德海姆有非常大影响尤其是培养起音乐剧热爱上。

    Hammerstein had a profound influence on the young Sondheim, especially in his development of love for musical theater.


  • 加拿大第四名车队而言相当大鼓励但是霍根·海姆出现一个转折点,而那场比赛在赛车出现机械故障一直都非常有竞争力

    Finishing fourth in Canada was a big boost for me and the team but the turning point was Hockenheim, where I was really competitive in the race until the mechanical problem.


  • 可能会使有点不快,但是不会看到我家有更的电视机时出现的失落那么大,因为拥有记忆——正是加勒比海之间独一无二联系使成为你特有的假期。

    It might bother you a little bit, but not nearly to the same degree because you have your memories - it's your unique connection to the Caribbean that makes it your holiday.


  • 亲爱的海丽明天一大早发现了踪,一定大为惊奇;等你弄明白了我上什么地方去,一定又会发笑。我想到这里,自己也禁不住笑出来了。

    My DEAR HARRIET, — you will laugh when you know where I am gone, and I cannot help laughing myself at your surprise tomorrow morning, as soon as I am missed.


  • 奥托梅拉里奥斯-佩雷斯,27岁,认定提供虚假信息引诱一些受害者至亚特兰大秘密地点然后强迫她们每天接客

    Otto Jaime Larios-Perez, 27, who has admitted one count of providing false information, drove victims to several secret locations in the Atlanta area, forcing them to see multiple clients a day.


  • 海梅一世大学人格心理学小组两个跨文化项目补充了他们研究

    The Personality and Psychopathology Group at the UJI has complemented these studies with two transcultural projects.


  • 电子商贸背景皮士建立收费模式将会大派用场

    His ecommerce background will come in handy when introducing revenue models into HiPiHi.


  • 知非诗,未为奇奇,的,大几乎一片空白,那灿烂霞光天边就是何海霞

    Without the Tao, never is there wonder in poetry. The sea is big, its wide expanses spread out to the horizon where the sun casts its glorious rays.


  • 早餐麦片制造商通用磨坊凯洛格卡夫食品公司(吉百利所有者),啤酒生产商英博安海斯-布希它们最低需求品进行了保值措施。

    Breakfast cereal makers General Mills and Kellogg, food maker Kraft (owner of Cadbury), and giant beer makers InBev and Anheuser-Busch have all hedged at least part of their requirements.


  • 宋海岩教授执教于世界第二旅游酒店管理学院

    Professor Haivan Song lectures at the world's second largest university teaching travel and hospitality courses.


  • 阿斯特尔夫人重视礼议,行为端庄,说话时态度和蔼可亲,总是审慎地举雨伞;海茉斯丽夫人则信奉大喝雷鸣肘关节(即武力)。

    Mrs Astor set great store by good manners, civility, kind remarks and the careful handling of umbrellas; Mrs Helmsley believed in loud words and elbows.


  • 海下麦夸里山脉暴露出来一部分大构造板块碰撞形成

    The oceanic island is the exposed part of the undersea Macquarie Ridge, which is formed by the meeting of two tectonic plates.


  • 名男子给一大片海蓬子拍照。日本北海道能取,2009年9月22日。

    A man takes a picture of a colony of coral grass, or glasswort, at Lake Notoro in Abashiri, on Japan's nothern island of Hokkaido September 22, 2009.


  • 名男子给一大片海蓬子拍照。日本北海道能取,2009年9月22日。

    A man takes a picture of a colony of coral grass, or glasswort, at Lake Notoro in Abashiri, on Japan's nothern island of Hokkaido September 22, 2009.


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