• 一个缺乏短期流动性国家可能不愿国际货币基金组织寻求“备用信贷协议”——IMF危机贷款中流砥柱。

    A country lacking short-term liquidity would be loth to approach the IMF for a loan under the "stand-by arrangement", the mainstay of the IMF's crisis lending.


  • 指出最近危机好处评估银行是否未来拥有足够流动性提供了一个基准

    One benefit of the recent crisis, he says, is that it will provide a benchmark for assessing whether Banks have enough liquidity in the future.


  • 银行面临循环流动性危机时,管理机构会计师可以松口气了——正如2002年欧洲那时保险公司面临股价下跌清偿能力风险一样。

    And regulators and accountants could ease up when Banks risk a liquidity spiral-as in Europe in 2002, when insurers faced a solvency crisis over falling share prices.


  • 阶段中央银行迅速放贷避免出现有损于金融机构两性运行的流动性危机

    In the containment stage, central Banks need to lend quickly, to avoid a liquidity crisis that will undermine sound institutions.


  • 一些过去可以贷款债券到期债务滚动起来的企业如今面对一场或许导致他们进入昂贵债务重组流动性危机

    Firms that in the past would have been able to roll over their loans, bonds and debts coming to maturity now face a liquidity crisis that may lead them into costly debt restructuring.


  • 一点央行应该更深的插手干预流动性危机

    The first says that central banks should get their hands dirtier during liquidity crises.


  • 这些其他削减反映越来越多流动性危机

    These and other retrenchments reflect a growing liquidity crisis.


  • 银行监管者中央银行能否防止未来流动性危机

    Can bank regulators and central Banks prevent future liquidity crises?


  • SBA协议的另外一个使得那么适合处理暂时流动性危机特点资金阶段拨付的。

    The second feature of the SBA that makes it less well suited to dealing with temporary liquidity crises is that funding is usually released in phased tranches.


  • 由于采取了“量化宽松其他超常措施注入流动性英美央行的资产负债表规模剧增——超过危机前一倍有余。

    Thanks to “quantitative easingand other unorthodox measures to pump in liquidity, central banksbalance-sheets are swollen—to well over twice their pre-crisis size in Britain and America.


  • 由于采取了“量化宽松其他超常措施注入流动性英美央行资产负债表规模剧增——超过危机前一倍有余。

    Thanks to "quantitative easing" and other unorthodox measures to pump in liquidity, central Banks' balance-sheets are swollen-to well over twice their pre-crisis size in Britain and America.


  • 类似2008年的金融危机再度来临,任何流动性机制或许太小不足以支撑整个行业

    Any liquidity facility may be too small to shore up the entire industry in a 2008-like storm.


  • 是个问题也是真实危机伴随着欧洲银行流动性

    And that is an open question and a real risk, along with the liquidity of Banks in Europe.


  • 流动性风险当前的次贷危机向下流动性螺旋曲线理论。

    Liquidity risk and the current crisis: downward liquidity spirals.


  • 银行通过承担流动性风险(需长期持有容易卖出的抵押品)以及信用危机(还款承诺可能无法实现危险)来获得利润

    Banks make their profits from bearing liquidity risk (holding on to long-term pledges that cannot easily be sold), as well as from credit risk (the danger that such promises may not be kept).


  • 为了避免新的一年出现流动性危机付出如此高昂代价完全值得的:对弱小银行来说,能够以与强大的银行相同利率借款完全不到不知好上多少。

    It is worth paying a high price to stave off a liquidity crisis over New Year: better that weak Banks are able to borrow at the same rates as strong ones than that they are not able to borrow at all.


  • 欧洲稳定机制支付能力危机流动性危机区分开来;破产国家债券持有人预计分担损失此项规定2013年后才会生效

    The mechanism distinguishes a “solvencycrisis from a “liquidity” one, with bondholders in insolvent countries expected to take the brunt of losses, but does not come into force until 2013.


  • 第四危机许多公司毁灭性的因为偿付能力忧虑导致流动性问题

    And fourth, the crisis was destructive to many firms because solvency worries led to liquidity problems.


  • 官员争论因为美国其他国家依靠证券市场更多,依靠银行更少危机更多的是因为流动性不足而不是无偿还能力

    Officials argue that because America relies more on securities markets and less on Banks than other countries, its crisis was rooted more in illiquidity than in insolvency.


  • 美元去年反弹由于我们经历全球性流动性危机但是我们认为在这之后市场规则已经发生了改变并且现在发生的这些事情与以往很大区别[要是有一个市场正在抛售的话]”

    "The dollar rallied last year because we had a global liquidity crisis, but we think the rules have changed and that it will be very different this time [if there is another market sell-off]" he said.


  • 诚然,这场危机结束后,华尔街游说者反对资本金要求流动性方面的繁重监管

    The lobbies of Wall Street will, it is true, resist onerous regulation of capital requirements or liquidity, after this crisis is over.


  • 第三希腊破产(并非流动性危机,而是崩溃)给欧洲财政危机雪上加霜,从而导致欧元相对美元贬值

    Third is the European financial crisis sparked by the insolvency of Greece (no mere liquidity crisis in that country-it's broke), which has driven down the value of the Euro relative to the dollar.


  • 但是信用危机一个教训就是,在市场干涸时候银行仍然流动性重要承销者

    But one of the lessons of the credit crunch is that Banks are still important underwriters of liquidity when markets dry up.


  • 但是信用危机一个教训就是,在市场干涸时候银行仍然流动性重要承销者

    But one of the lessons of the credit crunch is that Banks are still important underwriters of liquidity when markets dry up.


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