• 消防队员记者成群普通底特律市民都聚在不通礼堂里。

    Firemen, reporters and throngs of ordinary Detroiters jammed into the seats.


  • 短期内昂贵的凹凸不平,手持理想流动工人需要一个数位助理挤得水泄不通的特点

    In short it 'sa pricey rugged handheld, but ideal for mobile workers who need a digital assistant packed with features.


  • 这家被水泄不通的商店位于哈瓦那卡洛斯三世购物中心的中心地带,当前被特许销售电脑的唯一卖场

    The crowded store in central Havana's Carlos III shopping center is the only outlet in the country now selling the PCs.


  • 每天上百万人都要经历漫长通勤,要么拥挤公交,要么水泄不通自行车的确是件苦差事儿!

    It was supposed to be a day of drudgery with millions facing lengthy commutes on crowded buses and packed cycle lanes.


  • 1925年七月那个酷热日子里,不通的法庭里就位时,人群中响起一阵嘁嘁喳喳的议论声。

    A buzz ran through the crowd as I took my place in the packed court on day in 1925.


  • 看着水泄不通招聘现场,看着师兄师姐投出了千百毫无音讯的简历应该好好规划一下职业生涯了。

    Looking at an impenetrable recruitment site, looking at the elder dharma brothers and sisters threw millions of copies of your resume, I have no words to should be a good planning my career.


  • 情况变得团混乱,警察此刻已经被围得水泄不通拳击台,试图恢复秩序,可混乱发生连锁反应一样,酒店大厅接着外面街道扩散而去。

    All hell broke loose, the police came into a by-now crowded ring to try and restore order and like a ripple effect the bedlam moved to the hotel lobby and then the streets outside.


  • 成千上万的狭窄的街道挤得水泄不通

    Thousands of people crowded the narrow streets.


  • 也许正是这种丧葬习俗解释了为什么房子排布水泄不通连街道的空间都没有了。

    It may be this burial custom that explains why the houses were packed in so tightly without streets.


  • 首都黎波里居民们武器空中汽车喇叭,把街道水泄不通

    In Tripoli, the capital, residents fired weapons into the air and blasted their car horns, crowding the streets.


  • 首府达马图鲁太平间里,只有个工作人员处理尸体,因而显得水泄不通

    The mortuary in Damaturu, the capital of Yobe state, was overwhelmed as a single employee coped with the influx of dead bodies.


  • 保罗生活的奥伯豪森海洋世界族馆游客来自欧洲各国媒体水泄不通

    Paul's home at Sea Life aquarium in Oberhausen has been inundated with visitors and media from across Europe.


  • 现实世界里接近分布式拒绝服务攻击大规模静坐乌合之众,他们把建筑物围得水泄不通,没人可以进出。

    The closest equivalent to a DDOS attack in the offline world would be a mass sit-in or a mob milling around a building, making entry and exit impossible.


  • 该国一家网吧2002年开张之后效仿者络绎不绝甚至把网吧开到了乡下其中一些电玩儿童挤得水泄不通

    The country's first cyber cafe opened in 2002 and was soon followed by others, even in the countryside. Some are packed with children playing computer games.


  • 刚果(金)省,成千上万受惊群众将该省的条条大道吐得水泄不通平民这次南部大迁移为了保护自己以及其家人。

    Tens of thousands of terrified civilians are jamming the roads of Congo’s North Kivu province in a frantic southbound exodus in the hope of self-preservation (see map).


  • 运输船上塞满成千上万只出口的,簇拥在肮脏围栏中水泄不通

    These sheep are crammed onto ships by the tens of thousands, crowded into filthy pens, and packed so tightly they can barely move.


  • 然而食品发放仍困难重重一个发放站点的出口绝望的人们围的不通

    But the distribution of food was scattershot, and every outlet was swamped with desperate crowds.


  • 是美国主要职业棒球队中的一名普通内场手,他进入棒球名人哥哥卡尔·瑞普总被媒体包围水泄不通他却得努力伸长脖子招人注意

    But it couldn't have been easy being Billy Ripken either, an unexceptional major league 4 infielder craning his neck for notice while the press swarmed around Hall of Famer and elder brother Cal.


  • 70万会展中心填得水泄不通他们痴痴地盯着漫画,观赏着最新款的电玩游戏自己的幻想眼前招摇。

    Some 700,000 people crammed into the convention centre to gawk at comic books, see the latest games and watch their fantasies strut by.


  • 上周五,位于纽约第五大道苹果Apple专卖店被无数玩家水泄不通,大家都在竞相购买iPad 2。 据店员估计当天售出的iPad 2中,有一半将会被带往海外,重新出售。

    The staff manning the huge crowd that mobbed Apple's (AAPL) Fifth Avenue Store Friday estimate that as many as half the iPads sold that day were being bought for re-sale overseas.


  • 不是目前防护体系已经核心资产保护水泄不通而是黑客目前盯上

    Not the current protection system has the protection of core assets is currently not packed, but hackers eyeing you.


  • 是啊中考想法早已压力担心紧张等等等等里三层外三层地了个水泄不通

    Yes, tests, in mine idea by the pressure, the worry, anxious and so on and so on with huge crowds of people have already been encircled watertight.


  • 条狭窄街上都是两户合住的朴素房屋草地,这时已跟随的人挤得水泄不通

    The narrow street with its modest two-family dwellings and tiny lawns was packed with his followers.


  • 当地银行顾客挤得水泄不通。银行被迫最高提款限额降低一半

    Local banks, besieged by customers, were forced to halve the maximum withdrawal limit.


  • 利雅得主要大街亚大街上,要出动大批交通警察维持秩序,马路总是被开车兜风年轻人水泄不通

    Along Olaya Street, Riyadh's main drag, traffic police are out in force. The road is clogged with cars packed with young men cruising.


  • 利雅得主要大街亚大街上,要出动大批交通警察维持秩序,马路总是被开车兜风年轻人水泄不通

    Along Olaya Street, Riyadh's main drag, traffic police are out in force. The road is clogged with cars packed with young men cruising.


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