• 塔拉先生已经呼吁了,但是加纳比亚拒绝了

    Mr Ouattara has called for it, but Ghana and the Gambia objected.


  • 爱因斯坦父亲赫尔曼,于1847年生于布彻的斯比亚,这个犹太人群体刚刚开始享受自由选择工作权利。

    Einstein's father, Hermann, was born in 1847 in the Swabian village of Buchau, whose thriving Jewish community was just beginning to enjoy the right to practice any vocation.


  • 周末往来纳米比亚首都古老德国殖民小镇加海滨度假胜地科普蒙德,沿途去野外驾驶沙丘远足喂饲狮子的游客停站。

    On weekends it trundles between the Namibian capital and the old German colonial seaside resort of Swakopmund, stopping along the way for game drives, dune excursions and lion-feeding.


  • 比亚在接受英国金融时报》采访时表示,首要打击目标之一泰航现任前任高管占公司便宜的行为——许多高管认为,乘坐免费头等舱是理所当然的。

    He told the Financial Times that one of his prime targets was freeloading by current and former executives of the airline, many of whom claimed free first class seats as a matter of course.


  • 亚比·米勒以后萨迦朵多孙子,普儿子拉兴起,拯救以色列人。以法莲山地密。

    And after Abimelech there arose to defend Israel Tola the son of Puah, the son of Dodo, a man of Issachar; and he dwelt in Shamir in mount Ephraim.


  • 亚比·米勒以后,有以萨迦朵多孙子,普儿子拉兴起,拯救以色列人

    After the time of Abimelech a man of Issachar, Tola son of Puah, the son of Dodo, rose to save Israel.


  • 租金虽然还算低廉但是自1999年后已经跳跃式增长了30%,人数众多热爱咖啡馆的斯比亚雅皮人士们也受到广大公众的鄙夷

    Rents, although still low, have jumped by 30% since 1999. The Swabian yuppie, with multiple offspring and a fondness for coffee bars, is a widely despised figure.


  • 看不起纽伦堡其他翻译,要么满嘴夹杂比亚的厚重辅音,要么是一口波兰式英语,审讯被审讯者同样感到迷糊。

    Mr Sonnenfeldt was contemptuous of other interpreters at Nuremberg who, through a thick lard of Swabian consonants or Polish syntax, could fuddle questioner and questioned alike.


  • 格鲁吉亚实验病理学治疗研究所所长米克比亚表示,“我们打算重返太空”。20世纪80年代,该研究所曾项目提供猴子

    We have plans to return to space, said Zurab Mikvabia, director of the Institute of Experimental Pathology and Therapy in Georgia which supplied apes for the programme in the 1980s.


  • 埃塞俄比亚的中阿什(MiddleAwash地球最早人类活动地区,我们祖先的一支曾在此生息繁衍,深埋于此600万年之久

    The Middle Awash area of Ethiopia is the most persistently occupied place on Earth. Members of our lineage have lived, died, and been buried there for almost six million years.


  • 早期人类:之前人们一直认为第一现代人类在阿士阿拉米中部埃塞俄比亚发现的。

    Early humans: Middle Awash Aramis, Ethiopia, where the first 'modern' human beings were thought to have been discovered.


  • 2006年4月7日|日内-严重旱灾导致食品危机影响吉布提厄立特里亚埃塞俄比亚肯尼亚索马里1500万民众。

    April 2006 | GENEVA - Severe drought has resulted in a food crisis affecting more than 15 million people across Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia.


  • 1896年阿比西尼亚(译者注:今埃塞俄比亚灾难性阿多之役大约有六千多名意大利士兵丧生。

    Some 6, 000 Italians were killed in the disastrous battle of Adowa in Abyssinia in 1896.


  • 1966年1月齐诺·阿切比参加了由成立尼日利亚作家协会(Societyof Nigerian Authors,缩写sna)举办的场会议

    In January 1966 Chinua Achebe attended a meeting of the newly founded Society of Nigerian Authors.


  • -泽比亚鼻子面具可能能够保护里,但是如果接近勒布朗·詹姆斯的话事情可能会变得有一些棘手只有首发才受到影响的。

    Wally Szczerbiak, Nose: the mask should protect Wally, but things could become tricky if he gets too close to the LeBron James chalk cloud. Only starters are affected.


  • 通往尔德里奥省亚历杭德罗·罗伊纳烟草种植园的道路。

    The road leading from the Alejandro Robaina Tobacco Plantation in the Pinar del Rio region.


  • 南部地区德国,德国巴伐利亚州比亚有着许多菜肴

    The southern regions of Germany, Bavaria and Swabia share many dishes.


  • 南部地区巴伐利亚比亚,当地的美食类似于瑞士和奥地利。

    In the southern regions of Bavaria and Swabia food is more similar to Switzerland and Austria.


  • 邻国厄尔特里亚边境冲突意味着埃塞俄比亚不能使用阿萨布马萨港口

    The border conflict with neighboring Eritrea means Ethiopia's unable to use the natural ports of Asab and Massawa.


  • 指出水泥泥土建造应急防洪堤坝竖立格里哈尔上,已经迅速隆起,有淹没该州首府比亚埃尔莫萨的威胁

    He pointed to emergency levees made of concrete and dirt erected on the banks of the Grijalva, which has swelled rapidly and threatens to flood the state capital, Villahermosa.


  • 柬埔寨人中国人日本人萨尔以及埃塞俄比亚当地菜肴带入美国,为本令人心醉美国烹调品种锦上添花。

    Cambodians Chinese, Japanese, El Salvadorians, and Ethiopians bring their native dishes to add to the United States, already heady culinary stew.


  • 星期天肯尼亚选手塞缪尔。卡马乌摩洛哥选手贾。加里卜双双打破奥运男子24年不变马拉松记录,分别夺得这个项目的金牌和银牌,埃塞俄比亚选手泽盖伊。凯贝德获得铜牌。

    Kenya's Samuel Wansiru and Morocco's Jaouad Gharib Sunday broke the 24-year-old Olympic record in the Men's Marathon race while Ethiopia's Tsegay Kebede came in third.


  • 星期天肯尼亚选手塞缪尔。卡马乌摩洛哥选手贾。加里卜双双打破奥运男子24年不变马拉松记录,分别夺得这个项目的金牌和银牌,埃塞俄比亚选手泽盖伊。凯贝德获得铜牌。

    Kenya's Samuel Wansiru and Morocco's Jaouad Gharib Sunday broke the 24-year-old Olympic record in the Men's Marathon race while Ethiopia's Tsegay Kebede came in third.


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