• 花档背后的一段德忌笠街兰桂坊,为传统华人居住区

    After the stalls, accompanied with Lan Kwai Fong were the traditional Chinese residential area.


  • 这本涉及法国历史上迷人时期知道更多关于星座的事。

    The book deals with a fascinating period in French history, but it left me wanting to know more about the Zodiac of Dendera itself.


  • 研究的作者奥黛丽·范梅尔说:“当你手写购物清单或便条时,一时间后你的记忆力会更好。”

    "When you write your shopping list or notes by hand, you simply remember things better after some time," said Audrey van der Meer, author of the study.


  • 一阶可能发生事情仅仅猜测弗洛伊称之为“心理玄学”。

    What can happen during this phase can be only a matter for speculations, for what Freud called "metapsychology".


  • 约翰·的《单词起源》中发现这个希腊单词本身已经有一历史

    I see in John Ayto's word Origins that the Greek word itself has a history.


  • 因此试图说明,-讲义中上面,-恰莱试图说明,上帝创造亚当夏娃的故事并不能证明性别地位一说

    And so Chudleigh attempts to demonstrate - and this is the passage at the top of the handout - Chudleigh attempts to demonstrate that the Genesis story of Adam and Eve establishes no such thing.


  • 2001年开始,布罗担任马里兰大学新闻系教授杜克大学教过时间

    Starting in 2001, Broder also served as a journalism professor at the University of Maryland. He also taught for a time at Duke University.


  • 另一个据说已经饱受摧残位于·瓦尔的浓缩工厂(布纳尔以南不到60英里处),时期那里已经发生过多次激战

    Another allegedly vulnerable facility is the Gadwal uranium enrichment plant, less than 60 miles south of Buner district, where some of the fiercest clashes have taken place in recent days.


  • 下面纽约人》杂志小说编辑博拉-特瑞斯曼对话讲述了成为名作家的种种危险,她的家庭以及拉文纳的联系

    Here, in a conversation with The New Yorker’s fiction editor, Deborah Treisman, she sheds light on the perils of becoming a writer, on her family, and on her connection to Ravenna.


  • 我们版本中,我们增加了作曲家丹尼-斯基的插曲,北部过冬那里寒风呼啸,扯远了...

    In our version we added a score from composer Danny Madorsky who spends his winters north, where the winds blow through Harlem, but I digress...


  • 因为韦杰夫和普京关系非常亲密开始当然蜜月期

    There certainly should be a honeymoon in the early stages because Medvedev has been very close to Putin.


  • 森的银行账户已经衰退扫荡的差不多了,但最后的还不错。

    The last part, Adelson, whose bank account has been pretty much wiped out by the recession, sings. And rather well.


  • 消失了之后又出现了,那时妈妈实际上弗洛伊的女儿,正准备,第一出去工作时间,男孩正慢慢习惯出去

    It disappears and comes back, and at that time his mother, who is actually Freud's daughter, was going out to work for the first time on some days, and the boy was getting used to letting her go.


  • 类似于公共机构中的生涯过后,成为劳工部长,又2008年布鲁塞尔彼得·尔森手中接管贸易部长一职。

    After a career in quasi-public agencies, she became a Labour minister, going to Brussels only in 2008 to take over the trade portfolio from Peter Mandelson.


  • 雷利·维提醒我们莫罕达斯的确花了时间内在的信仰转变外在的行动

    It actually took a long time for the Mahatma to turn that implicit belief into explicit action, Lelyveld reminds us.


  • 不可避免的要弗洛伊阐述:随心母乳替代我们可以母乳看成是天然的随心盖[…]。

    Here come the inevitable Freudian references: the Solo Traveler lid is a substitute for a mother's breast - what we might call nature's original travel lid.


  • 告诉知道,实际上两地相距因为克林顿镇在克拉荷马西边瑞克在西南150英里

    I didn't know, I told him. It was quite a ways, since Clinton is west of Oklahoma City and Frederick is about 150 miles southwest.


  • 尽管我们在上演哈利·波特隐身术之前恐怕还需要时间,但潘瑞仍因其理论极为复杂物理学引入主流媒体受到好评。

    While it's going to be a while before we can play at being Harry Potter, Pendry gets credit for bringing fiendishly complex physics into the mainstream media.


  • 大学理工专科学校毕业计算机专家例如学士硕士学位获准工作有限时间

    Answer: Computer specialists with university and polytechnic qualifications, e.g. Bachelor's or Master's Degrees, will be allowed to work in Germany for a limited period of time.


  • 他们找到了29人类相似特人基因序列推断出尼安特人人类的遗传相似性至少99.5%。

    They found 29 Neanderthal sequences that are similar to those of humans and concluded that Neanderthals and humans are likely to be at least 99.5% identical, genetically speaking.


  • 莱昂明白再等时间,拿到美国国籍以后实现获得奥运会金牌梦想就会巨额奖金

    De Leon said he knew that if he waited a little longer, achieved his citizenship and realized his dream of winning the Olympics, the rewards would be great.


  • 时间姆·查克团队停止摩根大通转让超高级风险

    For a while, Demchak's team stopped transferring super-senior risk from JP Morgan's books.


  • 让-克劳·比弗的农场俯瞰日内瓦湖每年时间都会奶酪

    ONCE a year, at his farm overlooking Lake Geneva, Jean-Claude Biver makes cheese.


  • 讪滴吉利村昆沙营地万欣(碎石)虽短景色壮丽弯曲山路

    It was a short but spectacular drive along twisted mountain ridges from Santikhiri to Khun Sa's old camp at Ban Hin Taek (Village of the Broken Stone).


  • 震后时间里包括福布斯亚洲专栏作家卡尔·菲尔在内的市场专家建议买入日本那些看似低价证券

    Several market pundits, including Forbes Asia's columnist Carl Delfeld, have suggested buying Japan's seemingly cheap equities in the period before and after the quake.


  • 感冒病了时间后,洛克·伍觉得已经受够这些荒野,他决定去呼啸山庄告知希斯·克里夫准备南方

    After being ill with a cold for some time, Lockwood decides that he has had enough of the moors and travels to Wuthering Heights to inform Heathcliff that he is returning to the south.


  • 感冒病了时间后,洛克·伍觉得已经受够这些荒野,他决定去呼啸山庄告知希斯·克里夫准备南方

    After being ill with a cold for some time, Lockwood decides that he has had enough of the moors and travels to Wuthering Heights to inform Heathcliff that he is returning to the south.


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