• 米利班德一旦星期日太阳报开始发行可能是8月份进一加大默多帝国英国媒体市场渗透力

    Miliband said that once a Sunday Sun was launched, possibly in August, this would add further to the Murdoch empire's penetration of the UK media market.


  • “与传统观念进一矛盾是,我们发现女性男性工作家里压力小,”研究人员之一萨拉·达马斯写道

    "Further contradicting conventional wisdom, we found that women as well as men have lower levels of stress at work than at home, " writes one of the researchers, Sarah Damske.


  • 德里几乎参与全程辅助帮助协调的治疗安排。

    Hedrick assisted on nearly all of the procedures and helped orchestrate how each would progress.


  • ·贝回忆说:“建议进一研究数据看看我们看到模糊边缘是否真实存在时,我们这个发现提交了上去。”

    "We had barely submitted that one," Finkbeiner recalls, "when I suggested we dig into the data further and see if the edges we could barely see were actually real."


  • 维尔萨预计2010年发布今年的调查结果数字很可能进一恶化。

    Vilsack said he expected the Numbers to worsen when the survey for this year is released in 2010.


  • 现在更进一希望澳大利亚建立东亚关系通过多边协作国际事务中发挥更大作用力求成为美国合作者而不仅代理人。

    Now Mr Rudd wants to go further, building up Australia's ties in East Asia and working more through multilateral institutions, while seeking to be a partner of, not a deputy to, America.


  • 霍娃承认一个课题调查结果只是进一研究出发点

    This is a new topic, Shakhova concedes, and the findings are only a starting point for further study.


  • 这些捐赠中位数22美元,平均数却达到60美元,莱里进一指出,表明少量的“很大数额捐款拉高平均数”。

    The median donation amount is $22, while the average rises to $60, which shows that there are a fewvery large donations sending the average amount higher, ” adds Mr. Clerico.


  • 然而,没有任何人建议欧洲走向美国这样的财政一体化·雷蒙蒂计划最多是超那个方向走出的

    Nobody is yet proposing that Europe move to anything resembling U.S. fiscal integration; the Juncker-Tremonti plan would be at best a small step in that direction.


  • 先生需要制定进一调整计划”,差没有直接承认希腊无力偿还债务。

    Mr Juncker all but admitted that Greece could not pay its debts, saying it would need “a further adjustment programme”.


  • 拉森了解猴子肌肉骨骼如何行走,虽然像鹅那样不怎么好看,仍然算是走路

    Larson is trying to understand how the muscles and bones in the monkey allow Parker to walk - badly, a sort of high-stepping goosestep, but walk nonetheless.


  • 平方米在400至600之间时,不再进一影响但是每平方米超过600时,覆层起到遮挡阳光的作用,从而减缓融化的速度。

    Between 400 and 600 grams, it has no further effect, but when it exceeds 600 grams, it ACTS as a shield against the sun, and slows down melting.


  • 上赛季仅仅踢了正式比赛,随着塔伊沃到来,赛季格里留给这位边后卫的空间进一压缩。

    He started just three games last term, and with the arrivals of Philippe Mexes and Taye Taiwo, space in Massimiliano Allegri's side had become further limited this season.


  • 上赛季仅仅踢了场正式比赛,而随着塔伊沃到来,赛季格里留给这位边后卫的空间进一压缩。

    He started just three games last term and with the arrivals of Philippe Mexes and Taye Taiwo space in Massimiliano Allegri's side had become further limited this season.


  • 一些地区联邦储蓄银行刺激政策表示怀疑提及紧缩信贷需要伯南尚未表明美联储下一行动倾向

    Some regional Fed presidents who were skeptical of stimulus have talked about the need to tighten credit, and Bernanke has yet to indicate his preference for the Fed's next move.


  • 准备滑湿游戏的一些东西,《紧随其后》的作者伊安·纳博士

    The first step is to prep for your slippery romp, says Ian Kerner, Ph.D., author of He Comes Next.


  • 罗莎琳德富兰詹姆士沃森弗朗西斯跳跃到了下一DNA变异和遗传结构机制

    Rosalind Franklin, James Watson and Francis Crick bestowed the next leap: DNA, the structure and mechanism of variation and inheritance.


  • 人们对轻声细语赞誉有加,因为不仅有效应对了这场召回危机而且还领先其对手公司进行改组,即将到来的萧条年代做了准备

    The soft-spoken Mr Clark has won praise for his handling of that crisis and for being quicker than his rivals to start restructuring his firm in preparation for leaner years.


  • 世界卫生组织官员布尔•菲施布恩亚洲欧洲后尘,抽烟的女人越来越多,而男人会越来越

    The worry, says Burke Fishburn of the World Health Organisation (WHO), is that Asia will follow the Western trend, with more women taking up smoking as men quit.


  • 然而世行援助能力关键取决于”国际开发协会资金进一回补表示。

    But the Bank's ability to help "depends crucially" on further replenishing IDA's financial resources, says Zoellick.


  • 来自其他大型研究结果,其带有足够数量晚期致命性前列腺病例数据进一阐述这个问题。”研究小组总结道

    The results from other large...studies, with adequate numbers of advanced and fatal prostate cancers, may shed further light on this question," Park's team concludes.


  • 来自其他大型研究结果,其带有足够数量晚期致命性前列腺病例数据进一阐述这个问题。”研究小组总结道

    The results from other large...studies, with adequate numbers of advanced and fatal prostate cancers, may shed further light on this question, " Park's team concludes.


  • ·本伯格还进一设想通过手机植入传感器,手机便可以监测空气质量充当分布式监视系统

    Arkenberg takes the idea further by suggesting that sensors could be built into mobile phones that could monitor air quality or act as a sort of distributed surveillance system.


  • ·本伯格还进一设想通过手机植入传感器,手机便可以监测空气质量充当分布式监视系统

    Arkenberg takes the idea further by suggesting that sensors could be built into mobile phones that could monitor air quality or act as a sort of distributed surveillance system.


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