• 我们深知此次通过森林认证来之不易,我们十分珍惜森林认证取得的成果,使发挥出最大的价值。

    We know our pass of certification is not easy, we'll regard it as fruitful result and let it play a greater role.


  • 方法检索每个follower姓名ID然后使用 ID 发出第二个请求此次通过getPosts() 方法检索 follower 的最近三个帖子

    This method retrieves each follower's name and ID, and then uses the ID to make a second request, this time through the getPosts() method, to retrieve the follower's three most recent posts.


  • 深信通过此次活动以及其它后续活动,WMO未来几十年人类提供更加贴切的服务。

    I am convinced that through this initiative and others that will follow, WMO will be even more relevant in serving humanity over decades to come.


  • 此次采访中,霍金驳斥了后有来生观念强调通过充分利用我们人生发挥自己地球上潜能需要

    In the interview, Hawking rejected the notion of life beyond death and emphasised the need to fulfil our potential on Earth by making good use of our lives.


  • 研究人员通过此次碰撞来研究月球土壤如何遭受辐射物质微流星体侵袭

    Researchers will be studying the soil on the moon via the hit to examine how the soil is eroded by radiation and micrometeoroids.


  • 虽然此次牛奶召回涉及一家规模较小上海乳品企业,但它提醒人们一些企业试图通过出售污染的奶制品来谋利

    While the recall involved products from only a single, relatively small Shanghai dairy, it was a reminder of continued attempts to profit from selling contaminated milk.


  • 如果此次航空中断再持续长久点的话,那么此类货物不得不通过海路运抵,随着库存量增加,则有可能增加长期无谓成本

    If the flight ban had lasted longer, such goods would have had to be shipped, potentially creating a long-term deadweight cost in the form of higher inventory levels.


  • 参加此次研究之前,实验对象需要通过离心忍受度测验”,保证他们在测试过程中不会呕吐

    Before enrolling in the study, subjects had to pass a "centrifuge-tolerance test" to make sure they wouldn't vomit.


  • 此次严酷珠穆朗玛探险伦敦大学组织,目的希望通过验证应对组织缺氧能力通常是先天决定理论来为问题的解决带来一线曙光。

    The Extreme Everest expedition, organized by University College London, hopes to shed light on the problem by testing the theory that a person's ability to handle hypoxia is genetically determined.


  • 此次投票244票赞成,188票反对轻松通过但是没有共和党人投了赞成票

    The bill passed comfortably by 244 votes to 188. But not a single Republican supported it.


  • 通过此次升级项目最新战场经验得到应用,从而使得车辆性能达到更高水平

    With this upgrade program, we can now incorporate the latest lessons learned in-theatre and evolve the vehicle to a significantly higher standard of performance.


  • 此次美食节旨在通过展示秘鲁各地食物推广秘鲁美食

    The fair aims to promote Peruvian cuisine by showcasing Peruvian food andproducts from all over the country.


  • 表示相信,通过各方共同努力此次外长会议取得成功。

    He was convinced that through the concerted efforts of parties concerned, the Foreign Ministers' Conference will be a full success.


  • 长期打算通过此次一次性打击降低公司的声誉,并能推动澳洲航空重组亏损国际业务

    His longer-term calculation is that it will be worth the one-off hit to the airline’s reputation to push through a restructuring of Qantas’s money-losing international operations.


  • 此次查询可以传递给EntityManager检索所有Department实体列表,该列表通过它们的 department号码进行排序

    This query can be passed into the Entity Manager to retrieve a list of all Department entities, ordered by their department number.


  • 弗雷斯特研究公司在此次网上消费者调查中询问公众是否认为通过发送短信进行的捐款已送达了目的地。

    An online consumer survey by Forrester Research that asked people if they thought money donated through texting actually went where it was supposed to, found only 16% (of 134 respondents said yes.


  • 通过此次访问,以下几点深刻印象。

    A: I was deeply impressed in the following aspects during the visit.


  • 不难看出通过此次诉讼Facebook尝试削弱用户自己信息掌控权

    It's equally difficult not to see the possibility that this suit is an attempt to discourage any actions on the part of users to master Facebook information.


  • 通过此次收购,美国在线到了以《赫芬顿邮报》为代表出版模式

    With the acquisition, AOL is buying into the new publishing model that the Huffington Post represents.


  • 希望此次争端可以通过友好协商的方式解决不是通过仲裁的方式解决。

    We hoped that this dispute can be settled through friendly negotiation without be submit for arbitration.


  • 此次调查主要通过电话电子邮件、传真以及面对面的形式进行,调查地点包括北京上海广州武汉四个城市

    Interviews were carried out over the telephone, via E-mail or fax or face to face in four cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Wuhan.


  • 调查小组希望通过此次航行,能够测量更为准确数据,而不是可能强风巨浪而发生扭曲变形卫星图片。

    The team hope to gain more accurate measurements of what is happening than those taken from satellites that may be distorted by strong winds or waves.


  • 爱默生公司官员通过此次交易,爱默生将可以满足电信其他领域嵌入式计算机需求

    For Emerson, the transaction enhances its ability to meet the embedded computing needs in telecommunications and other industries, company officials say.


  • 众一起对成果进行评估此次迭代方告结束并且我们通过回顾能够懂得如何在下一个迭代中过程进行改进

    The iteration ends with an assessment (with stakeholders) of what was built, and a retrospective to understand how to improve the process for next iteration.


  • 科学家们通过此次实验研究一种名为夸克-胶子等离子体的物质它是宇宙爆炸短瞬间形成超高能量密度。

    The experiments will allow scientists to study a substance called the quark-gluon plasma, which existed in the fleeting first moments after the Big Bang.


  • 科学家们通过此次实验研究一种名为夸克-胶子等离子体的物质它是宇宙爆炸短瞬间形成超高能量密度。

    The experiments will allow scientists to study a substance called the quark-gluon plasma, which existed in the fleeting first moments after the Big Bang.


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