• 观看指挥演习参观了中国二炮司令部,在此地他观看了装载在移动发射架的CSS - 7短程弹道导弹

    He observed a command post exercise and visited the Chinese army's 2nd Artillery Corps headquarters, where he viewed a CSS-7 short-range ballistic missile on a mobile launcher.


  • 乐是如此地动听,以至于许多人停下来往的帽子里放些了钱。

    The music was so great that many people stopped to put some money into his hat.


  • 但是既然已经来了……而且这位大师受人尊敬按照的意思做无礼,况且这又没什么害处

    But now that he has come... and the master was so respected; not follow him would be disrespectful, and there was no harm.


  • 感到窒息并且开始呕吐,而太太缠着想让再吃一块一直嘟囔自己自豪能够作如此精心的准备。

    He gagged and began vomiting as his wife followed him around offering another piece, all the while espousing how proud she was to have prepared it for him.


  • 之后几年里,没有实现这一计划做任何特别的努力,只是确信俩的结合天经地义的,然后就等着“天经地义”的发生

    In the years since, he has done nothing in particular to achieve his goal - that's how strongly he felt their coupling was inevitable - but only waited for the inevitable to occur.


  • 1763年,兄弟斯科维尔一道来到佛罗里达不知什么原因没有留居此地

    In 1763 he and his brother Squire journeyed to Florida, although for unknown reasons they did not stay.


  • 作为美国阿富汗巴基斯坦问题特使首次之旅带着一个沉重问题中途来到此地

    He had come, midway through his inaugural tour as America's special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, with a heavy question.


  • 南非般到此地,要将马球工具储存我们一个单元里

    Having just moved from South Africa, he was storing his polo gear in one of our units.


  • 此外同事利用种类树木年轮记录重构过去气候情况

    In addition, he and his colleagues used tree-ring records from other species of trees to reconstruct the region's past climate.


  • 沉思了一会儿,又说道,“人们都在谈论2008年的件事一个津巴布韦,在此地孑然一身。”

    He stares a bit and says, "People talk about what happened in 2008, and me, I'm a Zimbabwean." I'm alone here.


  • 为了完成《时尚》杂志的任务盖恩斯伯勒萨金特一样一丝不苟地构思图片制作——就算需要一页地做,月月此地做。

    But on his Vogue assignments Steichen produced pictures as meticulously conceived as any painting by Gainsborough or sargent-even though he needed to fill page after page, month after month.


  • 据说,当马沙尔录像看到群年轻男女此地游泳池中嬉戏时,怒火中烧。 毕竟希望此地形成的“抵抗性文化相去甚远

    Mr Meshal was said to have fumed at the sight of a video that showed girls and boys cavorting in the resort’s pools, a far cry from the “resistance culturehe would like to foster.


  • 专注自己工作突然想到把鞋带绑到一起的恶作剧者要想成功是多么简单

    And he was so engrossed in the Kabuki of his work that it occurred to me how easy a mark he might make for a practical joker tying shoelaces together.


  • 玛丽男友是个油腔滑调的家伙,明白为什么迷恋

    Mary's boyfriend is such a greaseball, I don't know why she is so crazy about him.


  • 福楼拜参观此地心情十分低落,写作小说安东尼诱惑》本欲出版震惊文坛,结果连朋友也认为不值一读。

    He had arrived feeling sore that his unpublished novel, “The Temptation of Saint Anthony”, with which he meant to astound the literary world, had failed to impress his friends.


  • 研究东非的学习计划源于个人兴趣

    He said that his plan to study East Africa stems from his personal interest in the region.


  • 这天会见约维奇时,一支警察巡逻队刚刚来过此地,以确认安然无恙。

    On the day I meet Jovic, a police patrol is visiting the house to make sure he is all right.


  • 告诉父亲离开法国生活是如艰难不得不住在孤儿院,既孤独悲伤——的少年时期结束后,一切了变化,一个甜美的妇人回家家人一起生活。

    He told me how he'd struggled after Dad left France, living in an orphanage, lonely and sadbut that in his teens, a sweet woman had brought him to live with her family.


  • 第二重返此地,并印第安人麻烦告知了约翰·莫里·多莫尔总督调查员

    The next year he went again into the region carrying a warning of Indian troubles to Governor John Murray Dunmore's surveyors.


  • 阿诺德信任,我却没法保护真的很难受

    I feel terrible for not being able to protect Arnold the way he trusted me to.


  • 算是个幸存者,伙计,”然后告诉阿姆斯特丹此地在那里遇见塞族妻子,名字也叫索菲

    "I'm surviving it, man, " he said, and went on to explain that he had moved here from Amsterdam where he had met his Serbian wife, another Sophie, ten years ago. "We're here for our kid.


  • 说这生命第一感到被剥夺

    It is the first time in his life, he said, that he has felt such deprivation.


  • 这些非常特别鸟类存活在森林冠层叶簇中,”解释说,“它们适应了那种环境而且感觉如此得安全,因而它们不会离开那里。”

    "These very specialized birds feed only in the forest understory," he explains. "they're so adapted, and feel so safe, they won't leave."


  • 普生工作以至于继续向更高的舞台——肯塔基州大学努力

    Lipson fell in love with his manager jobs so much that he wanted to continue on what he considered the best and biggest stage of all - the University of Kentucky.


  • 如果咱们对手看到食物出来带着重要的消息出来了,就会猜到此地

    Our enemy would guess I was here if he saw you coming out with food, or with important news.


  • 如果咱们对手看到食物出来带着重要的消息出来了,就会猜到此地

    Our enemy would guess I was here if he saw you coming out with food, or with important news.


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