• 这份文件不同来源信息综合

    The document was a composite of information from various sources.


  • 坚果种子维生素E良好来源

    Nuts and seeds are good sources of vitamin E.


  • 所有碳水化合物来源植物

    All carbohydrates originate from plants.


  • 我们这些子虚乌有谣言来源兴趣。

    We're interested in the source of these fictitious rumours.


  • 拒绝说出消息来源

    He refused to name his sources.


  • 来源不清楚

    The origin of the word remains obscure.


  • 豌豆豆荚扁豆植物蛋白质大好来源

    Peas, beans and lentils are a good source of vegetable protein.


  • 他们认为古希腊古罗马至关重要知识来源

    They believed ancient Greece and Rome were vital sources of learning.


  • 美国科学研究广泛宣称生活水平来源

    Scientific research is widely claimed to be the source of the high standard of living in the U.S.


  • 名记者拒绝说出消息来源入狱三十了。

    It's nearly thirty years since a journalist was jailed for refusing to name a source.


  • 可靠消息来源被拘捕者中至少包括名陆军少将

    According to informed sources, those taken into custody include at least one major-general.


  • 这些工厂已经取代了旅游业而成为该国最大外汇来源

    These factories have displaced tourism as the country's largest source of foreign exchange.


  • 退休后有个收入来源,而这之前需要额外的

    He wanted to have a source of income after his retirement; until then, he wouldn't require additional money.


  • 研究表明年轻人仍然指望父母作为他们主要健康信息来源

    Research shows that young people still look to parents as their main source for health information.


  • 如果因为沮丧打算暴食的话,首先设法弄清悲伤来源

    If you tend to overeat because of depression, first take steps to recognize the source of your sadness.


  • 德川幕府开始寻找其他收入来源

    The Tokugawa shoguns began to look to other sources for revenue.


  • 这种海绵状组织是形成蛋壳钙质来源

    This spongy tissue serves as a source of calcium for eggshell formation.


  • 该省食物来源充足,认为是该国粮仓。

    Being rich in the source of food, the province is regarded as the bread basket of the country.


  • 然而灌溉用水来源往往不是可持续的。

    However, water used in irrigation is often sourced unsustainably.


  • 生物多样性确保了新的粮食作物药物来源

    Biodiversity ensures a resource for new food crops and medicines.


  • 我们化石燃料使用温室气体过量主要来源

    Our use of fossil fuels is the main source of excess greenhouse gases.


  • 如今他们似乎关注肉类水果蔬菜来源

    These days they all seem to be focusing on where your meat, fruit and vegetables are sourced from.


  • 鹿麋鹿数量迅速增长,它们是主要食物来源

    Deer and elk populationsmajor food sources for the wolfgrew rapidly.


  • 鹿麋鹿数量迅速增长它们主要食物来源

    Deer and elk populations grew rapidly, and they are major food sources for the wolf.


  • 文件摘自来源不明联邦调查局档案

    The document was excerpted from an unidentified FBI file.


  • 篇报告全面;没有提供有关该项目资金来源信息

    The report is incomprehensive; it does not provide information on how the project will be financed.


  • 当局驳回报告其中许多内容来源主观臆测,并不准确

    The report has been rejected by the authorities, who said much of it was based on supposition or inaccuracy.


  • 承办活动的业务对于集团至关重要,因为一个持续收入来源

    The events business, she said, was crucial to the group in that it provides a constant revenue stream.


  • 看这个故事来源的网站。

    Look at the website where the story comes from.


  • 些可能很快就有了新来源:牛粪!

    Some may soon come from a new source: cow poop!


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