• 基础结构会使用指数倒退演算法根据计算出来平均来回时间决定何时重新传输。

    The infrastructure USES an exponential back-off algorithm to determine when to retransmit, based on a computed average round-trip time.


  • 第一次尝试重新传输时间根据计算出来来回时间调整这些尝试花费时间也会因此而有所不同

    The time for the first retransmission attempt is adjusted according to the calculated round-trip time and the resulting stretch of time that those attempts take varies accordingly.


  • 而刚好,一年我家郊区来说就更方便了。尽管我们还所学校,但是来回路程占据了大部分的时间几乎没有机会在一起

    Conveniently for me, my family moved to the suburbs that year, and although I stayed in the same school, it was a long commute, and I had little time to hang out.


  • 现在可移植性当作一个严肃问题考虑开发人员不想耗费大量时间来回跟踪彼此补丁

    Portability is now seen as a serious concern, and developers don't want to spend a lot of time tracking each others' patches back and forth.


  • 这部小说文体结构采取的是作者典型的凝练写法:每个章节都能读者聆听到不同的声音故事情节一环扣一环,以及时间来回交织

    The book is structured in the author’s trademark distilled style, chapters given in turn to each voice, stories building on stories, time weaving back and forth.


  • SLA应该指定给定时间周期(假设一个月)平均来回延迟数据报丢失

    The SLA should specify an average round-trip latency and packet loss over a given time periodwithin a month, say.


  • 这样可以减少来回远程传输缩短部署时间

    This lessens the back-and-forth remote traffic and can reduce deployment times.


  • 简而言之,不用来回上下班意味着拥有更多时间你原来做不到的事情

    Having no commute simply means more time to do things that you could not do otherwise.


  • 小说时间顺序跳脱,来回变换,有时读者莫名其妙

    Mr Khoury's novel plays with time, flickering back and forth, leaving the reader bewildered at times.


  • 很久以来,这个SanJoaquin小城镇里的常常花来回4小时时间旧金山海湾地区来感受梦想实现的感觉。

    An eternity ago, people in this city in northern San Joaquin County braved four-hour round-trip commutes to the San Francisco Bay Area for a toehold on the dream.


  • 上一次评估建立聪明目标(从反面下一次评估时间个人成就考虑怎样和何时衡量变化;你的处置中有很多测量方法,包括:观察;评估期间的讨论;不拘形式的一对一的回顾 ;团队会议;商业结果的考试 ;其他业绩指标;调查;反对能力的评估。

    Take time to review the individual’s achievements since the last appraisal and establish SMART objectives (see opposite) for the period until the


  • 来回上下班需要时间精力(交通上的耗时特别让人泄气)。

    Commuting takes time and energy (spending time in traffic is particularly draining).


  • 假如一个人伤害实际上受伤次:第一次是伤害本身;第二次是,事后时间这件事。

    Someone who does you an injury hurts you twice: first by the injury itself, and second by taking up your time afterward thinking about it.


  • 花一些时间记忆沉思它们并且回馈积极的情绪记忆里建立新的连接有助于当前工作挑战

    Spend time with your memories. Let your mind reflect on them and your mind will repay you in positive emotions and new connections from the memories to help you with your current tasks and challenges.


  • 女儿今天花了很长时间自行车我家附近的街上来回回,丈夫则一直的身边,只手扶着她的肩膀。

    My daughter spent much of today riding her bike up and down our street with my hubby next to her, one hand on her shoulder.


  • 学着律师一样,到周末通过这些范畴逐个开出账单来回自己所花时间

    Like a lawyer, track your hours at the end of the week by "billing" each of these buckets.


  • 延迟数据包地点一个地点然后返回来回花费时间(通常毫秒计)。

    Latency is the amount of time (usually measured in milliseconds) that a packet of data takes to get from one point to another and then back in a round trip.


  • 如果一封朋友寄来的长长的饱含真情的电子邮件应该少于分钟时间吗?

    What about that long, heartfelt email from an old friend? Should you try to answer that in under two minutes?


  • 实际上如果命令调用本来上下文中删除,发现自己要花费大量时间事件相关源代码放到哪里

    Actually, by removing the command's invocation from its natural context, I found myself spending a huge amount of time trying to remember where the source code related to the event was.


  • 因此,在我们深入研究编码SQL以获得最佳性能细节之前一些时间sql基础知识

    So, before we delve into the specifics of coding SQL for performance, let's take a few moments to review SQL basics.


  • 动物们在四周走动时间有变化。它们等候11.6%的时间来回走动,围场花7.2%的时间

    The animals also moved around much more, spending 11.6% of their time on the move in the holding areas, but only 7.2% in the enclosures.


  • 除了可以更多时间家人相处以外,不用来回上下班还有另外一个好处-省钱

    In addition to being able to spend more time with the family, having no commute has another big benefit - financial savings.


  • 科学家几个星期不同时间,基于南北两侧海床,观察这个冰山来回凯恩海湾的情况。

    This berg was observed to drift to and fro across Kane Basin for some weeks, at different times, grounding on the sea bed, on both the North and South sides.


  • 这本书的弱点在于只花了一点点时间来回题目自身所提出问题为什么现在流行布尔?

    The book’s weakness is that it spends little time answering the question its title poses. Why Niebuhr now?


  • 这本弱点在于只花了一点点时间来回题目自身所提出问题为什么现在流行布尔?

    The book's weakness is that it spends little time answering the question its title poses. Why Niebuhr now?


  • 巴菲特拥护者认为信用违约掉期期权都会随着时间推移逐渐带

    Mr. Buffett's defenders argue that both the CDS and options will pay off over time.


  • 时间学会了很多,失去了很多,哭过笑过,来

    In this time frame I have learned, lost, cried and felt elation, all at varying levels.


  • 时间学会了很多,失去了很多,哭过笑过,来

    In this time frame I have learned, lost, cried and felt elation, all at varying levels.


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