• 因此关于鸟类起源恐龙早期鸟类生物学特性等一系列之谜笼罩困惑之中

    Confusion consequently reigns over a broad spectrum of unanswered questions dealing with avian origins and the biology of dinosaurs and early birds.


  • 同时控制日益加剧医保通胀上,该法案没有根本。 美国兰德智库指出,2020年,与实行医改的状况相比,医改反而使全美公私合计医疗支出增加了2%。

    They will also do far too little to rein in the underlying drivers of America’s roaring health inflation.


  • 英格兰岁老人研究许多即使50年中每天60支之香烟,仍在一个世纪罹患上癌症心脏病

    Many people in the New England Centenarian Study experienced a century free of cancer or heart disease despite smoking as many as 60 cigarettes a day for 50 years.


  • 每个组织拥有一个决策制定框架以及一些常常阐明度量

    Every organization has a framework of decision-making and some set of often unstated measures.


  • 传言保险箱中还藏有一些版手稿;大部分学者愿意等待

    There were said to be unpublished manuscripts in his safe; most pundits were happy to wait.


  • 任何接触性传染病传播中,传染涉及两类,一类是患病者,一类患病者。

    In the spread of any contagious disease, each act of infection has two parties, one who already has the disease and one who does not.


  • 大家认为属性令人费解,因为起来像是双重否定句但是默认情况下,数据库所有文档跟踪。

    Admittedly, this property is a confusing one because it reads like a double negative, but by default, all read and unread documents are tracked in a database.


  • 放射微波潮湿融化雪放射的微波信号融化的雪不同

    Snow and ice emit microwaves, but the signal is different for wet, melting snow than for dry.


  • 而言,具说明力事实:我在整个推介期大部分时候基本做笔记在结束首次谷歌风投推介时,拿到了好几页反馈信息

    The most telling stat for me is this: I took almost no notes during a majority of the trip but came out of the initial Google Ventures pitch with pages of feedback.


  • 这些加速依赖深层的分析存在充分利用的资源可用的情况下,才可能提高速度。

    They all depend on a deeper analysis; speed-up is possible only when an under-utilized resource is available.


  • 五十年前艾伦·谢波德进入墨丘利号太空舱等待发射升空时,所有的一切对于羽翼美国太空计划显得十分残酷。

    Fifty years ago when Alan Shepard climbed inside his Mercury capsule to blast off into space, things were looking pretty grim for the fledgling U.S. space program.


  • 许多客户包括技术公司家族式企业帮忙调解婴儿时代出生的职工和他们乳臭干的老板之间产生的矛盾

    Many of his clients are tech companies and family-owned businesses that bring him in to help resolve clashes between Baby Boomers and bosses they perceive as still wet behind the ears.


  • 米拉儿子抹利母示;的家,按着他们的后代。

    The sons of Merari were Mahli and Mushi. These were the clans of Levi according to their records.


  • 清除这些注释基于注释更新转换需要手动更新。

    Manual update is required to clear these comments or update the unconverted items based on the comments.


  • 很多组件模型支持第三方拦截概念,此概念支持引入原始运行时供应商提供扩展服务质量

    Many component models support the notion of third-party interception, which enables the introduction of extended qualities of service that were not provided by the original runtime vendor.


  • 以色列支派,凡立定心意寻求耶和华以色列随从人,来到耶路撒冷祭祀耶和华他们列祖神。

    Those from every tribe of Israel who set their hearts on seeking the Lord, the God of Israel, followed the Levites to Jerusalem to offer sacrifices to the Lord, the God of their fathers.


  • 一些韩国悬案早已被搬上了荧幕并且取得了不俗的成绩

    Other major unsolved crimes in South Korea have been already made into movies and achieved success.


  • 每个SCA运行时提供了SCA绑定,即所说缺省绑定,也就是用于组件引用服务指定其他绑定的情况。

    Every SCA runtime provides the SCA binding, also known as the default binding, meaning that it's the binding used when no other binding is specified for a component reference or service.


  • 如果要求退出一旦遇到错误服务器就终止剩余请求处理,所有执行请求标记失败

    When the instruction is to exit, the server terminates the execution of the remaining requests as soon as an error is encountered, and all the requests that do not execute are marked as failed.


  • 实在不能忍受大家把我看作是守交规的“异类”,所以我就大家一起在绿灯亮的时候就过马路了,虽然我刚在镇上了一圈,需要休息一下。

    I couldn't stand the curb shame any longer so I crossed with everyone else, even though I needed a break from running all around town.


  • 次日,众民族长祭司聚集文士斯拉那里,要留心律法的话

    And on the second day were gathered together the chief of the fathers of all the people, the priests, and the Levites, unto Ezra the scribe, even to understand the words of the law.


  • 大量数论问题素数相关,它们中的大部分仍然解,有些甚至几个世纪依然无法攻克。

    Numerous arithmetical problems concern prime numbers and most of them still remain unresolved, sometimes even after several centuries.


  • 目前情况表明,该公司没有足够的现金偿还这些债务无法获得新的贷款,此同时,已经把大部分开发项目的楼花售出,而这些项目眼下暂停开发了。

    It appears to have little cash flow to meet payments - as well as relying on debt, it also sold most developments off-plan, with new developments now on hold.


  • 目前情况表明,该公司没有足够的现金偿还这些债务无法获得新的贷款,此同时,已经把大部分开发项目的楼花售出,而这些项目眼下暂停开发了。

    It appears to have little cash flow to meet payments - as well as relying on debt, it also sold most developments off-plan, with new developments now on hold.


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