• 方法:无息肉采取逐渐切除的方法,有蒂息肉则横断切除的方法。

    Methods: Sessile polyps were removed piecemeal and pedunculated polyps transected at stalk.


  • 虽然他们亚戈-席尔瓦,但怀疑是否足够阻挡巴塞罗那进攻三叉戟

    While they have Thiago Silva, I doubt it will be sufficient to arrest the trident of Barcelona attacker.


  • 核电站执委会找到了Jean-MariePierret先前作品包括有蒂水坝表面巨大的大力神像。

    The commission went to Jean-Marie Pierret, whose previous work includes the enormous painting of Hercules on the face of the Tignes dam.


  • 不管怎么说,的迹象显示米•利(Timmy Willie)就会城市约翰尼(Johnny Town-Mouse)存在(译注:2):很多喜欢城市生活希望城市里,特别是住到市中心去。

    In any event, other trends suggest that for every Timmy Willie, there is a Johnny Town-Mouse: many people like urban life and want to go on living in a city, particularly the centre.


  • 件事知道到底什么觉得那么不可抗拒

    There is one thing I would like to knowWhat is it about Tim that you find so irresistible?


  • 公司参与其中一家世界上最大公司我们昨天莫西·库克那里看到的那样,发表篇冗长的、慷慨激昂的帖子。

    You had a few companies involved, but not one of the largest companies in the world coming out with a lengthy and impassioned post, like we saw yesterday from Timothy Cook.


  • 不过明天起床的。”奶奶自信地因为已经注意到害怕了

    "I'll get up to-morrow, though," the grandmother said confidently, for she had noticed how frightened Heidi was.


  • 抵押贷款两个年幼孩子照顾无法想象如何增加丈夫薪水她的家人

    With two mortgages and two young children to care for, Cindy couldn't imagine how to stretch her husband's paycheck to keep her family fed.


  • 飞往莱纳机场的航班,于伦敦时间6:30起飞,意大利时间8:30到达

    There is a flight to Lenarty Airport which leaves at six thirty London time and gets in at eight thirty Italian time.


  • 罗伯特·克戈尔德提高学习能力什么建议

    What does Robert Stickgold suggest about enhancing learning?


  • 塞巴斯敲敲书房的门,进去:“这儿男孩克拉拉小姐。”

    Knocking at the study-door, Sebastian said, when he had entered: "A boy is here who wants to see Miss Clara."


  • 特顿先生说:“一次,我在翻着一页,准备到下一页,但翻页带来的风导致剩下的乐谱从架子上掉了下来,但所幸的是,我接住了它们,并将它们放了回去。”

    "I was turning the page to get ready for the next page, but the draft wind from the turn caused the spare pages to fall off the stand," Mr. Titterton said, "Luckily I was able to catch them and put them back."


  • 一直现在克拉拉房间那里一个箱子

    Heidi had been wishing to go, and now she ran to Clara's room, where a huge trunk was standing.


  • 然后我们第一男孩接着玛丽然后是尼古拉斯彼得克里斯

    Then we had our first little boy, and then Mary, and Nicholas, and Peter, and Christian.'


  • 公司参与其中那时可一家世界上最大公司篇充满激情的长文站出来表态,就像我们昨天看到·库克所做的那样。

    You had a few companies involved, but not one of the largest companies in the world coming out with a lengthy and impassioned post, like we saw yesterday from Tim Cook.


  • 尽管统计学上来说极不可能,但可能天生是个“睡眠者”,一个不寻常生物钟

    It is possible—if statistically extremely unlikely—that Steel could be born a "short sleeper" with an unusual body clock, says sleep expert Dr. Sophie Bostock.


  • 妮继续说道,“我两个想象中的朋友。在托马斯夫人家,我曾经想象我反射在镜子里时是另一个叫凯·莫里斯小女孩。

    Anne continued, "I had two imaginary friends. At Mrs. Thomas'house, I used to imagine my reflection in the mirror was another little girl, Katie Maurice."


  • 斯坦熟食店 WASA 饼干

    There are WASA crackers at Rustan's and Santi's delicatessens.


  • 似乎意识到了这个情景多么怪异:她得提醒妈妈

    She seemed to realize how peculiar it was to have to remind Patty who her mother was.


  • 是否别的出路? 世界银行亚都已经提出来过。

    There is, as Aaditya Mattoo of the World Bank and I have proposed.


  • 谈话之后对艾尔好感,确信我们竞选活动增加大量筹码。

    After our talk, I liked him and was convinced that he, and Tipper, would be a big addition to our campaign.


  • 为什么山姆明白即使经过婚姻生活三个孩子渴望浪漫

    Why can't Sam understand that even after three kids and ten years of marriage, Katie still craves romance?


  • 迈克的消息吗?

    Mike: Have you heard from Steven?


  • 上个礼拜祖科公园里老人穿过人群帐篷,走向位正在媒体资讯对外宣传”帐篷安置桌子年轻女子

    Early last week, an elderly man weaved through the crowds and tents in Zuccotti Park before approaching a young woman staffing a table in the Media, Information and Outreach tent.


  • 此前乔瓦·尼巴。塔·贝内代(1530- 1590)相关振动频率音调比之间的关系的理论。

    Earlier Giovanni Battista Benedetti (1530-1590) had related the ratio of pitches to the ratio of the frequencies of vibrating objects.


  • 宣誓忠于经典幽默连续剧《弗尔旅馆》,故障火车以及火车片旷野无故停下时那个车厢里传出的微弱的、几不可闻的惊叹。

    I pledge allegiance to Fawlty Towers and faulty trains and that small, almost silent sigh that shudders across a carriage when the train stops for no reason in empty fields.


  • 它们尺寸排列工作间里,最小指头儿一般细,最根辫子那样粗

    They were lined up in his workshop according to size, with the thinnest as thin as my pinky and the widest as thick as one of Hattie’s braids.


  • 老师很长的暑假挺不错的。现在愿意事业太大变动,我挺喜欢现在的职业。

    Steven: Teachers have long summer vacations. That's nice. I'd rather not make a big career change now. I like what I'm doing.


  • 老师很长的暑假挺不错的。现在愿意事业太大变动,我挺喜欢现在的职业。

    Steven: Teachers have long summer vacations. That's nice. I'd rather not make a big career change now. I like what I'm doing.


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