• 八目鳗类鱼,并且通常前肾新生物。

    Hagfish have a mesonephric kidney and are often neotenic of their pronephric kidney.


  • 现在我们色调但是浅色调和色调。

    Now we have mid tones but no light and dark tones.


  • 这个食品加工机切片

    The food processor has thin, medium, and thick slicing discs.


  • 只要容器仍然足够空气使能浮起,它就漂浮

    While there is still sufficient trapped air within the container to keep it buoyant, it will float.


  • 很多冰镇香槟雪茄可惜两样东西哪一样都受用多少

    There were glasses of iced champagne and cigars. Unfortunately not many of either were consumed.


  • 此类声明绝对推测的成分。

    There is something undeniably conjectural about such claims.


  • 1988年年明显迹象表明右翼联盟极度脆弱

    By mid-1988 there were clear indications of the extreme fragility of the Right-wing coalition.


  • 20世纪80年代利润显著增长很多都是伪造账目结果

    Much of the apparent growth in profits in the 1980s was the result of creative accounting.


  • 资格选民投票百分比是多少

    What percentage of eligible voters cast their ballots ?


  • 两个已经很长时间夺标决赛相遇

    It's been a long time since these two teams faced each other in the playoffs.


  • 这一计划,会25年为周期选择地砍伐树木

    Within the project, trees are selectively cut on a 25-year rotation.


  • 渴望什么事情排解日常生活烦闷。

    She longed for something to relieve the tedium of everyday life.


  • 多亏光纤如今能够照见人体许多最微小器官最暗体。

    Thanks to fibre optics, it is now possible to illuminate many of the body's remotest organs and darkest orifices.


  • 一个极端分离主义党派,但是该党在选举取得了大约10%选票。

    There is an outright separatist party but it only scored around about 10 percent in the vote.


  • 现在另外50希望的候选人决战最后10个位置个。

    She will now battle it out with 50 other hopefuls for a place in the last 10.


  • 任何营销头脑的人无疑都应该一年任何时候卖掉好书

    Surely anyone with marketing gumption should be able to sell good books at any time of year.


  • 即使造诣作家们都会展示他们创作的作品给鉴赏力读者们看。

    Even the most accomplished writers show their work-in-progress to discerning readers.


  • 去年8月以来,在审检工资发放公司三分之一已经强行实施工资冻结长达1年。

    A third of companies reviewing pay since last August have imposed a pay freeze of up to a year.


  • 细分市场针对特定产品适合特征计划目标人群。

    There is the program target—people in the market segment with the "best fit" characteristics for a specific product.


  • 这里一个关于第二1000名学生在工作日上学调查

    Here is a survey about how the 1,000 students from No.2 Middle School go to school on weekdays.


  • 施特劳斯家族名叫约翰·施特劳斯的作曲家

    In the Strauss family, there were two composers called Johann Strauss.


  • 本周离奇病症专题系列关于米歇尔·迈尔斯病例报道

    In this week's edition of special series on bizarre medical conditions there's a report of the case of Michelle Myers.


  • 人群年轻朋友他们船上度假的。

    Among the crowd, there was a group of young friends who were on board for vacation.


  • 美国多数人推翻了亚利桑那州争议计划四项争议条款三项计划要求地方警察执行联邦移民法

    United States, the majority overturned three of the four contested provisions of Arizona's controversial plan to have state and local police enforce federal immigration law.


  • 美国总共15万物种7000种外来物种,当10%入侵物种

    Of the 7,000 alien species in the United States—out of a total of 150,000 species—only about 10% are invasive.


  • 美国总共15万物种7000种外来物种,当10%入侵物种

    Of the 7,000 alien species in the United States—out of a total of 150,000 species—only about 10 percent are invasive.


  • 本周奇异医疗事件》特别系列关于米歇尔·迈尔斯病例报道

    In this week's edition of special series on Bizarre Medical Conditions, there is a report of the case of Michelle Myers.


  • 我们不要忘记行星运动日食重要象征意义

    Let's not forget that eclipses in planetary motions had important symbolic meanings.


  • 现在大家知道皮诺乔朋友一个喜欢的。

    Now it must be known that, among all his friends, Pinocchio had one whom he loved most of all.


  • 腺苷受体结合刺激之间一般相关性一些明显例外

    There were some apparent exceptions to the general correlation observed between adenosine-receptor binding and stimulation.


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