• 默多克不会媒体帝国最后缔造者

    Mr Murdoch will not be the last builder of a media empire.


  • 接着哥特人和汪达尔人把罗马帝国折腾得支离破碎,被笑最后的却是他们自己,他们中的大多数都罗马化了,最终西班牙语意大利语这类的语言。

    The Goths and Vandals make a mess of the Roman Empire next, but the last laugh is on themmost of them will become Romanized, eventually speaking Spanish, Italian and so on.


  • 最后这场媒体帝国领导人议会大佬们对决之所以能够人们所记住,很大程度是因为默多克遭到盛有剃须泡沫的纸盘子攻击闹剧

    In the end, the showdown between the masters of the media universe and the Mother of Parliaments will be mostly remembered for the slapstick of a foam-pie assault on the elder Murdoch.


  • 最后去世时觉得:“像是某种统治结束,一个帝国倒塌了”。

    When at last she died, he felt it, he said, “like the end of some reign or the fall of some empire”.


  • 帝国大厦这场节能浪潮旗手纽约市这栋标志性摩天大楼的翻新工作目前到了最后阶段减少帝国大厦40%的碳排放

    The Empire State Building is the flag bearer for the trend: the iconic New York skyscraper is in the finishing stages of a retrofit that will cut its emissions by almost 40%.


  • 最后他们终于势如破竹之威,冲破罗马帝国北部边界防线。

    Finally they thundered through the Roman defenses along the northern boundaries of the empire.


  • 剩下要做我们所有人联合起来,完成最后改变迅速移除黑暗帝国最后残余

    All that remains now is for us to all come together and complete the final changes, which will rapidly remove the last vestiges of the darkness empire.


  • 卡诺斯最后杀掉了贾克斯这个叛徒成为整个帝国过渡会议敌人

    Kanos targeted Jax, killing the traitor, but he became the enemy of the entire Imperial Interim Council.


  • 真的如果安排一场大雨或是中的机场追逐飞机上不知怎么搞最后到了帝国大厦楼顶,又正好是情人节的话,最好了。

    Really, if you could arrange for it to rain, or run after her to the airport in the rain, but somehow end up on top of the Empire State building on Valentine's Day, that'd be best.


  • 帝国-起初游戏平衡增设作者本来多个备选派系最后选定色尼。

    Ghaznavid Empire - added for balance primarily, I had a choice of a few other factions but chose the Ghaznavids.


  • 这部影片的编剧兼导演薛晓路也是名女性。但该片并非那部1993年经典电影的续集但是影片将最后一幕场景设在纽约帝国大厦几乎是对经典最原汁原味的致敬

    The movie, also written and directed by a woman, is neither a remake nor a sequel to the 1993 classic, but it pays almost slavish homage by setting the final scene in New York's Empire State Building.


  • 这部影片的编剧兼导演薛晓路也是名女性。但该片并非部1993年经典电影续集,但是影片将最后一幕场景设在纽约帝国大厦,几乎是对经典最原汁原味的致敬

    Thee movie, also written and directed by a woman, is neither a remake nor a sequel to the 1993classic, but it pays almost slavish homage by setting the final scene in New York's Empire StateBuilding.


  • 此外民族主义角色种族不仅成为强大奥斯曼帝国最后日子

    Moreover, the role of ethnic nationalism only became strong towards the last days of the Ottoman Empire.


  • 然而Lovell女士主张西方列强只是这个已经悬崖边上的帝国最后一口气。

    Yet Ms Lovell contends that they administered only the final blows to an empire that was already on the brink.


  • 西元前133年纽曼·希亚奋起最后一丝力气对抗罗马帝国围城攻击

    In 133 B. C. the city of Numanthia fought its last battle after a tiresome siege by the Roman Legion.


  • 最后罗马向东推进征服位于今日罗马尼亚富有帝国契亚。

    So the final push took them eastward. The last great conquest was Dacia, a rich empire in modern day Romania.


  • 但是设置这个画面是不是帝国以前学习地方而是北京玉渊潭公园最后一个星期六

    But the setting of this tableau was not an imperial place of learning millennia ago, but rather, Beijing's Yuyuantan Park last Saturday.


  • 战争进入最后大溃败时期,这些RRG音乐会录音被保存磁带上,用以继续鼓舞那些在无可逆转失败中战斗的帝国民众的士气。

    As the War intensified in later years, these RRG concerts, recorded on Magnetophon tape, helped sustain public morale as the Reich drew nearer to its inevitable defeat.


  • 马汀最后终于开始憎恨帝国的所作所为和残暴的行动,并且很乐意效命叛军同盟负责掌管秘密行动这个部门。

    Madine eventually came to loathe such atrocities and willingly joined the Alliance, where he was placed in command of covert actions.


  • 马汀最后终于开始憎恨帝国的所作所为和残暴的行动,并且很乐意效命叛军同盟负责掌管秘密行动这个部门。

    Madine eventually came to loathe such atrocities and willingly joined the Alliance, where he was placed in command of covert actions.


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