• 大学生活人生美好回忆迈步向前的时候不会忘记回首凝望曾经岁月

    In the university life is wonderful memories of my life, I did not forget staring back at once years ahead of time.


  • 面对曾经岁月,在成长经历经历那么风风雨雨最终自己还是孓然一身,孤独上路

    Once the face of the years of experience of growing up, I experienced so many ups and downs, or eventually ran out one, lonely road.


  • 后来岁月曾经过,1936年她一下子岁,件事华丽斯永远不会原谅温莎公爵就是决定放弃王位

    She used to say, in later life, that she aged ten years in 1936 and the one thing for which Wallis never forgave the Duke of Windsor was his decision to renounce his throne.


  • 这些会面都非常友好温馨他们一起回顾杰克逊白宫岁月谈论曾经发生的一切

    It was a warm, friendly meeting. They thought back over Jackson's years in the White House and talked about what had been done.


  • 确实,轨迹还是曾经一样:笔直然而现在铺满岁月碎石

    The path is straight as ever, but now it is strewn with the rocks and gravel that accumulate over a lifetime.


  • 曾经年幼无知曾经莽撞少年岁月无声儿童节街头才意识过去的日子回头

    Ignorance was young, had rash juvenile; silent over the years in the fingers, when the Children's Day walk in the street, realized that the past does not look back.


  • 过去几千万年漫长岁月中,曾经五个行星消失现在第六个行星的消失正在发生。

    There have been five planetary extinction events in the last half-billion years. The sixth is happening now.


  • 抽泣噎住了喉咙,“真蠢哪,现在,我只有这个地牢里苦熬岁月。 有一天,那些曾经认识为荣的人,连我蟾蜍名字给忘了

    Stupid animal that I was’ (he said), ‘now I must languish in this dungeon, till people who were proud to say they knew me, have forgotten the very name of Toad!


  • 我们名单中的61位金融致富巨头,有6个人曾经高盛投资银行部交易或是资产评估度过了他们的青葱岁月

    Of the 61 tycoons on our list who derive their fortunes from finance, at least six cut their teeth in Goldman's investment banking, trading, or asset management divisions.


  • 突然,那些因各自度过岁月形成困扰在我们之间粉碎了我们谈起了曾经房子”,好象现在还是我们的似的。

    Then all of a sudden, the awkwardness of the years spent living separate lives broke between us, and we talked of the "house" as if it had been, was still, ours.


  • 朋友一辈子的事不管岁月流逝多久依然记得曾经共有情谊

    A friend is a lifetime thing, no matter how far how long time passes, I still remember that once the mutual friendship.


  • 曾经共渡时光的种种回忆我们微笑彼此仍然珍重岁月而微笑…但愿一切安好

    When memories of our times together bring a smile for the days we both still treasure... I wish you well.


  • 岁月你们额头刻下道道印记一缕缕银丝夹杂曾经乌黑秀发中。

    Yearss engraving being the mark on your forehead, curling up silver inclusions in had black hair.


  • 曾经的眼中寻找到了勇气一刻发觉,勇气已经岁月无声消失了

    Once I find in your eyes to the courage, but this moment I was found in time, courage has been silent disappeared!


  • 岁月如梭光阴似箭青涩时光里,聆听岁月那些曾经遗落指尖旧时光。

    Time flies, time flies, in the sentimental old days, listening to the years, light approach slow twist who had lost in the fingertips of old days.


  • 梦想永不终结岁月流逝但是仍然在追寻着我曾经看到过那个星星

    The Dream never end. The days keep passing by... But I still chase the same StaR I once sAw.


  • 时代烙印凝成个体生命的轨迹岁月沧桑曾经青春脸上再次他们一一相遇

    The imprints of the era congeal into individual trajectories, and the vicissitudes of life come to put a veil on their once young faces... I once again come to meet with each of them.


  • 我们相聚的日子里,曾经有着珍贵情谊我们年轻岁月中,曾经有着最真挚相知;这份缘分值得我们珍惜

    In our days, with the most precious friendship had, When we are young, once the most sincere friend, the most worthy of fate, we cherish!


  • 相隔许多凄风苦雨岁月之前,海丝特·白兰曾经上面遭到世人轻的白眼。

    Where, LONG. since, with all that dreary lapse of time between, Hester Prynne had encountered the world's ignominious stare.


  • 历史蜿蜒曲折岁月见证着日出日落沧海桑田,曾经辉煌阵痛历史脉搏共同律动

    Meandering her history, every period of years have witnessed sunrise and sunset and marshes, each section has a history of glory and pain are related to the pulse of the common rhythm.


  • 但是希望将来我微笑地回想起往日我曾走过的岁月不会因为曾经的懈怠而忏悔

    But, I hope that I will be able to recall all these old days with smiling face, with no regrets for not trying hard enough, with a proudly happy voice.


  • 这种适合胡同高级酒店里点这个中年人无非是回忆自己曾经一无所有,可以一个女人身上下来的岁月

    This wine is more suitable for drinking in hutong. The middle-aged man who orders this wine in advanced hotel just wants to commemorate the young past when he was poor but could slept with women.


  • 正如他们自己所说之所以乐队这个纪念曾经迷茫岁月

    As they themselves said that the reason why the band told the crowds, the crowds are used to commemorate the word had lost of time.


  • 阿兹卡班岁月耗去了贝拉特里克斯曾经的美貌和青春,只留下瘦骨如柴的憔悴外表却还是无法改变高傲魔王忠诚

    Azkaban changed Bellatrix quite a bit. Her beauty was reduced to a starved, gaunt appearance. However, she did not lose the arrogance nor her devotion to the Dark Lord.


  • 上周中国否认了卡扎菲统治衰落岁月曾经销售价值2亿美金的武器卡扎菲。

    Last week China denied it had offered to sell $200 million worth of weapons to Gadhafi in the waning days of his rule.


  • 曾经年少无知,那曾经青春岁月

    It was the ignorance of youth, it was the youthful years!


  • 有一种悲凉之岁月残疾筑巢夜里唱着:“曾经爱过。”

    One sad voice has its nest among the ruins of the years. It sings to me in the night---"I loved you. ""


  • 曾经爱过那些短暂岁月,我或许世界上幸福的只是那些日子已成过去,要留也留不住

    In you have ever loved those transient years of mine, perhaps I am the happiest person in the world, have just become the past those life, can not stay.


  • 曾经爱过那些短暂岁月,我或许世界上幸福的只是那些日子已成过去,要留也留不住

    In you have ever loved those transient years of mine, perhaps I am the happiest person in the world, have just become the past those life, can not stay.


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