• 热情想法更有精力

    Enthusiasm, ideas, more energy.


  • 放下肩膀——每一调解完坐姿,会立刻感应精力兴奋。

    Sit up straight with your shoulders down - every time I adjust my sitting position, I instantly feel more energetic and cheerier.


  • 不但变得越开心而且精力动机完成我要做的然后取得成就

    Not only did I become happier, but I also had more energy and more motivation to get things done and make achievements.


  • 那些锻炼的人们健康有精力思维清晰睡眠延缓老年痴呆症

    People who exercise are healthier, more energetic, think more clearly, sleep better, have delayed onset of dementia... the list goes on.


  • 你应该减肥以外好处锻炼比如锻炼能让你有精力快乐冷静能提高睡眠质量。

    Exercise for the health benefits that aren't related to weight loss, like feeling more energized, happier, calmer, and experiencing better sleep.


  • 腾出时间锻炼工作生活中效率都会提高因为身体健康才能精力全力以赴收获成果

    Setting aside time to exercise can boost your productivity at work and at home, as you're awarding yourself more energy to give it your all and increase your output.


  • 根据六月的一个会议上提出新的研究癌症存活者或许尝试练习瑜伽精力

    Cancer survivors might want to try yoga to sleep better and have more energy, according to a new study that will be presented at a meeting in early June.


  • 但是尽量明天去健身室做做运动,经常做运动的那些做的得到休息睡眠而且感觉有精力

    But try to visit the gym tomorrow. People who exercise get more restful sleep and often feel more energized than those who don't.


  • 剥夺睡眠健康幸福影响已经研究证实了充足的睡眠我们感觉快乐有精力和活力。

    "Effects of sleep deprivation on health and well-being had been documented by research." Sufficient sleep makes us feel better, happier more vigorous and vital.


  • 但是尽量明天健身室做做运动经常做运动的那些常做的得到休息睡眠而且感觉有精力

    People who exercise get more restful sleep and often feel more energized than those who don't.


  • 但是尽量明天去健身室做做运动,经常做运动的那些做的得到休息睡眠而且感觉有精力

    But try to visit the gym tomorrow. People who exercise get more restful sleep and often feel more energized than those who dont.


  • 然没人真的期待做作业,但如果你组织得好,时间和空间集中精力做作业,你会做得更有效率完成它。

    Although no one exactly looks forward to doing homework, you will get it done more efficiently if you are well organized and have time and space to concentrate on it.


  • 相反我们时间精力用在了更有意义的事情上比如,学习,充实自己健身帮助别人

    Instead, we spend our time and energy doing greater things like educating ourselves, getting really fit and helping others.


  • 就是为什么它会投入如此多的时间精力编写新的程序从而使网络变得好用更有

    That's why the company spends so much time and energy building new applications that make the Web more useful or fun.


  • 出来脂肪作用母乳哺育提供精力,在食物不足时候保障

    The purpose of the extra fat is to give additional energy for breastfeeding and is insurance against times when food may be scarce.


  • 这些才华横溢精力充沛年轻人,本可以一些用的事情。

    These talented and energetic young citizens could surely be doing something more useful.


  • 开始取得成绩时,开始感到力量精力充沛、至关重要时,你已经开始脑中所想愿望重新梳理了。

    When you start getting results, and you start feeling more powerful, more energetic, and vital, you will have begun the process of REWIRING what your brain desires.


  • 圣诞节假期中丈夫参加了一个为期10天冥想训练。我对此并不感兴趣,但是回来后明显变得更有活力精力

    Over the December holidays, my husband went on a 10-day silent meditation retreat. Not my idea of fun, but he came back rejuvenated and energetic.


  • 除此之外,团队可以避免劣质架构上浪费部署后期部署测试时间——精力投入于成效令人满意工作中。

    In addition, teams can avoid wasting deployment and post-deployment testing time on bad buildsand apply their efforts to more productive and satisfying work.


  • 似乎精力集中于进一步减少处理非高速缓冲开销,而不是依赖于进行减少策略尝试。

    It appears to be more effective to concentrate efforts on further reducing the costs of handling non-cached chunks than to rely on policies and heuristics that are of decreasing utility.


  • 自动化成员精力集中需要人类智慧问题上,不用分心进行自动化通常效地运行任务,从而提高团队效率

    Automation also increases team productivity by letting members focus on issues that require human intelligence rather than tasks that usually run faster and more efficiently when they are automated.


  • 那些精力充沛健谈的可能记住过去美好的时光结果多的幸福高度神经敏感即那些郁郁寡欢情绪不稳定焦躁不安的人很可能回忆痛苦的过去少的幸福。

    People high on the neurotic scale, which can mean being moody, emotionally unstable and fretful, were more likely to have an anguished remembrance of the past and to be less happy.


  • 蝴蝶效应,因为创意方面投入的一点精力最终整个世界都创造性

    It's a kind of butterfly-effect, as the small creative energy you spend will eventually return to make you, and the world, more creative.


  • 我们投入大量时间精力使得我们服务效的履行

    We invested tremendous amount of time and effort into make our service fulfillment process better and more efficient.


  • 孩子们应该减少电子游戏时间使得他们效地集中精力于学习

    Children should reduce the time they spend on PC games so that they could concentrate on the study more effectively.


  • 他们感到愤怒枯燥可能性较小可能感觉精力充沛。

    They are less likely to be angry or bored, and somewhat more likely to feel well rested.


  • 随着锻炼适当的饮食人参可以提升精力活跃生机

    Along with exercise and proper diet, drinking ginseng tea can give an energy boost making a person more active and vital.


  • 回到任务上后,你感觉放松精力充沛更有动力继续

    And when you get back to the task, you will feel more relaxed, refreshed and motivated to continue.


  • 回到任务上后,你感觉放松精力充沛更有动力继续

    And when you get back to the task, you will feel more relaxed, refreshed and motivated to continue.


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