• 远离父母、家庭的日子并不轻松早些时候的动乱中,就在发掘工地遇上了一暴民

    But it's not an easy life, far from her family and friends. During the revolution earlier this year, she was confronted by a group of aggressive men as she worked at the excavation site.


  • 那些视数理专家问题一部分的人就像“辛普森”事件中的暴民一样对于陨石击中城镇反应就是要求该把天文台焚毁掉。

    Those who see them as part of the problem are like that mob in an episode of "the Simpsons" that reacts to a meteorite hitting the town by calling for the observatory to be burned down.


  • 尽管偶尔他们可能放过,但你看到经常出现情况会是:到达有机会他们撇下窗口之前无规律的暴民你发起疯狂的围攻。

    Although they will occasionally get the drop on you, often you'll see certain mobs like the Fury scrambling towards you and you'll get a window of opportunity to take them out before they reach you.


  • 不过如果喜欢谢文东磨削暴民暴民直至稀有掉落等待喜欢黄金数的增加最终目的使尽可能的谢文东。

    Nevertheless, if you enjoy grinding wow gold mob after mob, or waiting until rare drop or would like watching your gold-count increasing, the ultimate purpose is to make as many wow gold as possible.


  • 将之称赞高效”“简化委婉之辞,更不必还有点令人毛骨悚然群行私刑暴民就能进行高效的决策没人希望推广这种模式)。

    Praising this asefficient” or “streamlinedis a euphemism, not to mention slightly creepy (a lynch-mob makes streamlined decisions, but nobody wants to copy that).


  • 新德里——“大规模骚扰消息迅速出现印度新闻媒体中:新年前夕,在班加罗尔的街头很多女性遭到暴民的猥亵、骚扰追逐

    New DELHI - news of a "mass molestation" surfaced swiftly in the Indian news media: Numerous women being groped, harassed and chased on the streets of Bangalore by an unruly crowd on new Year's Eve.


  • 一路走来,他们美国(以及随之而来拥有土地的希望)遗弃在路边了,他们受害严峻经济衰退罕见的意外事件以及歇斯底里的暴民

    Along the way their pursuit of the American Dream (and the attendant prospect of land ownership) falls by the wayside the victim of a harsh economic downturn a freak accident and mob hysteria.


  • 停了停显然是最后一句话琢磨一遍,回味一下——他接说:“如果县警官暴民手里夺走了囚犯,他就是一个最不称职的胆小鬼。”

    He paused; apparently to turn that last idea over in his mind and taste the juice of it; then he went on: the sheriff that lets a mob take a prisoner away from him is the lowest-down coward there is.


  • 如同荒蛮西部边境dsk逮捕对待、如同滥用私刑的暴民般得情绪,媒体的狂欢,还有卡恩公开羞辱,都美国看上去就想一个令人讨厌第三世界国家

    The Wild West frontier arrest and treatment of DSK, the lynch-mob mood, the media orgy, and his public humiliation make the US look like a nasty third world state.


  • 有着咄咄逼人的名头意大利黑手党警察认为(contend)他跟西西里暴民有勾结堂兄(his cousinwastappedtobe the next the capodei capi—theheadof theentireorganization.)

    He has an intimidating reputation. The Italian anti-Mafia police contend he is tied to the Sicilian mob, that his cousin was tapped to be the next capo dei capi—the head of the entire organization.


  • 有着咄咄逼人的名头意大利黑手党警察认为(contend)他跟西西里暴民有勾结堂兄(his cousinwastappedtobe the next the capodei capi—theheadof theentireorganization.)

    He has an intimidating reputation. The Italian anti-Mafia police contend he is tied to the Sicilian mob, that his cousin was tapped to be the next capo dei capi—the head of the entire organization.


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