• 人们不是普遍理性的,不会符合逻辑的,理性方法反映良好

    People are not generally rational, and will not respond well to such logical, intellectual approaches.


  • 以笛卡尔为典型代表早期现代哲学家关注是大我普遍理性主体他人问题他们那里没有成为一个重要的哲学主题。

    Early modern philosophers, especially Descartes paid their attentions only to "I" or to the rational subject in general. The problem of others has no place in their thoughts.


  • 引起了我们对于曾经遮蔽维度注意遮蔽物正是对追求永恒普遍真理瘾,及其使用的所谓理性论争方法

    It calls our attention to a dimension that has been eclipsed by the obsession with the search for eternal, universal truth and the way it is practiced, namely through rational arguments.


  • 解决这些问题我们必须在整个人类社会中普遍培育理性思考精神

    To effectively deal with these issues, we must cultivate the spirit of critical thinking throughout human societies.


  • 回到康德修复重建理性肯定纯粹形式地位就能确立普遍有效道德标准

    And getting back to Kant, repairing and rebuilding reason, the status of the certainly pure form, can establish the generally effective moral standard.


  • 无神论人类实践中日益得到证实,从而成为以科学为代表人类健康理性精神普遍特征

    As atheism is increasingly confirmed in people's practice, it has been a common feature of science and human's sound and rationality spirit.


  • 今天我们德育普遍缺少这种追索命运精神气质,强烈的生存理性瓦解古典德育命运感

    Today, our moral education generally lacks the spiritual pursuit and exploration of fate, and the strong survival rationality has disintegrated the fate awareness in classical moral education.


  • 理性第二种,NTPI倾向于建造乌托邦式建筑。 他们因强烈直觉对于普遍真理”的感知而有倾向。

    The second of the pure rationals, the NTPI tends towards creating utopian architectures. It does this out of a strong intuition of global truth.


  • 理性观念所反映出认识兴趣”就在于能够保证人的自由解放普遍秩序生活规范的追求。

    The cognitive interest represented 'by the concept of reason is to seek for the universal order and living principle that can insure man freedom and emancipation.


  • 法学本质上人类理性普遍表达,据此可以逻辑地推定法学的绝对标准相对标准。

    Law, in essence, is a universal expression of human rationality, which can be logically deduced to the relative standard and absolute standard of law.


  • 因为古典主义强调理性普遍主题传统上反对强调感情个人主题的浪漫主义。

    Classicism, with its concern for reason and universal themes, is traditionally opposed to Romanticism, which is concerned with emotions and personal themes.


  • 文章认为,解决实践理性二重性关键不是证明利己主义完全错误的,而是创建正义社会制度辩证地处理好个人利益普遍利益的关系。

    The key for us to resolve dualism of practical reason is to construct the just social system and harmonize individual interest and universal interest, but not to illustrate that egoism is fully wrong.


  • 西方哲学康德以来,普遍探寻人类知识道德规范实践活动历史理性作为现代哲学的使命

    Since Kant, western Philosophy has often considered as the mission of modem Philosophy probing the human knowledge's moral norm and the historical rationality of Practice.


  • 作为普遍规律随着密度的增加机械改善

    As a general rule both mechanical and physical properties improve with increasing density.


  • 神秘主义先锋小说普遍倾向其中包含先锋作家世界终极意义真实性人类理性深刻质疑,由此流露出极强的悲观色彩。

    The mysticism is a universal tendency of the vanguard novels, which involves the vanguard writer's query into the ultimate meaning, authenticity, mankind's rationality in the world.


  • 目的在于试图通过某些基本概念来观察(考察)心灵思想理性渴望之间所存在普遍而又独特的一面。

    My aim is to experiment with how the basic concepts and desires of the soul, the mind and the intellect are universal and unique at the same time.


  • 如果建筑师医生愿意尊重从事技艺理性(原则),而不是自身理性这一点奇怪而言,两者哪一个更普遍

    Is it not strange if the architect and the physician shall have more respect to the reason (the principles) of their own arts than man to his own reason, which is common to him and the gods?


  • 公共领域理论强调三个核心因素公众普遍利益形成公众舆论讨论理性批判性平等性

    The public sphere theory focuses on three core elements: the public, the public opinions formed on common interests and the reason, criticalness and equality of discussion.


  • 表面看,他们似乎远离社会主流其实,“本我精神”中同样包含普遍人类情怀历史理性

    It seems that they have run counter to the mainstream of the society on the surface, but actually "id spirit" inevitably embodies human feelings and historical reason.


  • 回归生活世界当代人走出理性世界困境普遍追寻对于道德教育来说同样如此

    "Returning to the world of life" is the common pursuit for the people of our time to walk out of the predicament of the world of rationality, so is for moral education.


  • 道德权利本质规定中,蕴涵着普遍原则理性原则、社会性原则。

    In the essence of the moral rights there are principle of universality, principle of rationality, and principle of sociality.


  • 价值评价具有普遍理性有时司马迁价值评价有其片面性。

    Value evaluation ought to have universal rationality, but Si Maqian's value evaluation seems to be partial sometimes.


  • 列宁提出思想初级本质理性分析、不带阶级性,没有认知内容而只是人类共同具有的普遍情感的表露。

    Man's primary nature of thought put forward by Lenin is the common emotional convey without reasonable analysis, class nature or cognitive content.


  • 当前下岗职工普遍存在着理性上的自我困惑、价值的自我否定、精神自我疲软、就业上的等靠要、择业上的恋旧高期望心理。

    Nowadays the unemployed workers are at a loss in the logos, and self-denied in social value, and self-exhausted in spirits.


  • 研究股票市场非理性投机泡沫普遍规律同时,文中适当了一些中国例子

    This paper would give some Chinese example when studying the common law of irrational speculative bubbles.


  • 我国家族制企业人力资源管理普遍存在家族化倾向这种选择有理性的一面,存在许多弊端。

    In our country, most of the family corporations squint towards familial on human resource management. On the one hand, it is rational, but on the other hand, there are also some disadvantages.


  • 我国家族制企业人力资源管理普遍存在家族化倾向这种选择有理性的一面,存在许多弊端。

    In our country, most of the family corporations squint towards familial on human resource management. On the one hand, it is rational, but on the other hand, there are also some disadvantages.


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