• 大致同意联合国计划谈判的可能基础

    Both factions have broadly agreed that the U.N. plan is a possible basis for negotiation.


  • 现在听起来很遥远毒液人类药物基础

    Now, it sounds far-fetched, venom is the basis for human drugs.


  • 平静幸福基础因为哪里焦虑紧张困惑,哪里就不会快乐

    Peace is the foundation of happiness, for where there is anxiety, tension and confusion, joy cannot exist.


  • 我来说基础训练持续个月一生挑战

    To me, the basic training was a lifetime of challenges that lasted six months.


  • 正如可能知道的,从理论上原色所有其他颜色形成基础

    As you probably know, primary colors are, theoretically speaking, the basic colors from which all other colors can be made.


  • 相互理解我们他人关系基础如果没了相互理解,我们就会成为社交白痴

    Mutual understanding is the basis of our relationships with others and we would be socially idiotic without it.


  • 多亏意识到每个社区存在社会分裂基础多么薄弱。

    Thanks to Joe, I have realized how little basis there is, for the social divisions that exist in every community.


  • 三个支柱终身学习复杂技术学科因为计算能力一切事物最终运行基础

    These three pillars would allow you to keep learning complex technical subjects all your life because numeracy is the foundation upon which everything else is eventually built.


  • 同样重要,开展对基础知识低端技术研究庄稼轮作小型农场中发展动植物混养。

    Equally crucial is lower-tech research into basics such as crop rotation and mixed farming of animals and plants on small farms.


  • 玛丽亚·德鲁伊科娃自然数学创始人之一,她5岁的儿童教授基础微积分概念

    Maria Droujkova is a founder of Natural Math, and has taught basic calculus concepts to 5-year-olds.


  • 所提到风力涡轮机制造商我们重建21世纪具有竞争性经济基础

    The wind turbine manufacturer I mentioned, are the foundation on which we can rebuild our economy to compete in the 21st century.


  • 挑选过程建立在对能力经验严格缜密考核的基础之上的。

    The selection process is based on rigorous tests of competence and experience.


  • 辩称说过分拥挤城市建立自私贪婪基础上的制度造成的。

    He argued that the overcrowded cities were the product of a system based on "selfishness" and "rapacity."


  • 建筑于1798年1802年间流行的古典主义风格基础建造的。

    The building was erected between 1798 and 1802 in the neoclassical style of the time.


  • 农业农村经济基础

    Agriculture forms the backbone of the rural economy.


  • 故事的背景根据以下童话故事:《小红帽》、《山羊《三只小猪》等基础的。

    The story sets are based on the following fairy tales: Little Red Ridinghood, Three Billy Goats Gruff, and the Three Little Pigs.


  • 一千梯级井印度干旱地区生活基础

    A millennium ago, step-wells were fundamental to life in the driest parts of India.


  • 这个秘密重要部分一个科学医学基础昂贵分布广泛体育学院网络

    A big part of the secret is an extensive and expensive network of sporting academies underpinned by science and medicine.


  • 基础主义观点我们知识主张,也我们认为自己所知道的事物,需要一个基础

    Foundationalism is the view that our knowledge claims, what we think we know, that is, they need to have a base.


  • 这种社区参与整个卡诺艺术运动特征60年代中期奇卡诺民权运动有着相同发展基础

    Such community engagement is characteristic of the Chicano art movement as a whole, which evolved from the same foundations as the Chicano civil rights movement of the mid-1960s.


  • 天文单位宇宙标尺我们今天测量宇宙基础

    The AU is a cosmic measuring rod, and the basis of how we scale the Universe today.


  • 这些较小数字较大数字的基础

    That is, these smaller numbers are the basis of larger numbers.


  • 认为这种冲突宗教基础想法不切实际的因为即使教皇无法控制这种冲突。

    The idea that there is a religious basis for this clash is illusory, for not even the Pope has been able to control it.


  • 指望阅读理解表现反映词汇量,因为词汇理解的基础

    You would expect the reading comprehension performance to mirror the vocabularyit's a cornerstone of comprehension.


  • 童年活动有助于儿童培养责任感独立自信能力这些情感健康基础

    Childhood activities help a child develop responsibility, independence, confidence and competencethe underpinnings of emotional health.


  • 其中许多非常专业造纸的优势木材棉花破布大部分木材为基础

    Many of these are very specialized, but the preponderance of paper making has been from soft wood and cotton or rags, with the bulk being wood-based.


  • 政府谈到基础设施经济贡献时通常关注公路铁路宽带能源

    When the government talks about infrastructure contributing to the economy, the focus is usually on roads, railways, broadband, and energy.


  • 间接协作信息共享网站背后关键原则白蚁构建复杂结构基础一样。

    Indirect collaboration is the key principle behind information-sharing websites, just as it underlies the complex constructions that termites build.


  • 建造房子工厂办公室合适地点人流聚集且基础设施已经到位城镇

    The sensible place to build new houses, factories and offices is where people are, in cities and towns where infrastructure is in place.


  • 国父这种远见成为主张自由国家道德义务基础美国宪法一份反奴隶制的文件。

    This vision of the founders served as a basis for asserting that freedom was a national moral imperative, and that the United States Constitution was an antislavery document.


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