• 退潮可以蹚水走出1英里几乎湿不到脚踝

    When the tide ebbs, you can paddle out for a mile and barely get your ankles wet.


  • 如何解释科罗拉多州博尔德市,医疗保险平均费用9103美元,车程科罗拉多州柯林斯,费用却是6448美元?

    How do you explain that in Boulder, Colo., the average cost of medicare treatment is $9,103, whereas an hour away in Fort Collins, Colo., the cost is $6,448?


  • 孩子们下车应该他们巴士

    Children should be asked to take five large steps away from the bus when they get it off.


  • 有人打喷嚏或咳嗽,病毒可以在空气中传播一米,所以你在与感冒患者交谈最好站在适当的距离。

    When someone sneezes (打喷嚏) or coughs, the viruses can travel as far as one meter through the air, so you'd better stand a proper distance while talking to someone who has a cold.


  • 一些生物学家假设如果植物处在另一株植物荫蔽下停止生长感知到红光红光寻常比例反应会触发

    Some biologists hypothesize that a plant will stop growing if it's in the shade of another plant, a reaction that's triggered when it senses an unusual ratio of red light to far-red light.


  • 计博物馆的选择似乎没有艺术博物馆那么严格,参观者也可以在参观这些展品感受到我们社会的幽默部分,这些展品是从我们日常生活中收集的有趣且异常吸引人的玩具。

    The choices open to design museums seem far less strict than those to art museum, and visitors may also sense the humorous part of our society while walking around such exhibits as interesting and unusually attractive toys collected from our everyday life.


  • 如此以至于一个叫做苏联的庞然大物轰然倒塌人们开始抱怨得太了。

    He went so far that people started to complain his going too far when such a giant as Soviet Union crashed down.


  • 每次注视面前拇指10-20英尺物体之间转换,都进行一次深呼吸

    On each deep breath switch between focussing on your thumb and the 10-20 feet object in front of you.


  • 一个植物荫蔽,它所面临的红光对于红光比值就会发生显著改变

    There is a significant change in the red to far-red ratio if a plant is shaded by foliage.


  • 学校也只设有年级年级我们到了西金库市了离家只有半里阿迪小学

    By my sixth grade year, we moved to West Chester and I then went to Adena Elementary, only a couple blocks from our house.


  • 海岸离岛20 -30英尺的地方,要靠岸拉起根绳子,座浮岛拖向岸边。

    To get to shore, which is only 20-30 feet away, he pulls a rope and hauls the entire island by hand.


  • 距离旅行日期我们关注期待看到风景

    When the trip is far off, we focus on the scenic view we expect to see.


  • 不过填到土壤中要于在烤肉燃料而烧掉

    But perhaps charcoal is better in soil than burned as fuel for barbecues.


  • 不是例如人们感到悲哀或者厌恶,颧骨肌肉也会同样收缩

    But this is far from an iron law. The same muscles sometimes contract when people are feeling sadness or disgust, for example.


  • 吃饭大家都匆忙,板着脸,很少谈话马丁他们的谈话更意识到自己跟他们现状的距离之

    They ate hurriedly and gloomily, with but little conversation, and as Martin ate and listened he realized how far he had travelled from their status.


  • 不过这个文章靠在椅子上,屏幕一码,大概两手的长度。

    Still, I’m writing this story leaning back in a chair, a screen over a yard from me, two arm lengths away.


  • 不过这个文章靠在椅子上,屏幕一码,大概两手的长度。

    Still, I'm writing this story leaning back in a chair, a screen over a yard from me, two arm lengths away.


  • 散光是角膜或者变平表面不平坦,影响聚焦

    When the cornea curves or flattens unevenly, the result is astigmatism, which disrupts focus of near and distant vision.


  • 他们眺望道路,他们看得我们,并看到更多可能性对下游成本收益也看得更为清楚

    When they looked down a road as far as they could, before choosing a path, they would have seen farther than we can: more potential outcomes, more possible downstream costs and benefits.


  • 身体变得强壮更具持久,可以长些距离,练习下举重骑骑自行车或者尝试当地体育馆瑜伽报个

    As you build strength and stamina, walk faster or farther, lift weights, ride a bike, or try a class at a local gym or yoga studio.


  • 质变就好比是把星星变成一条线公司加速成长条线就会延伸至无限

    It's a qualitative change, like the stars turning into lines and disappearing when the Enterprise accelerates to warp speed.


  • 泥浆漩涡中,什么看不到,然后被冲出英里,退一棵树挡住

    He couldn't see anything in the swirling mud and was carried half a mile inland, wedged against a tree when the waters ebbed.


  • 离他们英尺听到感觉到第三震撼。

    I was just feet away when I heard and felt the effects of a third shot.


  • 它们听到开动剪草机准备除草,它们就会前来攻击你,将你出1000英尺,它们还能够持续攻击长大10个小

    Whenever they hear you coming with a lawnmower or trimmer, they will attack you and they will chasing after you as far as 1000 feet and they can continue attacking you for up to 10 hours.


  • 天晚上,艾伦发现同住间宿舍的盖茨进门上竟打了石膏——原来在滑水动中弄折了脚。

    One night, Gates walked through the door in a leg cast -- he had snapped his leg water skiing.


  • 中国比利大使张援出席开幕式并致辞

    During the opening ceremony, Chinese Ambassador to Belgium Zhang Yuanyuan delivered a speech.


  • 中国比利大使张援出席开幕式并致辞

    During the opening ceremony, Chinese Ambassador to Belgium Zhang Yuanyuan delivered a speech.


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