• 或许的敷衍会付出无法估计后悔。

    My perfunctory maybe lead to regretment estimated.


  • 很难知道多久轮胎悬挂采取更新因此我们仍然无法估计发布日期

    It's hard to know how long the tyre heat and suspension updates will take, so we are still not able to estimate a release date.


  • 自己已经明智地说过了,”阿·伊什回答道,“孩子劳动无法估计价值。”

    "You yourself have wisely said," answered Arsheesh, "that the boy's Labour has been to me of inestimable value."


  • 税收积累很大程度时,更多数目将被投放癌症研究治疗病人而不会提到无法估计的生命例如吸烟受害者

    While the tax is collected in vast sum, much larger amounts are spent on cancer research and on effort to cure patient not to mention countless valuable lives lost as victims of smoking.


  • 英格兰足球队,一直以来因为无法估计的巨额收入饱受争议,最近他们答应基本的英总的工资捐献慈善机构

    England's football squad, often criticised for their astronomical earnings, have agreed to donate their basic football Association wages to charity.


  • 摩羯座,山羊有着庞大无法估计名字摩羯星的夏天星群,8月期间夜晚上空可以观赏到摩羯星最佳景象。

    Capricorn the Sea Goat is a Summer constellation with an astronomical name of Capricornus, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of August.


  • 普赖尔说:“根据目前我们无法通过陆路取得联系地区人口数量估计,我们需要至少40重型直升机,进入那些地区。

    We estimate, based on the areas and the number of people that we cannot reach by road currently, that we require at least 40 more heavy-lift helicopters to reach into those areas.


  • 当然我们无法估计此类国企转贷规模

    Of course, we can't estimate the magnitude of such SoE lending.


  • 尽管估计有五分之一案件无法解决,(英国)内政部希望2011年前能将他们全部处理掉。

    The Home Office hopes to have them all done by 2011, though it suspects that a fifth of them may prove insoluble.


  • 即使事实更加清晰明朗地区制裁后果也是无法估计到的。

    Nor, in places where the facts are clearer, have the consequences of sanctions been predictable.


  • 前期成本过高使得他们无法用于普通照明电器上,但是专家估计再有价格降低功效增加,这个会改善的。

    Upfront costs make them too expensive for most general lighting applications, but experts expect that to change over the next five years as prices come down and efficiencies go up.


  • 信息不对称造成场外衍生品市场极大破坏,在场外市场,甚至连大型交易公司无法估计其他公司倒闭造成后果

    Asymmetries wreaked havoc in the vast over-the-counter derivatives market, too, where even large dealing firms lacked the information to determine the consequences of others failing.


  • 拒绝撤军设定一个时间表。他说撤军数量取决于伊拉克地面局势,但伊拉克的地面局势无法提前作出估计

    He has refused to agree to a timetable for withdrawals, saying reductions in troop levels will be determined by conditions on the ground in Iraq that are impossible to predict in advance.


  • 介绍,动物园目前尚无法准确估计这座发电厂能否满足动物园热能需求这种能源供应方式最终所比例应该相当可观的。

    Wiesner said it was too early to say exactly how much of the zoo's heating needs would be met by the plant but it should be a significant proportion.


  • 海啸可能达到高向来很难估计-海浪可能根本无法到达或者高达超出海平面10

    It has been difficult to estimate the possible wave heights of any tsunami - the waves may not arrive at all or could be as high as 10 metres above normal sea level.


  • 然而令人不安这些数字很可能只是一个保守估计因为科学家哺乳动物中的836个种类缺乏足够的数据甚至无法按照它们受威胁的程度来归类

    Disturbingly, the figures are likely to be a conservative estimate, because scientists have insufficient data on 836 species to even classify how threatened they are.


  • 尽管具体规模无法知晓,现在估计1亿台主机超过3.5亿的用户活跃因特网上

    Although the exact size is unknown, the current estimate is that there are about 100 million hosts and over 350 million users actively on the Internet.


  • 日本土木学会HiroyukiYanagawaE -mail中这样写道:“我们了解真实情况无法估计多大地区遭受破坏。”

    "We don't understand the real situation," Hiroyuki Yanagawa of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers wrote in an E-mail. "We cannot investigate the area."


  • 日本土木学会HiroyukiYanagawaE-mail中这样写道:“我们了解真实情况无法估计多大地区遭受破坏。

    We don't understand the real situation,” Hiroyuki Yanagawa of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers wrote in an e-mail. “We cannot investigate the area.


  • 某些特殊情况下,无法估计备份周期或者复制过程长,那么脚本可以lvdisplay查询SnapshotCoW使用情况根据需要扩展这个lv

    In special cases where the cycle can't be estimated or copy process times are long, a script could query the Snapshot CoW usage with lvdisplay and extend the lv on demand.


  • 激进估计经常用于软钱储蓄或者基线数据无法证实的情况

    Aggressive estimates are often used for soft-dollar savings, or when baseline data is not verifiable. 9.


  • 穆迪economy.com网站估计迈阿密26%的房贷无法按期收回,或者回来而作为坏账一笔勾销。

    Moody's Economy.com estimates that 26% of mortgages in Miami are delinquent or are likely to be written off as bad debt that can not be collected.


  • Google年前(link)就切换新的追踪代码(link),根据Pindom采访个Google顾问估计代码将来的几个月里无法使用

    Google switched to the newer tracking code well over a year ago, and according to a Google consultant interviewed by Pingdom, the old code may be deactivated in the next few months.


  • 债券市场一如既往地抱着乐观的估计,觉得美国可能无法8月2日前提高债务上限随后就有可能出现技术性违约

    Bond markets remain sanguine about a possible failure to raise America's debt ceiling by August 2nd, and the subsequent potential for a technical default.


  • 忠诚爱情充溢心里无法估计自己享有的财富

    Loyal love is full of my heart, I can not estimate the wealth of their own.


  • 靠外测数据本身,无法估计误差的。

    It is unable to estimate the truncation errors just use the tracking data only.


  • 如果投机活动超出控制之外的话,可以带来难以估计无法令人满意的结果而且可能处理钱财事务时,变得怒不可遏。

    Speculation, if allowed to get out of hand, can produce unexpected and unsatisfactory results, and you may have a tendency to go off the deep end in handling financial matters.


  • 在测量精度要求较高场合,直接利用FFT频谱估计显然无法达到精度要求。

    It's apparently difficult to meet the requirement of accuracy by using of FFT directly.


  • 在测量精度要求较高场合,直接利用FFT频谱估计显然无法达到精度要求。

    It's apparently difficult to meet the requirement of accuracy by using of FFT directly.


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