• 在下面无止境地搜寻

    Leaving me searching on the ground.


  • 不再需要无止境等待电子邮件或者电话回复

    Forget the lag time of email or waiting for a call back.


  • 但是这些国家个人不必无止境贫困下去。

    Individuals and nations need not remain in poverty indefinitely, however.


  • 使我们意识不会无止境地容忍上的罪恶

    The rainbow should also cause us to realise that god will not continually tolerate wickedness and ungodliness upon the earth.


  • 太空探险不是无止境围着转圈子,而是为了寻找另外世界

    Space exploration is not an endless circling of Earth; it is going to other worlds.


  • 不过我们也不会无止境下去,实际上我们已经确定了结局

    However, we don't intend to make games which don't have real endings just because there is a sequel already planned.


  • 决不无止境每日每时下去,决不胜利冲昏自己的头脑。

    On no account should we fight on day after day without cease, or be carried away by success.


  • 好比里面的水干,堵漏的话,无止境地舀也无济于事。

    Think of bailing out a boat with a hole in it. You can bail and bail, but it won't do anything for the leak.


  • 问题在于大多数认为欧洲无止境希腊还有爱尔兰葡萄牙)投钱。

    The issue is that most people think Europe will not continue to fund Greece (and Ireland and Portugal) indefinitely.


  • 迈克尔·杰克逊将生命无止境贡献于帮助他人度过最艰难困苦的黑暗日子

    Michael Jackson endlessly devoted his life to helping others in their darkest time of need.


  • 论证体育本质无止境地强化体能,因为强化体能是体育事最稳固最鲜明特征

    It is proved that sport's nature is strengthen physical power forever, and the firm characteristic of sport also is strengthen physical power.


  • 这会使你无止境过去未来占据,让你无法尊重和认可当下时刻允许如实存在

    This creates an endless preoccupation with past and future and an unwillingness to honor and acknowledge the present moment and allow it to be.


  • 根据一项全国性调查尽管无止境地谈论版权保护”,不会拒绝盗版产品人数仍然过高

    In spite of "endless talk of copyright protection", the number of people who will not refuse to buy pirate products is still exceedingly high according to a national survey.


  • 事实上这种冷却过程缓慢流动提高动力,驱使着板块运动,实现无止境地重塑表面

    It is in fact this cooling which powers the slow circulation of the mantle, and through that the endless remaking of the surface through plate tectonics.


  • 这种一进一退谈判过程就像是跳舞这些议题无止境地绕圈子,同时,双方开始产生怨恨

    This back-and-forth negotiation process, which many liken to a dance, can leave you shuffling endlessly around the issues, while resentment builds on both sides.


  • 这样我们就能变的富有生活更加充实因为我们无止境地富裕追求替代了一些物质东西

    This can lead to a richer, more fulfilled life as we replace material things with pursuits that are ultimately more enriching.


  • 美国无止境地研究各种食物确认该食物对人体有益还是有害,助长了人们对食物的恐慌。

    The American dietary obsession is fed by a seeming-ly endless series of scientific studies that demonstrate the wholesomeness or toxicity of various foodstuffs.


  • 而科学家必须确定他们基因拿掉只是暂时性的,否则细胞可能会无止境不断生长,进而造成癌细胞的产生。

    Scientists still need to ensure that they can deactivate those genes only temporarily; otherwise he muscle cells may start to divide uncontrollably, leading to cancer.


  • 我们无止境地追求运营效率的过程中,我们会在如何到达客户努力实行标准化运作,尽可能减少中间环节。

    In our relentless quest for operating efficiency, we have gone for more standardization and fewer business partners in our efforts to reach customers.


  • 假如组态始于最后一个坡顶右侧无穷远处,隐藏空间大小将会无止境地增加(将停止隐藏)。

    If the configuration starts out to the right of the last peak, the ball will roll off to infinity, and the size of the hidden space will increase without bound (it will cease to be hidden).


  • 他们给予年青人渴望得到亲密友情,他们年青人无止境永恒主题各抒己见没有这些,青春便只是耗费时光

    They give young people that close companionship for which young longs, and that chance of the endless discussion of themes which are endless, without which youth would seem a waste of time.


  • 自从某些评论者大捧特捧又某些嗤之以鼻后,郎朗受欢迎失宠之间无止境地摆荡,这是广受瞩目钢琴家都有的经验

    After being praised extravagantly by some critics and dismissed by others, Lang Lang has entered the endless cycle of favor and disfavor experienced by pianists of great visibility.


  • 无止境利用惊险谋杀概念好莱坞电视青年人展现完全是幻想社会景象。在这个社会里,为了乐趣而谋杀一件极其平常

    By endlessly exploiting the notion of the "thrill" murder, Hollywood and television present to the young an entirely imaginary image of a society in which killing for pleasure is a common event.


  • 款游戏品牌可以无止境地进行拓展,”评估分析手机应用程序社区Appolicious创始人首席执行官艾伦•沃姆兹(Allan Warms)

    The brand extensions for this game are limitless,” says Alan Warms, founder and CEO of Appolicious, which evaluates and reviews mobile-phone applications.


  • 制片厂实际上控制电影级别评定委员会并且无止境地对其进行游说,以便把那些充满极度恐怖影片评为NC - 17级,级别评定的唯一形式实际上强制性的。

    Studios, in effect, control the movie ratings board and endlessly lobby it not to label extreme violence with an NC-17, the only form of rating that is actually enforced.


  • 随着剧情展开讲述了自己如何杀死自己心爱的、总是宽恕妻子伊芙琳(Evelyn),只因为个人不可能无止境地责备自己的良心,无止境地让人家宽恕、同情,总极限啊!”

    As the drama unfolds, he recounts how he killed his loving, ever-forgiving wife Evelyn, because "There is a limit to the guilt you can feel and the forgiveness you can take."


  • 随着剧情展开讲述了自己如何杀死自己心爱的、总是宽恕妻子伊芙琳(Evelyn),只因为个人不可能无止境地责备自己的良心,无止境地让人家宽恕、同情,总极限啊!”

    As the drama unfolds, he recounts how he killed his loving, ever-forgiving wife Evelyn, because "There is a limit to the guilt you can feel and the forgiveness you can take."


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