• 邓布利多转身看见斯拉格·霍恩正气喘吁吁站在客厅门口

    Dumbledore turned to see Slughorn standing breathless in the doorway to the sitting room.


  • 斯拉格·霍恩戴着顶带缨穗天鹅绒帽子吸烟衫很匹配。

    Slughorn was wearing a tasseled velvet hat to match his smoking jacket.


  • 拉格霍恩椅子上爬了起来,把杯子拿到桌前男孩们鱼贯而出。

    Slughorn pulled himself out of his armchair and carried his empty glass over to his desk as the boys filed out.


  • 当然,”邓布利多说,“斯拉格·霍恩教授篡改了自己的记忆。”

    "Certainly," said Dumbledore. "Professor Slughorn has meddled with his own recollections."


  • 即使承认本书的,斯拉格·霍恩一眼认出他的笔迹

    And even if Snape pretended it hadn't been his, Slughorn would have recognized his writing at once.


  • 拉格·霍恩情况不一样一向说服的能力,需要调整一下环境

    The situation with Slughorn was different; you always had the ability to persuade him, you just needed to tweak the circumstances a bit.


  • 福灵剂此时轻轻推了哈利一下注意拉格·霍恩带来很快了。

    The Felix Felicis gave Harry a little nudge at this point, and he noticed that the supply of drink that Slughorn had brought was running out fast.


  • 设法使斯拉格霍恩教授暴露真实记忆无疑我们关键资料

    It will be your job to persuade Professor Slughorn to divulge the real memory, which will undoubtedly be our most crucial piece of information of all.


  • 斯拉格·霍恩放进瓶中,银丝了起来,继而展开了,气体一样盘旋着。

    Slughorn lowered it into the bottle where it coiled, then spread, swirling like gas.


  • 知道自己安全的——福灵剂告诉拉格·霍恩明天早上什么也不会记得

    He knew he was safe: Felix was telling him that Slughorn would remember nothing of this in the morning.


  • 斯拉格·霍恩举起,把颤抖手指嘴上,一时看上去庞大婴儿

    Slughorn raised a pudgy hand and pressed his shaking fingers to his mouth; he looked for a moment like an enormously overgrown baby.


  • 不知道本来如此还是因为施了魔法斯拉格霍恩办公室一般教师房间大多。

    Whether it had been built that way, or because he had used magical trickery to make it so, Slughorn's office was much larger than the usual teacher's study.


  • 无论是什么样的信息斯拉格·霍恩所告诉汤姆的,就是他们打败伏地魔唯一方式

    And whatever information Slughorn did impart to Tom could lead them to the only way to defeat Voldemort.


  • 伏地魔获得重生以来,拉格霍恩始终遇上徒兵被他们胁迫加入恐惧中惶惶不可终日。

    Ever since Voldemort regained his powers, Slughorn has lived in fear that he will be confronted by Death Eaters and pressured to join them.


  • 不会告诉斯拉格霍恩哈利里翻腾起来)——哈利这一学药课的成绩怎么

    Would he tell SlughornHarry's stomach churned — how Harry had been achieving such good results in Potions all year? Would he confiscate or destroy the book that had taught Harry so much .


  • 丈夫特拉维居住于萨市,还有我们宠物名叫吉布森的葛雷伊猎犬名叫斯拉格的猫猫。

    I live in Lenexa with my husband, Travis (a 2002 SMW graduate), and our pets: a greyhound named Gibson and a cat named Slugger.


  • “来,”拉格霍恩递给哈利罗恩每人一杯蜂蜜酒着杯子,“生日快乐拉尔弗——”

    "There you are then, " said Slughorn, handing Harry and Ron a glass of mead each before raising his own. "Well, a very happy birthday, Ralph —"


  • 拉格指出坚韧顽强象征因为能够艰苦环境中——包括野火烧过之后——存活下来。

    Koeslag notes that the flower is a symbol of resilience because of its ability to survive tough conditions, including wild fires.


  • 真是谢谢费心,波莫娜,”斯拉格霍恩客气地说,“多数权威认为此药在黄昏采摘药效最佳。”

    "I do thank you for taking the time, Pomona, " Slughorn was saying courteously, "most authorities agree that they are at their most efficacious if picked at twilight. "


  • 拉格霍恩把自己杯子又斟满了,问到现在林子住着生物,又问海格怎么照看得过来。

    He refilled Hagrid's mug and his own, and questioned him about the creatures that lived in the forest these days and how Hagrid was able to look after them all.


  • 拉格·霍恩非常恼怒地打断的发问,甚至拒绝讨论这样事情而且把他请了自己的房间

    But Slughorn angrily cuts him off, refusing even to discuss such matters and ordering him out of the room.


  • 剧情霍格·沃兹魔法学校的年度再度展开,邓布利多向学生介绍魔药学教授拉格·霍恩回来任教

    PLOT: the new term in Hogwarts started again. Dumbledore introduced the new potion professor, Horace Slughorn, who had been a teacher in Hogwarts before.


  • 点儿哈利节课迟到了。”斯拉格·霍恩亲切地,一边那火龙皮公文包搭扣。

    "Come on, now, Harry, you'll be late for your next lesson," said Slughorn affably, snapping the gold clasps shut on his dragon-skin briefcase.


  • 斯拉格·霍恩已经走了哈利失望坩埚收拾东西离开地下教室慢慢上楼公共休息室

    But Slughorn had gone. Disappointed, Harry emptied the cauldron, packed up his things, left the dungeon, and walked slowly back upstairs to the common room.


  • 完全正确!”斯拉格·霍恩微笑道,“格兰芬多加十分!现在如果我们承认戈巴洛特第三定律成立……”。

    "Precisely!" beamed Slughorn. "Ten points for Gryffindor! Now, if we accept Golpalott's Third Law as true..."


  • 六七个十多岁的男孩围坐在斯拉格霍恩旁边,其中汤姆·里德尔。 马罗的黑宝石金戒指里德尔的手上闪烁着。

    And there were the halfdozen teenage boys sitting around Slughorn with Tom Riddle in the midst of them, Marvolo's gold-and-black ring gleaming on his finger.


  • 谈谈哈利。”深深吸了一口气,“你不应该这么。你听见拉格·霍恩怎么说的,不合法的。”

    "I want a word with you, Harry." She took a deep breath. "you shouldn't have done it. You heard Slughorn, it's illegal."


  • 哈利没有留下来看拉格·霍恩支支吾吾,卢娜跟着麦格教授了出去。麦格教授走廊中央站好位置举起魔杖

    Harry did not stay to watch Slughorn splutter: he and Luna ran after Professor McGonagall, who had taken up a position in the middle of the corridor and raised her wand.


  • 不如直接斯拉格·霍恩办公室记忆搞到手。”门厅那儿罗恩赫敏透露计划时,赫敏

    "You'd do better," said Hermione, when he confided this plan to Ron and her in the entrance hall, "to go straight to Slughorn's office and try and get that memory from him."


  • 赶紧闪到一边已砰地打开马尔福大步走廊那头走去,经过拉格·霍恩办公室敞开门口,转过拐角不见了

    Malfoy was striding away down the corridor, past the open door of Slughorn's office, around the distant corner, and out of sight.


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