• 这种类型的文化接触已经幻想模糊了。

    Such cultural encounter was blurred with illusions.


  • 英汉语码混合中英两文化接触结合的产物

    English-Chinese code-mixing is the product of two cultures contact and communication.


  • 第二阐述了英汉颜色词文化内涵对比所采用文化接触这一视角理论框架

    Chapter Two introduces the theoretical framework for the perspective of cultural contact. It employs three concepts: language contact, cultural contact and cultural borrowing.


  • 必要的,虽然我们对面子文化接触非常,习以为常,但是面子文化学理理解却是缺乏的。

    This is quite necessary because people meet with the face culture often and feel familiar with it but their theoretical comprehension of it is extremely in want.


  • 随着中国加入世界贸易组织,世界重要地位不容争辩,更多国家进行文化接触

    With its entry into WTO, China has established its indisputable status of importance in the world and it will inevitably make intercultural contact with an increasing number of countries.


  • 平埔族语言使用变迁史表明,语言转用就是文化接触过程文化力量的竞争语言使用格局上的反映

    The history showed that the language transference reflected the competition between two different kinds of culture through the language structure.


  • 基础上,探讨、汉民族民俗文化差异管窥两个民族长期历史进程相互影响、相互渗透的语言文化接触现象

    On the basis of this, we can clearly research the folk-custom difference of Mongolian and Chinese, and study the language culture phenomenon of interaction and reciprocity in the long history.


  • 现代日语反映了现代日本社会结构特征积淀了日本民族时代变迁以及文化接触历史,从而形成了具有许多独特个性的语言文化

    Modern Japanese reflects the structure and characteristics of modern Japanese society, and also embodies the historical changes of the Japanese nation and her contact with foreign cultures.


  • 满族在南迁过程中,生态环境社会环境改变文化接触增多渔猎走向农耕,由迁徙渐趋定居,思想文化也发生了一系列相应的改变。

    With the change of ecological and social environment, Manchu nationality has been influenced much more by Chinese culture when it was moving to the south.


  • 这样的设计结果得到精致的外观,能很好地集成绿地不会视为个单独出现的博物馆殿堂而是作为一个交流文化接触的开放型空间。

    The result has a delicate appearance that integrates well into the green space and will not be perceived as a singled-out museum temple but as an open house for exchange and cultural encounters.


  • 所有群体认同描述这种情感包括几乎从未接触西方文化福勒族的成员。

    All groups, including the Fore, who had almost no contact with Western culture, agreed on the portrayed emotions.


  • 于是大陆游学想法就此诞生了,在接下来的300年里,游学旅行将英国人、德国人斯堪的纳维亚人,还有美国人带到了法国意大利他们接触到了那里的艺术文化

    Thus was born the idea of the Grand Tour, a practice which introduced Englishmen, Germans, Scandinavians, and also Americans to the art and culture of France and Italy for the next 300 years.


  • 邓维尔先生已经开始高中三年级的学生带到工厂来,他们接触工厂的文化

    Mr. Dunwell has begun bringing high school juniors to the factory so they can get exposed to its culture.


  • 邓维尔已经开始高中生带到工厂来,这样他们可以接触工厂的文化

    Dunwell has begun bringing high school juniors to the factory so they can get exposed to its culture.


  • 文化之间交流接触带来更多合作双边进一步繁荣

    Contact between different cultures would contribute to more cooperation and greater prosperity of the two sides.


  • 尽管男性身体接触这些文化更为正常,但在阿拉伯国家,人们会抵触非家庭成员异性之间的身体接触

    Although men's touching is more normal in these cultures, physical contact between persons of opposite sexes who are not family members is negatively perceived in Arabian countries.


  • 亚洲以及非常令人吃惊美国加拿大英国属于接触文化

    Asia and quite surprisingly the United States, Canada and Britain belong to low-contact cultures.


  • 我们可以选择那些个人无力支付人,也接触歌剧其他昂贵文化形式

    We can choose to make opera, and other expensive forms of culture, accessible to those who cannot individually pay for it.


  • 双方保持经常性高层接触增加领域人员交流加强文化科技卫生体育旅游等方面的合作

    Both sides should maintain frequent high-level contacts, increase personnel exchanges in various fields and strengthen cooperation on culture, science and technology, health, sports and tourism.


  • 但在1987年,他们意识到接触所带来疾病文化冲突导致该项政策出现事与愿违的结果。

    In 1987, recognition of the disease and cultural conflicts invariably produced by contact led to that policy's reversal.


  • 某些文化传统当地市场购买然后在家中进行宰杀,会带来密切接触

    Certain cultural habits, such as purchasing live birds at local markets and slaughtering at home, also involve moments of intensive contact.


  • 目光接触衡量两个谈话人之间关系亲密程度个标准,尽管不同的民族文化目光接触意义有所不同。

    Eye contact is one way of measuring the degree of closeness of relationship between two speakers, although there are cultural variations in the meaning of eye contact.


  • 可能会查阅有关文化事件日历,而且开始接触你附近爱尔兰人

    You'd consult a calendar of cultural events and head over to the next Irish meet-up.


  • 接触不同文化新颖观念不仅能提高解决问题的能力,而且能增强实际中应用方法意愿

    Access to different culture and novel ideas increases both new ways of problem solving, as well as the willingness to actually apply novel solutions.


  • 能够学会多门语言获得一种敞开心扉,接触多种文化生活方式全球意识

    To speak more than onelanguage is to inherit a global consciousness that opens the mind to more thanone culture or way of life.


  • 接触外来文化时,我们容易将自身之所信和所重投射原始材料去,然后从中变戏法一般地“发现它们

    When dealing with other cultures, it is easy to project our own beliefs and values and then magically 'discover' them in the source material.


  • 一位没有透露姓名的团结湖韩国女士觉得就算同胞们接触当地文化,也没有足够的机会。

    An anonymous South Korean female living in Tuanjiehu thinks her compatriots are not exposed enough to local culture, even if they want to.


  • 地方和国际工作人员继续确定接触病毒创造机会从而使暴发持续文化习俗

    Local and international staff have continued to identify cultural practices that create opportunities for exposure to the virus and thus allow the outbreak to continue.


  • 传统胎教提倡保持情绪稳定、多接触艺术高雅文化以及维护和谐环境

    The traditional fetal education advocates eating well, keeping an emotional balance, maximizing exposure to "high culture" such as art, and maintaining a peaceful environment.


  • 传统胎教提倡保持情绪稳定、多接触艺术高雅文化以及维护和谐环境

    The traditional fetal education advocates eating well, keeping an emotional balance, maximizing exposure to "high culture" such as art, and maintaining a peaceful environment.


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