• 目前敌对双方和解可能性似乎很渺茫

    There now seems little chance of rapprochement between the warring factions.


  • 敌对双方谈判时,你应该采取中间立场。

    When you have two adversaries negotiating, you need to be on neutral territory.


  • 敌对双方展开了激烈战斗

    Fierce fighting broke out between rival groups.


  • 使敌对双方执行承诺协议后,调解机构得到奖励只有和平本身

    And to get adversaries to implement what has been agreed, mediators have nothing other than the reward of peace itself as encouragement.


  • 所以如果增加对平民保护我们需要参与战争敌对双方清楚明确界定

    So if you want to maximize the protection of civilians, it is very important to have a very clear and narrow definition of direct participation of hostilities.


  • 米切尔星期二耶路撒冷华盛顿以色列之间意见分歧并非敌对双方之间的分歧。

    In Jerusalem Tuesday, Mitchell said any disagreement between Washington and Israel are not disagreements among adversaries.


  • 这种民族主义非理性化场景女性身体和形象作为民族的象征而承受着敌对双方男性群体的双重压制

    In the context of the irrational nationalism, the female body as the carrier of an ethnic group has been subject to the suppression by the men of both sides of the hostile groups.


  • 能够迅速使敌对双方连成一气的,双方感受到潜在敌人威胁,而这个敌人又它们其中任何一方更具危险性

    Be that as it may, nothing will more swiftly unite two previous foes in a common front if they are threatened by a potential enemy perceived to be more dangerous than their erstwhile opponent.


  • 敌对双方带来协调能力赫尔墨斯令人钦佩的本领之一,也为这个带来了一个能言善辩的演说家带来好运的人名声

    This ability to bring harmony out of hostility is one of the admirable traits of Hermes and it aided the god's reputation as a persuasive orator and bringer of good fortune.


  • 那时起双方军事对峙蓄意破坏不绝于耳谩骂声为特点的敌对状态演变为广泛的战略对抗。

    Since then, mutual enmity, expressed in military confrontations, ACTS of sabotage and a steady stream of invective, has ripened into a broader strategic rivalry.


  • 喜欢托特那姆主场,因为那里的气氛双方敌对的状态。还有西汉姆也是这个原因

    I like to play at Tottenham bcos of the atmosphere and the rivalry. West ham as well for the same reason.


  • 很少有创立神话(foundationmyths)会象犹太人巴勒斯坦人双方那样完全敌对

    FEW foundation myths are as diametrically opposed as those of Jews and Palestinians.


  • 巴基斯坦突击队印度边境护卫兵10月30日双方放弃这种敌对行为,恢复双方指挥官握手言和传统。

    The Pakistan Rangers and India's Border Security Force said on October 30th they would do away with the most hostile gestures and revive a habit of parade commanders shaking hands at the frontier.


  • 双方敌对情绪上月爆发,开始推土机、顶贯甲的警察衣着平常的恶徒凌晨四时浩浩荡荡进驻里芝柯。

    Hostilities broke out last month when bulldozers, accompanied by armour-clad police and plain-clothes thugs, entered Rechnik at 4am.


  • 这种做法已经加强并且还将加强劳资双方之间敌对而且使双方脸上都不光彩

    These methods have accentuated and will accentuate the war of labor and capital, and they are disgraceful to both sides.


  • 双方午夜停止敌对行动(战斗)。

    Hostilities (ie Fighting) between the two sides ceased at midnight.


  • 1949年1971年,中美敌对23年,双方付出了沉重代价

    From 1949 to 1971, both of the two countries paid heavy price during 23-year hostilities.


  • 嘴唇紧闭着双方敌对情绪增加

    Her lips tightened. The feeling of mutual antagonism was increased.


  • 需要双方敌对这样女孩怎能未战即言败呢。

    It takes two tangle, and girls like these don't go down without a fight.


  • 中美国和则两利,斗则俱伤。19491971,中美敌对23年,双方付出沉重代价

    China and United States both benefit from peaceful coexistence , lose from conflicts. Both side paid a heavy price for their mutual hostility lasting 23 years from 1949 to 1971.


  • 文化交际中的语用失误影响交际效果造成交际失败,使得交际双方产生矛盾冲突乃至敌对,影响极大。

    Pragmatic failures in cross cultural communication will affect the communicative effect, and causes communicative failures which result in contradictory conflict or even hostility.


  • 无论男女双方多么敌对,第三方的涉入构成协作行为

    No matter how hostile the man and woman appeared to be towards each other, their involvement of a third-part constituted a collaborative act.


  • 因此有些下结论说:中美敌对不可避免,双方对峙甚至发生冲突

    Thus, some people have concluded, rivalry between China and America has become inevitable and will be followed by confrontationeven conflict.


  • 双方过去敌对状态有所缓解,中国没有放弃使用武力防止单独管辖岛屿宣布独立可能性

    The two sides have eased hostilities over the past few years, but China has not renounced the possibility that it will use force to prevent the separately-governed island from declaring independence.


  • 谈判混为一谈,也不能由于 劳资 双方通常敌对关系受到影响。

    Quality cannot get mixed up with other bargaining and be compromised by the usual adversarial relationship between workers and management.


  • 谈判混为一谈,也不能由于 劳资 双方通常敌对关系受到影响。

    Quality cannot get mixed up with other bargaining and be compromised by the usual adversarial relationship between workers and management.


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