• 共和党没有固定政纲适应每次大选需要竞选纲 领。

    Republican platform is not fixed, and only meet the needs of each election campaign platform.


  • 下次大选之后合并政纲可能应该起这样一个名字英国游戏

    After the next general election, coalition politics could well be the name of Britain's game.


  • 刚才提到需要勤勉推动有需要用心听取民众意见

    I just mentioned the need for diligence in pushing forward your policy agenda. You also need to be diligent in listening to people's views.


  • 竞选公职候选人选民提出他们政纲计划,让选民细阅表示同意

    Candidates for public office submit their platforms, or programs, to the voters for their scrutiny and approval.


  • 走的中间路线,其施包括降低房价改进公交承诺减少办公手续

    Mr Nenshi ran on a centrist platform that included affordable housing and better public transport, but also promised to cut red tape for business.


  • 克莱格:确定你们是否相似,不过他俩越是互相攻击政纲起来就同出一辙

    CLEGG: I'm not sure if you're like me, but the more they attack each other, the more they sound exactly the same.


  • 竞选团队主要任务整理出候选人的施政纲领,此外还要详述对手重要议题上的立场。

    The prep team's key task is to put together a briefing book on policy for the candidate, in addition to a position book detailing the opponent's stance on key issues.


  • 分析人士,罗塞夫塞拉预计将在接下来4拉票时间里,各自的施政纲领展开进一步阐述

    Analysts said they expect the next 4 weeks of campaigning to force both Rousseff and Serra to provide more details about the policies they would enact if elected.


  • 他们的坚持下,把“坚决争取修改关税”条款与进共和党政纲木板跨越小溪之上为桥。

    At their insistence, a plank declaring "unequivocally for the revision of the tariff" was written in the Republican platform.


  • 例如软性捐款可用宣扬党的电视广告上,但是这个广告却不能点侯选人要求电视观众投票选举他。

    For instance, soft money can be used for TV ads advocating the party platform but cannot ask viewers to vote for any candidate by name.


  • 政客们必须花言巧语、耍手腕变换政纲迎合听众、取媚世俗,远大理想领导人不乏跟随他们的人。

    Politicians must cajole and manipulate and change their platform to fit the occasion or audience, but leaders with vision never lack a following.


  • 不过其他地方(城郊农场甚至魁北克)那些说法语加拿大人似乎认同杜蒙的这一立场以及他那保守政纲

    But along with Mr Dumont's conservative platform, it seems to have resonated with French-speakers elsewhere in the province, in the suburbs and farming areas and even in Quebec City.


  • 巴马政纲已经概括地论及在线教育,将其列为作为教育计划帮助美国2020年成为世界上公民受大学教育率最高的国家。

    The Obama administration has talked in general terms about online education as part of a grand plan to give the US the highest proportion of college-educated citizens in the world by 2020.


  • 扩张艾里尔定居点是以色列家园党最关键的党之一,原因在于艾里尔定居点人口大半是苏联移民,而家园最核心选民支持者正是这些前苏联移民。

    Yisrael Beiteinu has made the settlement's expansion a key plank in its platform because Ariel has a large proportion of immigrants from the former Soviet Union, Mr Lieberman's core constituency.


  • 相反,他在竞选活动中则是从女性角色领导地位领出发来争取女性选民。同2004年乔治•布什提倡的,并十分奏效的“安全妈妈”颇为类似

    The campaign is instead pursuing women through broad arguments of character, leadership and policysomething similar to the appeal to “security moms” that worked well for George Bush in 2004.


  • 机不可失,时不再来如果打算有一个体系完备的社会关怀拨款协议,并且准备为了来年的大选,将协议内容放进政纲宣言,那么,协商必须现在就要开始了。

    Time is not limitless. If a deal on paying for a decent system for care is to be ready to go into the party manifestos for the next election, the talking has to start now.


  • 上个月民意调查显示仅有37%以色列支持奥尔默特政纲主要条款:的“集中”(我不太清楚计划正式究竟该翻译为什么,新闻里是怎么报道的,请各位指教)计划旨在单方面以色列定居点撤离约旦河西岸。

    In a poll last month, just 37% of Israelis supported the main plank of Mr Olmert's election platform: hisconvergenceplan to pull Israeli settlements out of the West Bank unilaterally.


  • 上个月民意调查显示仅有37%以色列支持奥尔默特政纲主要条款:的“集中”(我不太清楚计划正式究竟该翻译为什么,新闻里是怎么报道的,请各位指教)计划旨在单方面以色列定居点撤离约旦河西岸。

    In a poll last month, just 37% of Israelis supported the main plank of Mr Olmert's election platform: hisconvergenceplan to pull Israeli settlements out of the West Bank unilaterally.


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