• Borlaug新型矮秆抗病品种被称为Pitic 62Penjamo 62,极大地改变墨西哥小麦潜在产量

    Borlaug's new semi dwarf, disease resistant varieties, called Pitic 62 and Penjamo 62, changed the potential yield of Mexican wheat dramatically.


  • 人们曾经认为蚂蚁培育真菌它们繁殖一种单一品种远古时期以来基本上没有改变

    It was once thought that the fungus that ants cultivate was a single type that they had propagated, essentially unchanged from the distant past.


  • 一个新的研究表明人类偏好已经大大改变结构品种立场某些有可能改变他们行为嗅觉表现不错。

    A new study suggests that human preferences have dramatically altered the structure and position of the brain in certain dog breeds, potentially modifying their sense of smell and behavior as well.


  • 但是上万品种野生亲缘则随着土地利用改变全球变暖以及随机因素自生自灭。

    But hundreds of thousands of older varieties and wild relatives are left to the vagaries of land-use change, global warming and chance.


  • 部分是因为食物品种改变,部分是因为那些“口味引领”,他们引领大家理解阶级文化以及性别差异。

    Partly due to the availability of foods, and partly due to the "tastemakers" of a time, the people who guide the rest of us through ideas of class, culture, and indeed gender.


  • 在整个人类历史上作物畜牧品种跨文化流动使饮食有了巨大改变减少了贫困

    Throughout history, the intercultural movement of crops and livestock breeds revolutionized diets and reduced poverty.


  • 获得这种小麦品种GILL他的同事几千麦种化学处理,随机改变dna

    To create this kind of wheat plant, Gill and a group of collaborators have treated thousands of seeds with a chemical that makes random changes in DNA.


  • 不同品种玫瑰可以杂交改变颜色

    Varieties of roses can be crossed to vary their colors.


  • 某一方双方需要改变生意进展时,谈判情况就会发生。例如促销活动

    Negotiation take place where either or both parties have needs to change the progress of business. E. g. product range, promotional activities.


  • 抗病品种氧化物酶苹果酸脱氢酶同表达没有改变只是过氧化物酶同工酶的活性有所增强。

    But there was no any change on the expression of hydrogen peroxidase and malic dehydrogenase isozyme for resistent cultivars, just the hydrogen peroxidase isozyme activity was higher.


  • 咳宁含片中国药典》2000年一部收载品种镇咳宁糖浆改变剂型研制中药四类新药

    Zhenkening buccal tablet belonged to the forth sort of new drug of Chinese traditional medicine which was developed from Zhenkening syrup in pharmacopoeia (2000 edition) by altering its dosage form.


  • 预计将会有更加雄心勃勃的科研项目其中包括玉米等主产品添加蛋白质改变豆油品种等。

    More ambitious projects are envisioned, among them adding protein to staples like corn and changing the type of oil produced by soybeans.


  • 从来没有改变意见积水品种心灵爬行动物

    The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind.


  • 一个饮料愈合保护刷新也是无限品种改变阳光土壤温度自然炼金术微妙

    A beverage that heals, protects and refreshes, it is also infinite in variety, changing subtlety with the natural alchemy of sunshine, soils, wind, rain and temperature.


  • 试验结果表明石膏品种掺量改变水泥促凝增强作用产生较大影响。

    The change of gypsum type and dosage was found through experiment to have large effect on the set accelerating and strength enhancement of cement.


  • 我国改变作工模具钢质量品种方面落后面貌,必须推广应用先进炼钢工艺

    The advanced steelmaking practices are to be extensively utilized to put an end to the backwardness of sort and quality of cold work tool and mould steels in China.


  • 通过改变品种枝条剪伐桑叶收获方式.设计了湖桑全年等量收获技术体系。

    A technological systenl of harvesting Hu Sang three times, in spring, summer and autumn, in an equal shoot yleld was set up by changing the traditional pruning and leaf harvest.


  • 不同品种玫瑰可以杂交改变颜色

    Varieties of roses can be crossed to vary their colour.


  • 随着全球气候变化耕作方式改变品种推广我国玉米病害的发生也有所改变

    With the changes of the global climate, cultivation methods and release of new varieties, the maize diseases have changed in recent years in China.


  • 本文介绍在线情况下改变PID参数微机励磁调节器设计方法开发品种一定的参考价价值。

    Here is presented a method of designing the microcomputer controlled excitation adjuster with on-line change of PID parameters. It gives a good reference for developing new productions.


  • 改变目前状况推进湖南省产业结构合理化,中南林学院“绿之梦”果园和永州“金地”公司分别引进了一砂梨品种,其中包括部分日韩品种

    With the aims of changing recent situation and of promoting a rationalization of the pear industry in Hunan Province, a passel of sandy pear varieti.


  • 国产化肥市场占有量基本稳定并略有增长但是有些肥料品种依赖进口局面不会根本改变

    Market appropriation of domestic chemical fertilizer is increased steadily, but the situation that some kinds of fertilizers are still supplied by import will not be changed drastically.


  • 由于进口品种能够生产更瘦猪肉中国庞大人口的遗传基因已经很大程度完全改变

    The genetics of China's pig population has been completely transformed in large part because imported pig breeds produce leaner meat.


  • CGM高强无收缩灌浆基础通过改变水泥品种添加早强研制出CGM抢修料。

    A new CGM fast-aid repair material was developed by changing the kind of cement and adding hardening accelerator based on the CGM High Strength Non-Shrinkage Grouting material.


  • 擅自生产精神药品或者改变生产计划增加精神药品品种

    Those that produce psychotropic drugs or change the production plan or produce additional kinds of psychotropic drugs without authorization;


  • 本文比较了两个水稻品种孕穗期开花期旱害,并联系株水分状况的改变说明品种差异的原因。

    The drought injury of rice plants of two varieties was compared at booting and bloomingstage with reference to the internal water relation of plant.


  • 但是小型机构中,比较容易改变和进行品种制作。

    But in small units, it's easier to change and have many different things to happen.


  • 但是小型机构中,比较容易改变和进行品种制作。

    But in small units, it's easier to change and have many different things to happen.


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