• 投资者公司收购消息反应积极

    Investors reacted positively to news of the takeover.


  • 估价一切收购活动核心

    Valuation lies at the heart of all takeovers.


  • 汉森按约定出价3.51亿美元进行收购

    Hanson made an agreed takeover bid of $351 million.


  • 兰纳达公司向福特公司出价进行敌意收购

    Granada mounted a hostile takeover bid for Forte.


  • 发言人拒绝新闻界透露公司收购详细情况

    The spokesman refused to disclose details of the takeover to the press.


  • 卡隆集团已经收购曼德斯的报价上加了些好处。

    Kalon Group has sweetened its takeover offer for Manders.


  • 当时正在寻找一位赞助人帮助进行这次全面收购

    I was looking for a backer to assist me in the attempted buyout.


  • 公司增加了生意中的股份这样就压制住了收购谣言

    The company increased its stake in the business, squelching rumours of a takeover bid.


  • 汉森公司收购谣言可能是捕风捉影,公司担心其他觊觎者

    Rumours of a takeover by Hanson are probably far-fetched, but the company is worried about other predators.


  • 十几公司董事会正在谨慎地试探风险投资者了解他们是否支持管理层收购

    Dozens of company boards are now discreetly sounding out venture capitalists to see if they will support management buyouts.


  • 如果49先生公司被收购以后即被解雇的话,有望获得1百万美元的丰厚离职金。

    And if Mr. Pell, 49, is axed following a takeover, he would be in line to collect a golden handshake of $1 million.


  • 似乎企业经济利益无关因素可以解释收购行为

    It seems that factors having little to do with corporate economic interests explain acquisitions.


  • 可能会如果你可以从头再来,你如何处理收购过程

    You might think about how you would approach the acquisition process if you had it to do all over again.


  • 投标人收购行为可能来自建模一个经理其他经理的事。

    The acquisition acts of bidders may derive from modeling: a manager does what other managers do.


  • 兼并收购仍然很常见而且竞标者继续声称他们目标经济目标。

    Mergers and acquisitions remain common, and bidders continue to assert that their objectives are economic ones.


  • 可能听说过鲁珀特·默多克,他是个大型媒体大亨,在全世界到处收购报业

    Rupert Murdoch, whom you may have heard of, is a huge newspaper baron who buys up newspapers all over the world.


  • 鼓励“长期主义”方面,我们还可以更多比如修改税法加快股票收购信息披露

    Much more could be done to encourage "long-termism," such as changes in the tax code and quicker disclosure of stock acquisitions.


  • 皮耶希保时捷家族控制的保时捷公司,收购大众计划失败之后只能等待紧急援助了。

    Porsche, a carmaker controlled by the Piech and Porsche families, also had to be bailed out after a bid to buy Volkswagen backfired.


  • 国内外大型私营企业收购提供资金,造就食品纸浆造纸等行业的全国领军企业

    It has financed takeovers by big private companies, both at home and abroad, creating national champions in businesses ranging from food to pulp and paper.


  • IBM公司一个秘书老板要求复印一些文件这些文件描述莲花公司的拟议收购

    A secretary at IBM Corporation was asked to xerox some documents by her boss which described a proposed takeover of Lotus Corporation.


  • 这些因素可能包括高管激励性薪酬董事会缺乏监督以及管理层估计收购目标公司价值错误

    These factors may include the incentive compensation of executives, lack of monitoring by boards of directors, and managerial error in estimating the value of firms targeted for acquisition.


  • 本周机构美国市值最高5家科技公司询问了关于它们过去10年里进行的多项小规模收购

    This week, it asked the five most valuable US tech companies for information about their many small acquisitions over the past decade.


  • 20世纪70年代80年代公司合并收购项研究结果提出了这样一个问题公司为什么要发起完成这交易

    Findings from several studies on corporate mergers and acquisitions during the 1970's and 1980's raise questions about why firms initiate and consummate such transactions.


  • 数字经济巨头们力量雄心令人震惊——亚马逊刚刚宣布13美元价格收购高档连锁超市WholeFoods

    The power and ambition of the giants of the digital economy are astonishingAmazon has just announced the purchase of the upmarket grocery chain Whole Foods for $13.


  • 年前脸书收购即时通讯服务WhatsApp支付了更高的价格,尽管 WhatsApp根本没有任何实体产品

    Two years ago Facebook paid even more than that to acquire the WhatsApp messaging service, which doesn't have any physical product at all.


  • 数字经济巨头们力量雄心令人震惊——亚马逊刚刚宣布以135亿美元价格收购高档食品连锁超市WholeFoods

    The power and ambition of the giants of the digital economy are astonishingAmazon has just announced the purchase of the upmarket grocery chain Whole Foods for $13.5 bn.


  • 电影小鱼》中,凯特·布兰切特饰演的一家音像商店经理申请了一银行贷款用来收购这家公司将业务扩展网络游戏

    In the movie Little Fish, a video store manager played by Cate Blanchett applies for a bank loan to buy the business and expand into online gaming.


  • 通过收购实现全球扩张通常代价高昂通过内部增长实现扩张则非常耗时;那些没有积极增长市场上,实现扩张有时甚至是不可能的。

    Global expansion through acquisition is usually expensive, and expansion through internal growth is time-consuming and sometimes impossible in markets that are not actively growing.


  • 日本忙着大批收购金条

    The Japanese are busy buying up gold bullion.


  • 哥伦比亚广播公司的唱片公司索尼公司收购

    CBS Records was taken over by Sony.


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