• 如果臭氧损耗继续下去,他们发现能为全世界可能发生的情况提供线索

    What they find could provide clues to what might happen worldwide if ozone depletion continues.


  • 遗忘显然有助于时间定位因为记忆会减弱新的记忆会突显出来,从而推断持续的时间提供线索

    Forgetting clearly aids orientation in time, since old memories weaken and the new tend to stand out, providing clues for inferring duration.


  • 侦查提供线索案情进行综合分析保证

    It is the assurance of investigating and giving a clue, analyzing synthetically to the details of the case.


  • 神经科学专家们研究或许可以为而我们提供线索寻找原因

    New research from experts in neuroscience and social science may give us a clue as to why.


  • 就连博物馆里幅画都可能一个国家几世纪生活标准提供线索

    Even a painting in a museum might provide some clue to a country's standard of living centuries before.


  • 拖船前进后退,右方向上提供线索防止司机分心

    It tugs at your hand, moving forward, backward, left and right to offer cues on direction and keep drivers from being distracted.


  • 研究分析结果,可早期胚胎发育机理研究提供线索

    The results of this study for the development of mouse embryos provide clues to the mechanism.


  • 黑白电影布景提供线索的旁白,还有名字,都让人随即想起暮光城。

    The black-and-white film noir decor, narrative thread, and not least the name, immediately conjured up images of the Twilight Zone.


  • 从历史上看同学校友总是互相帮助提供线索或者推荐信,并且经常保持联系

    Historically, the students and alumni have always helped each other by providing leads or referrals, as well as staying in touch.


  • 你们英雄奖赏你们,”提供线索圣地亚哥手机上这样留言

    "You're heroes. God will reward you," reads a text message on Santiago's cell phone from the man who gave him the tip.


  • 调查文凭作坊”,并且联邦调查局其他联邦机构提供线索查获学位欺诈

    He studies degree mills and gives tips to the FBI and other federal agencies on detecting degree fraud.


  • 理解鸡蛋怎么形成有意思,不过其实能为设计无机材料工艺提供线索

    It's interesting to learn how the eggshell comes into existence. It also implies the prospect of devising new inorganic materials and new processes.


  • 帕甘博士其他研究人员环境遗传因素能够提供线索,从中找到诊断治疗和治愈的方法。

    Dr. Pagan and other researchers say environmental and genetic factors could provide clues for diagnosis, treatments and a cure.


  • 屏幕阿富汗人每一个都谦卑的小心迟疑国家地理》搜寻队提供线索

    Each Afghani appearing on the screen is modest, carefully and hesitantly providing leads to the National Geographic search party.


  • 个飞行器距离随着飞船经过区域密度高低的变化而改变,月球表面的密度提供线索

    The gap between them will change as the ships pass over regions of higher and lower mass, providing clues to the density of the subsurface moon.


  • NASA表示,在太阳系存在很多这样岩石星体表示水星还能研究其他天体提供线索

    There are many such rocky orbs around stars outside our solar system, which means Mercury could offer clues to other worlds as well, Nasa said.


  • 目的探讨心脏性猝死(SCD)病理基础相关因素SCD诊断防治提供线索

    Objective to investigate the pathological bases and associated factors of sudden cardiac death (SCD), to provide the clues of diagnosing and preventing SCD.


  • 如此这般的离群值忽略,相反,相当深入研究,以便帮助我们理解当前未来事件提供线索

    Outliers such as these should not be ignored but rather studied closely for clues that might help us understand current and future events.


  • 如果我们成品组合在一起制造一件新品,那会发生什么菲菲大家提供线索

    What happens when we take two already made things and combine them to make something new? Dan and Feifei will clue you in!


  • 主持这项研究的精神病学专家格雷厄姆·穆雷认为一研究结果探索人类如何成为社会动物提供线索

    Graham Murray, a psychiatrist who led the study, said the findings may provide clues to how humans came to be sociable beings.


  • 我们恳请大家踊跃提供线索因为我们需要目击者帮助我们重现现场,看看是什么引起这起事故。

    Please, please do so, because we need all that help that we get from witnesses to help us reconstruct what happened that caused this accident.


  • 除了这些科学化验呈现出的结果,木乃伊一同发现衣服物品提供线索显示它们何而

    Besides what the scientific tests show, the clothes and objects which were found with the mummies give clues about where they had come from.


  • 实际得到一个专栏称为anchor的东西—它为您提供线索集成提供指导改进数据质量

    What you get is what I call an anchor in this column-a hand-hold that gives people the clues they need to direct integration and to improve data quality.


  • 作为一来自千里之外一切知道秋季必须依靠朋友农场历史正在发生什么提供线索

    Being a thousand miles away from everything she knows, Autumn must rely on her new friends and the history of the old farm to provide clues to what is happening.


  • 作为一来自千里之外一切知道秋季必须依靠朋友农场历史正在发生什么提供线索

    Being a thousand miles away from everything she knows, Autumn must rely on her new friends and the history of the old farm to provide clues to what is happening.


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