• 排斥最小狮,把饿死了

    The lioness rejected the smallest cub, which died.


  • 动物们排斥窝中最弱小幼仔

    Animals reject the runt of the litter.


  • 患者经常排斥移植器官

    Patients often reject transplanted organs.


  • 由于这些电子带负电荷它们相互排斥

    As these electrons are negatively charged they will attempt to repel each other.


  • 完全独占,甚至排斥兄弟姐妹

    He would monopolize her totally, to the exclusion of her brothers and sisters.


  • 事实上,一些特定工作将非白种人排斥在外。

    Nonwhite people are effectively excluded from certain jobs.


  • 执政党可能放开政策,吸纳迄今排斥在外的人士

    The ruling party is likely to be opened up to let in people hitherto excluded.


  • 他们明白事业心做个成功父亲互相排斥

    They both have learned that ambition and successful fatherhood can be mutually exclusive.


  • 人们担心身体排斥4年前移植接受的一个肾脏

    It was feared his body was rejecting a kidney he received in a transplant four years ago.


  • 这些发现表明锻炼学习可能并不相互排斥

    As these findings show, exercise and academics may not be mutually exclusive.


  • 这些发现表明锻炼学习可能并不相互排斥

    But as these findings show, exercise and academics may not be mutually exclusive.


  • 一些研究人员甚至认为,“让某人沉默严重排斥形式之一

    Some researchers even argue that "silencing someone" is one of the most serious forms of exclusion.


  • 所处的社会中,美国知识分子排斥被认为无足轻重真的吗?

    Is it true that the American intellectual is rejected and considered of no account in his society?


  • 两种途径不是相互排斥我们可以期望找到反映它们相互作用的例子

    The two pathways are not mutually exclusive, and we can expect to find examples that reflect their interaction.


  • 土豆经历一个类似排斥过程尤其是刚开始它们引进欧洲时候

    Potatoes went through a similar sort of rejection process, especially when they were first introduced in Europe.


  • 我们至少应该期待它们不会助长分裂也不会排斥那些已经处于不利地位的人。

    The least we should expect is that they do not foster divisions and exclude those who are already disadvantaged.


  • 人们了解磁铁能吸引事物之后几个世纪过去了他们注意到磁铁有时排斥事物。

    After people have learned that magnets attract things, centuries passed after they took note of the fact that magnets sometimes also repel things.


  • 群体归属感我们健康至关重要由于人类排斥信号非常敏感沉默通常被视为拒绝信号

    Group membership is of elementary importance to our wellbeing and because humans are very sensitive to signals of exclusion, a silence is generally taken as a sign of rejection.


  • 发生燃烧时,阻止了植物物种之间竞争发展某些物种排斥其他物种的程度减少生态系统整体多样性

    When burning occurs, it prevents competition among plant species from progressing to the point where some species exclude others, reducing the overall diversity of the ecosystem.


  • 这些实验实地观测基础上人们制定所谓竞争排斥定律根据定律,没有两个物种可以占据相同生态龛

    On the basis of these experiments and of field observations, the so-called law of competitive exclusion was formulated, according to which no two species can occupy the same niche.


  • 他因拒绝支持罢工而受到同事排斥

    He was ostracized by his colleagues for refusing to support the strike.


  • 声称遭到自己所在社区一些成员排斥

    She claims she's being ostracized by some members of her local community.


  • 视为一位异端分子,因思想而遭到嘲笑排斥

    He was considered a heretic and was ridiculed and ostracized for his ideas.


  • 真正杀手如果我们,我们甚至两个原子核之间排斥

    The real killer is that if we get too close, we're even going to have nuclear-nuclear repulsion between the nuclei of the two atoms.


  • 如果使用奖励失败了通过拒绝威胁排斥那些偏离主要群体规范的人,成员可以经常获胜

    Should the use of rewards fail, members can frequently win by rejecting or threatening to ostracize those who deviate from the primary group's norms.


  • 我们迎合式幽默”增强我们社会关系我们也可能作为一种排斥拒绝外人方式

    We use bonding humor to enhance our social connections, but we also may employ it as a way of excluding or rejecting an outsider.


  • 等位基因排斥免疫遗传学中的一个术语

    Allelic exclusion is a term in immunogenetics.


  • 鸟类被广泛应用于生态位假说乔治高斯竞争排斥原理研究中。

    Birds were also widely used in studies of the niche hypothesis and Georgii Gause's competitive exclusion principle.


  • 基于这样理论即近距离,非相互作用排斥的,立体应变

    This is based on the theory that close-range, nonbonded interactions are repulsive, i.e. Steric strain.


  • 位包容者而不是排斥者。

    You are an includer not an excluder.


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