• 支持率持续走低的时候,如果不抗议者怒吼坚持自己计划也许什么好处也捞不到。

    With his popularity languishing near an all-time low, he may gain nothing from sticking firmly to his plans despite the howl of protests.


  • 日本股票此之前持续走低

    Japanese stocks, which had already been in a downtrend continued to fall.


  • 流产1990年达到最高值后持续走低

    The abortion rate also has dropped, reflecting a continuous slide since peaking in 1990.


  • 我国市场需求不足表现物价持续走低商品积压严重。

    At present, there is a little market need in China. It happens by showing the constant decline of prices and the overstock of products.


  • 物价持续走低内需增长放缓,眼下通货紧缩节节攀高

    Falling prices are also putting a brake on consumption; the rate of deflation is actually increasing.


  • 周三投资者通货膨胀率依然温和房地产市场持续走低报告漠然视之。

    Investors again largely brushed aside reports Wednesday that showed inflation remains tame and the housing market continues to sputter.


  • 利率持续走低影响租赁公司收入成本因此他们造成巨大负担

    Persistently low interest rates have imposed considerable burdens on leasing companies as regards to their income and cost situations.


  • 但是如果物价开始持续走低有可能是经济深陷困境一个征兆了。

    But if prices start spiraling lower, that could be a symptom of deeper trouble in the economy.


  • 尽管国内怀孕持续走低美国依旧发达国家出生率最高国家之一

    Even with declining pregnancy rates, the United States still has one of the highest overall birth rates among industrialized countries.


  • 去年夏天税收抵免到期销售量大幅下滑许多地区的房价自此持续走低

    Sales collapsed when the credits expired last summer, and prices in many markets have been falling ever since.


  • 由于针对欧洲金融市场稳定恐慌持续蔓延欧元美元汇率年来持续走低

    The euro hit a one-year low against the dollar as fears spread over Europe’s financial stability.


  • 全球实际利率持续走低流动性过剩可能全球房价膨胀与同向变化主要因素

    Low global real interest rates and excess liquidity were likely to be the major cause of global housing prices boom and synchronization.


  • 随着美元持续走低投资者可能寻求石油其它商品那样的资产推动价格不断上涨

    With the dollar heading lower, investors would likely look for hard assets like oil and other commodities, driving prices higher.


  • 尽管这些行业的边际利润持续走低,但日本企业仍然继续生产日常消费品,为什么呢?

    Why then do Japanese firms continue to churn out the latter, even though margins are low?


  • 反过来意味着美元持续走低直至美国通胀水平升至美联储不得不程度

    This in turn means that the dollar will keep falling until US inflation heats up to the point where the Fed does indeed have to raise interest rates.


  • 进入第二后,由于终端市场需求下游工厂开机率持续走低丙烯腈价格进一步走软。

    In the second half of the last fortnight, ACN prices declined mainly due to poor demand and lower plant operational rate.


  • 随着高校持续扩招高校毕业生人数逐年增加,就业率持续走低就业形势不容乐观。

    With the continuous expansion of colleges and universities, the number of college graduates increased year by year, the employment rate remained low, employment situation not optimistic.


  • 随着经济增长放缓商品价格持续走低夏季一度飙升至5.6%通货膨胀已经开始回落

    The economic slowdown and declining commodity prices have eased the nation's consumer inflation rate, which surged to 5.6% over the summer.


  • 随着太阳能发电成本相比传统能源持续走低我们看到惊人的市场普及怀疑增长唯一的瓶颈供应

    As the cost of electricity from solar continues to decrease compared to traditional energy sources we will see tremendous market adoption, and I suspect it will be a growth limited only by supply.


  • DTZ预计,受经济衰退的影响,人们更专注的是保住工作,因此明年的房地产市场将持续走低

    DTZ expects home sales to remain low next year as the recession takes its toll and homebuyers are concerned over job security.


  • 我国目前的通货紧缩造成物价水平持续走低、效需求不足、生产能力闲置和过剩失业率等问题。

    The standard overhead rate is determined by dividing the standard factory overhead costs by the standard amount of productive capacity.


  • 时代华纳的股票价格已经持续走低,自从二月企业狙击手”卡尔·伊坎出击公司之后公司股票已经下跌了9%。

    Time Warner's share price has been falling for a while, and has declined by 9% since the firm saw off Carl Icahn, a corporate raider, in February.


  • 目前英镑主要货币持续走低部分原因是投资者担心英国被迫举债数十亿英镑用于大规模支出项目。

    With the pound falling against the major currencies, partly on investors' fears the U. K. will have to borrow billions of pounds to fund a large spending round, Mr.


  • 我国目前通货紧缩造成物价水平持续走低有效需求不足、大量生产能力闲置和过剩、失业率等问题

    China's recent deflation has kept down her commodity prices and led to inadequate efficient demand, high rate of unemployment, as well as an oversupply of productive powers.


  • 市面上很多关于我们第四季度看到疲软是否一个提前讯号告诉我们固定收入持续走低的顾虑。

    There's been a lot of concern in the marketplace about whether what we saw in the fourth quarter was an early warning of a continuing slowdown in fixed income.


  • 挪威北海油气储备还尚未枯竭,最近煤田获取天然气技术推动了供应量使天然气价格持续走低

    Norway's North Sea reserves have life in them yet. New technology to capture gas from coalfields has recently boosted supplies, which could help keep prices down.


  • 欧元应该住1.35301.3550附近支持价位,未必一个好的买点因为还有可能持续走低

    The euro should hold above the support between 1.3530 and 1.3550, but it is too early for us to tell you to buy there - as it could go lower.


  • 欧元应该住1.35301.3550附近支持价位,未必一个好的买点因为还有可能持续走低

    The euro should hold above the support between 1.3530 and 1.3550, but it is too early for us to tell you to buy there - as it could go lower.


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