• 设计一致性贝尔满足设计师浴室所有要求

    Thanks to the consistency of its design, LA BELLE meets all the requirements of a designer bathroom.


  • 激猛悉拉贝尔可以他自己的熊灵战士造成暂时性的战斗狂怒

    Syllabear can create an intense combative fury in either himself or his Spirit bear Companion.


  • 年前哈特姆·特拉贝尔西竞争右后卫胜出,成了一个转折。

    He made his breakthrough two years ago when he won the competition for a right-back berth with Hatem Trabelsi.


  • 敛财·特拉贝尔西飞往沙特伯,法国拒之门外的丈夫汇合。

    After collecting the money, Leila Trabelsi flew to Saudi Arabia to join her husband after he was denied entry to France.


  • 贝尔西本国极不受欢迎,奢华无度使许多贫困突尼斯国民奋起反抗

    Trabelsi was an extremely unpopular figure in the country and her love of wealth and luxury led many poor Tunisians to become angry and to protest.


  • 拉贝尔说道:“随着经济增长势头逆转贫困家庭逐渐地被迫在稀有资源配给做出不可能选择。”

    "As economic growth shifts into reverse, poor households are increasingly forced to make impossible choices in allocating scarce resources," said Ms Labelle.


  • C系列大约有2/3工作风险共担合作供应商来完成的,最后总装蒙特利尔庞巴迪米贝尔工厂完成。

    Around two-thirds of CSeries production work is being farmed out to risk-sharing partners and suppliers, but final assembly will be performed at Bombardier's Mirabel, Montreal factory.


  • 这份报告指出虽然博士八十年前就因发现“曼效应”获得贝尔,然而时至今日印度使用、根据“曼效应”原理制造的工具器械,大部分都是进口的。

    The report also pointed out that while C. V. Raman won the Nobel Prize eighty years ago for the Raman Effect, most of the instruments available in India today using this principle are imported.


  • 这份报告指出虽然博士八十年前就因发现“效应获得贝尔,然而时至今日印度使用、根据“曼效应”原理制造的工具器械大部分都是进口的。

    The report also pointed out that while C.V.Raman won the Nobel Prize eighty years ago for the Raman Effect, most of the instruments available in India today using this principle are imported.


  • 因为发现反物质而赢得了1933年的贝尔物理学奖。

    Dirac went on to win the Nobel prize in physics in 1933 for his discovery of antimatter.


  • 除了助教汤尼·亚当斯还有现役的劳伦,贝尔卡奴,理查德·休斯萨纳·迪亚以及热罗姆·托马斯出现了“庞培军团”的名册他们前枪手球员

    As well as assistant manager Tony Adams, there are currently Lauren, Sol Campbell, Kanu, Richard Hughes, Lassana Diarra and Jerome Thomas on the books at Pompey, all of them ex-Arsenal players.


  • 黑暗日子里,本•伯南克、汉克·保尔森、蒂姆·盖特纳·贝尔把握了大局,大胆快速地采取了行动

    In the darkest of days, Ben Bernanke, Hank Paulson, Tim Geithner and Sheila Bair grasped the gravity of the situation and acted with courage and dispatch.


  • 默克尔去年榜单的最大赢家,美国联邦存款保险公司希·贝尔紧随其后,米歇尔排名第40。

    Last year's winner was Merkel, followed by Sheila Bair, chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.Obama ranked No. 40.


  • 贝尔格莱德报刊亭里充斥被逮捕详情报纸堆得老高但是报纸的销量并没有为此比往日好多少。

    In Belgrade, kiosks are piled high with papers crammed with details about Mr Mladic's arrest, but they are selling no faster than normal.


  • 麻省理工学院的安杰·贝尔是从植物中得到启示光合作用某些特殊色素会捕捉,其过程中就包含分解

    M.I.T. 's Angela Belcher took her cue from plants, where special pigments capture solar energy in photosynthesis, involving the splitting of water.


  • 由于1941年贝尔法斯特闪电战爆发,只名叫“”的小象转移一个平常人家的后院,此前一直生活贝尔法斯特动物园

    Sheila lived at Belfast Zoo until she was moved to her unusual home in 1941 as the city underwent the so-called Belfast Blitz.


  • 宝马汽车架构主管汉斯·特·格贝尔说法,这里大多数诸如鼓捣鼓捣空气动力学即时冷冻这种小改动。

    These are mostly "easy things" like fiddling with aerodynamics or pumping coolant "on demand", says Hans Rathgeber, BMW's head of vehicle architecture.


  • 贝尔,在得到贝尼特斯继续信任后,再也不能错失机会随着阿隆索的离去,马斯承担重大的责任。

    Ryan Babel, having earned a reprieve from his manager this summer, will have to grasp his opportunity while greater responsibility will now fall on Javier Mascherano in light of Alonso's exit.


  • 发现这种激光散射可以替代X光衍射鉴别化合物。 这个发现赢得了贝尔奖。

    Raman, who won a Nobel Prize for his discovery, realized that this scattering of light offered an alternative to X-ray diffraction as a means of identifying compounds.


  • 几个,31获得贝尔物理学,是诺奖得主中最年轻的理论物理学家。

    A few months later, Dirac, at 31, became the youngest theoretician to win the physics Nobel Prize.


  • 因此贝尔比尔·盖茨、里·佩奇、谢尔盖·布林和马克·扎克伯格式的创业”,正在缓慢稳扎稳打中国诞生。

    Thus, what Bell calls the "Bill Gates-Larry Page-Sergey Brin-Mark Zuckerberg model," is slowly but surely being born in China.


  • 3月23日霍尔布鲁克离开贝尔格莱德之后,全力支持下,北约秘书长哈维尔·韦斯·将军下达了空袭命令。

    On March 23, after Holbrooke left Belgrade, NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana, with my full support, directed General Wes Clark to begin air strikes.


  • 它的发现者是麻省理工大学的安吉·贝尔彻,的灵感来自于植物,因为植物中的特殊色素光合作用中能吸收太阳能,并分解

    M.I.T. 's Angela Belcher took her cue from plants, where special pigments capture solar energy in photosynthesis, involving the splitting of water.


  • 因为斯克奖被看作贝尔的“风向标”,中国媒体充满了预期

    Because the Lasker Award is often seen as a precursor to the Nobel Prize, the Chinese media are abuzz with anticipation.


  • 八卦小报报道丁森名字卡米.贝尔模特安妮.舍恩伯格以及火辣女星妮娜.舒伯特这些人联系在一起,巧妙地分散了对斯图尔特关注

    Pattinson, according to the gossip press, was linked with the likes of Camilla Belle, model Anne Schoenberger and former flame Nina Schubert, skilfully deflecting attention from Stewart.


  • 它的发现者是麻省理工大学安吉·贝尔彻,的灵感来自于植物,因为植物中的特殊色素光合作用中能吸收太阳能,并分解

    MIT's Angela Belcher took her cue from plants, where special pigments capture solar energy in photosynthesis, involving the splitting of water.


  • 它的发现者是麻省理工大学安吉·贝尔彻,的灵感来自于植物,因为植物中的特殊色素光合作用中能吸收太阳能,并分解

    MIT's Angela Belcher took her cue from plants, where special pigments capture solar energy in photosynthesis, involving the splitting of water.


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