• 大家拇指姑娘

    They called her Thumbelina.


  • 湖里漂着一片郁金香叶子拇指姑娘小船

    In the lake floated a large tulip leaf. This was Thumbelina's little boat.


  • 它们找到了托着片绿叶的梗子拇指姑娘就坐上面。

    They found the green stem which held the leaf on which Thumbelina sat.


  • 大家拇指姑娘因为只是有一个人的拇指那么点大。

    They called her Thumbelina. That was because she was no bigger than the woman's thumb.


  • 于是龙虾荷叶子,拇指姑娘坐在荷叶上走了

    And then, the lobster cut off the lotus' stem, making the thumb girl float away on the lotus leaf.


  • 于是抓起拇指姑娘正睡着摇篮窗格子跳了出去跳进了花园

    And she lifted the little cradle, with Thumbelina in it, and hopped out through the broken window-pane, down into the garden.


  • 小小拇指姑娘睡觉紫罗兰花瓣垫着胡桃壳里,的是粉色玫瑰花瓣。

    When she slept little Thumbelina lay in her cradle on a tiny heap of violets, with the petal of a pale pink rose to cover her.


  • 拇指姑娘遇到了冻僵的燕子,并回去细心照顾

    One day, Thumbelina met a swallow who was frozen stiff. She took the swallow back and looked after him carefully.


  • 拇指姑娘现在摇起纺车来。鼹鼠聘请了四位蜘蛛日夜她纺纱织布。

    Tiny had to turn the spindle, and the field-mouse hired four spiders, who were to weave day and night.


  • 于是抓起拇指姑娘正睡着摇篮窗格子跳了出赴,跳进了花园

    And she lifted the little cradle, with Thumbelina in it, and hopped out through the broken window-pane, down into the garden.


  • 树林里还其它金龟子他们都跑来看拇指姑娘,“呦,长的一点好看呐。”

    But there were other chafers living in the tree, and when they came to see little Thumbelina, they said, "She is not pretty at all."


  • 一只美丽的蝴蝶了过来,解开了腰带拇指姑娘很快地这个地方

    A beautiful butterfly flied here, she untied her waistband and quickly brought the thumb girl away from the area.


  • 头上戴着最华丽的金制王冠,肩上生着一双精美的翅膀他本身并不拇指姑娘高大。

    He had a gold crown on his head, and delicate wings at his shoulders, and was not much larger than Tiny herself.


  • 头上戴着最富丽的金制王冠,肩上生着一双优美的翅膀他自身并不拇指姑娘高大。

    He had a gold crown on his head, and delicate wings at his shoulders, and was not much larger than Tiny herself.


  • 一起飞,甜蜜的小拇指姑娘那个阴惨的地洞里冻得僵直的时候,你救了生命

    Fly now with me, dear little Tiny; you saved my life when I lay frozen in that dark passage.


  • , 蛤把拇指姑娘偷走了, 让自己儿子拇指姑娘吓得哭起来河里的把她了出来。

    One day, a toad stole Thumbelina away. She wanted Thumbelina to marry her son. Thumbelina was scared. She began to cry. The fish in the river saved her.


  • 现在是秋天了,拇指姑娘的全部嫁衣也准备好了。“四个星期以后,你婚礼就要举行了,”田鼠

    When autumn arrived, Tiny had her outfit quite ready; and the field-mouse said to her, "in four weeks the wedding must take place."


  • 现在是秋天了,拇指姑娘的全部嫁衣也准备好了。“四个星期以后,你婚礼就要举行了,”田鼠

    When autumn arrived, Tiny had her outfit quite ready; and the field-mouse said to her, "In four weeks the wedding must take place. ""


  • 拇指姑娘待他很好,非常喜欢他,鼹鼠和田鼠一点儿也知道因为他们不喜欢这只可怜的、孤独的燕子

    Neither the mole nor the field-mouse knew anything about it, for they did not like swallows.


  • 知道又是怎么玩耍吗?一张桌子就是玩耍的天地,女人桌上了一盘子拇指姑娘把它叫做她的湖。

    And where do you think she played? A table was her playground. On the table the woman placed a plate of water. Little Thumbelina called that her lake.


  • 蝴蝶阳光飞来飞去,一只可爱的蝴蝶飞落拇指姑娘着的叶子上来,是那么喜欢拇指姑娘于是它停在了她的身边。

    Butterflies were flitting here and there in the sunshine. A pretty little white one fluttered on to the leaf on which sat Thumbelina.


  • 拇指姑娘坐在鸟儿背上,把脚搁展开的双翼上,同时自己腰带紧紧地系在他最结实羽毛上

    "Yes, I will go with you," said Tiny; and she seated herself on the bird's back, with her feet on his outstretched wings, and tied her girdle to one of his strongest feathers.


  • 可怜的拇指姑娘门口要饭的穷苦女孩子。恳求田鼠施舍一颗大麦给她,因为已经没有任何东西了。

    Poor Thumbelina stood outside the door, like a beggar-girl, and begged for a little barley-corn, for she had not had anything to eat for two days.


  • 蝴蝶阳光飞来飞去,一只可爱的蝴蝶飞落拇指姑娘着的叶子上来,那么喜欢拇指姑娘于是它在了身边

    Butterflies were flitting here and there in the sunshine. A pretty little white one fluttered on to the leaf on which sat Thumbelina. He loved the tiny maiden so well that he settled down beside her.


  • 出生205,也就是2010年,谷歌庆祝安徒生诞辰205周年首页放上一系列图片讲述了《拇指姑娘》的故事

    Two hundred and five years after his birth, in 2010, Google celebrates the 205th anniversary of Andersen's birth with a series of images on its homepage, telling the story of "Thumbelina".


  • 拇指姑娘真是开心了!小鸟儿旁边飞,花儿陪伴左右河水夏日阳光的照耀下闪烁着金光。除此之外小小拇指姑娘赊求什么呢?

    Now she was quite happy! Birds around here, flowers near her, and the water gleaming like gold in the summer sunshine. What besides could little Thumbelina wish?


  • 讲了一个关于爱穿新衣服的皇帝的故事,以及一个不足人的拇指高的小姑娘的故事。

    He told a story about an emperor who loved new clothes and about a tiny girl who was no taller than a person's thumb (拇指).


  • 甜美拇指姑娘!当阴暗的地洞里被冻得僵硬,是生命

    Do, pray, fly away with me, you sweet little Thumbelina, who saved my life when I lay frozen in the dark earthy cellar!


  • 甜美拇指姑娘!当阴暗的地洞里被冻得僵硬,是生命

    Do, pray, fly away with me, you sweet little Thumbelina, who saved my life when I lay frozen in the dark earthy cellar!


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