• 一个成功人士能用他人自己砖石打下坚实基础的人。

    A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him.


  • 建立远程实物实验系统静态结构模型系统的可靠构建打下坚实基础

    Establishes the static configuration model of the remote-object-experiment system, which is the stable base of the system's reliable construction.


  • 为进一步利用酵母双杂交技术研究FOXL2相互作用蛋白打下坚实基础

    These lay a rigid basis for investigating the proteins interacting with FOXL2 by yeast two-hybrid technique.


  • 我们需要共同努力减少分岐,会谈带入阶段打下坚实基础”,吴说

    "We need joint efforts to narrow differences and lay a solid foundation to take the talks into the next phase," Wu said.


  • 本文怎样才能做好新闻采访,以便搞好新闻报道打下坚实基础进行了分析总结

    In this paper, how to do a good job on the news in order to do a good job of laying a solid foundation news reports are analyzed and summarized.


  • 因为任何一门学问都有传承,通过回顾前人研究自己的研究打下坚实基础

    For each knowledge has its own succession, this part reviews the research of previous and lays a solid foundation for my own study.


  • 相信我们现在采取措施年轻人未来学习21世纪工作环境打下坚实基础

    I am confident that the steps we are taking now will ensure young people are properly prepared for further study and the 21st-century workplace.


  • 长远来看,能为你过上积极生活打下坚实基础可以避免一些影响健康方面的问题发生,受益无穷。

    In the long run, that can set the stage for an even more active life style and could be quite beneficial in avoiding some common health problems.


  • 本文阐述了计算机网络管理系统概念提高网管系统全面认识下一步深入研究打下坚实基础

    This paper reviews the concept of computer network management system, to improve the overall understanding of the network management system for further in-depth study to lay a solid foundation.


  • 通过视频可以迅速分享理念重塑你的品牌,以迎合市场口味,目标市场打下坚实基础

    With video, you can quickly spread your ideas and re brand yourself to secure a stronger footing in the marketplace.


  • 通过培训提高公司管理人员对于管理体系认识,为两个管理体系公司的顺利运行打下坚实基础

    Through the training, managers of our company will improve the knowledge of the two management systems, and it will lay a solid foundation for the two systems running smoothly in our company.


  • 不断提升本质安全水平努力实现安全生产目标”,全面完成2017年“四大绩效目标打下坚实基础

    Continue to enhance the level of intrinsic safety, and strive to achieve safe production zero target for the full completion of the 2017 four performance objectives to lay a solid foundation.


  • 指出知识水平、采访能力、应变能力方面不断训练自己,提高素质,为迈向个性化的主持风格打下坚实基础

    The author also points out that an anchor should always train himself /herself in knowledge, interview, adaptability so that he/she may have his/her own style of working.


  • 如果想为例如等离子体物理学习打下坚实基础,那么本书以及朗道流体力学连续介质电动力学几乎就是需要全部

    This book together with the Fluid Mechanics and the Electrodynamics of Continuous Media titles of the same series are almost everything you need to get a solid ground in the study of plasma physics.


  • 股利理论对于股份公司经营运作和各项财务政策制订具有重大影响。本文立足于西方股利理论对我国适用性分析,以期研究我国股份公司的股利理论和股利政策打下坚实基础

    This paper starts with the application analysis of the western divident theory in China, so as to lay a solid foundation for the divident theory and policies of the stock companies in our country.


  • 历史性胜利全国解放新中国成立打下坚实基础

    This history-changing victory also laid a solid foundation for the total independence and the founding of New China.


  • 一些人来说,公立学校的确取消了对他们的限制他们未来成就打下坚实基础;而对另一些人来说,这种教育模式只是种限制代替另一种限制而已。

    For some, the system does remove barriers and provide a solid base for achievement. For others, the system replaces one set of barriers with another.


  • 设计实现IaaS企业它们计算工作打下坚实基础它们不会就此止步

    Enterprises that design and implement IaaS set a strong foundation for their cloud computing efforts, but it does not stop there.


  • 照明舞台设计在那里学到了戏剧各个方面进军好莱坞,并最终成为电影明星制作人导演编剧打下坚实基础

    There, he learned various aspects of theater from lighting to set design, laying the foundation for his Hollywood career as movie star, producer, director and writer.


  • 现在只要您按照下列八个重要步骤做,接下来成功打下坚实基础

    Just follow these eight important steps you can take right now to lay the groundwork for success in the coming months.


  • 载人航天运载火箭经历了第一第四发射成功第五枚火箭发射打下坚实基础

    The human spaceflight carrier rocket project had seen success in blast-off from the first rocket to the fourth one laying a solid foundation for the blast-off of the fifth rocket.


  • 学校的核心理念热爱足球、热爱俱乐部、热爱这座城市,未来成功打下坚实基础

    The idea at its core is a devotion to football, the club and the city, creating a foundation for future success.


  • 研究埋地管道体系等效电路模型,为将电化学理论应用于管道涂层缺陷检测打下坚实基础

    Equivalent circuit model corresponding to buried pipeline system is analyzed, which laid firm foundations of electrochemistry theory application to the detection of pipeline coating faults.


  • 自信来自于中国业已打下坚实基础积累丰富经验

    Our confidence comes from the solid foundation China has laid and the rich experience it has gained.


  • 论文调研现状影响因素基础,对现有企业文化资源进行了详细评估,为HH公司企业文化构建打下坚实基础

    Otherwise, paper formulate the whole appraisal of HH enterprise culture situation on the basic of sufficient decomposition to HH enterprise culture present situation and influencing factor.


  • 给出合理维护建议氢气发生器长久稳定运行打下坚实基础

    The rational proposal for maintenance was made which lays a solid foundation for long stable operation of hydrogen generator.


  • 公司经过积累拥有高素质员工今后赢得客户市场打下坚实基础

    The company after nearly 10 years accumulate, has a number of highly qualified employees, has won the customer and market for future laid solid foundation.


  • 2000祥发车出口澳大利亚意大利德国国际市场获得良好口碑,从而祥发车进驻国际市场打下坚实基础

    We exported BXiangFa E-bicycle to Australia, Italy, Germany in the year 2000and received high praise for the high quality of the products. We have sound base for developing in international markets.


  • 配套企业内部精益制造控制打下坚实基础

    All of this extends stable foundations for Lean manufacture in the supply enterprise.


  • 配套企业内部精益制造控制打下坚实基础

    All of this extends stable foundations for Lean manufacture in the supply enterprise.


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