• 王岳父亲坐拥家酒店度假村妈妈一位房地产投资

    Wang Yue's father owns several hotels and holiday resorts and his mother is a real estate investor.


  • 这些18小时营业的城市开始房地产排名中掀起波澜吸引更多房地产投资

    These 18-hour cities are beginning to make waves in real estate rankings and attract more real estate investment.


  • 房地产投资信托基金也简称reits

    These are called REITs, Real Estate Investment Trusts.


  • 很多房地产投资认识到,很多地方,房地产市场可能底了。

    Many real estate investors realize that the housing market in many areas has probably bottomed out.


  • 旅游景点城市可能包含在其中,因为它们对外房地产投资有吸引力

    Cities with tourism attractions are also more likely to be included, as they're more tempting to property investors from outside.


  • 认为那些迎合房地产投资应用程序网络服务2010年卖热卖。

    I think applications and web services that cater to the real estate investor are going to be huge in 2010.


  • 此前报道联合信托中信证券已经人民银行提交房地产投资信托基金试点方案

    It was previously reported that Union Trust and Citic Securities had submitted a REIT piloting scheme to the People's Bank of China.


  • 一些分析师由于写字楼租金可能上涨因此房地产投资信托基金可能不错投资选择

    With office rents likely to rise, real-estate investment trusts could be good options, some analysts say.


  • 国际债务房地产投资者也听信这个美梦直到全球金融市场冻结世界大部分地区跌入了衰退

    International debt and property investors bought into the dream, too, until global financial markets seized up and much of the world plunged into recession.


  • 如果你去问任何一个做长线房地产投资者,他们告诉行得以生存下来重要三个字现金

    Ask anyone in real estate long term (or any other business, for that matter) and they will tell you the two most important words for survival are: "cash flow."


  • 国会通过这部法案,沃尔玛我也是房地产投资信托基金,持有房地产,所有店铺都是房地产,但不是这部法案本意

    Wal-Mart, after the 1960 Act of Congress, would say, hey we're a real estate investment trust, we own real estate--all these stores -but that's not what the intent of this bill was.


  • 王岳父亲坐拥家酒店度假村妈妈则一位房地产投资王岳父母见到自己的前女友(音译)厌恶之情溢于言表。

    Wang, whose father owns several hotels and holiday resorts and whose mother is a real estate investor, said his parents were "visibly disgusted" when they met his ex, Xiao mo.


  • 如果投资抛售手中持有房地产投资信托基金的话,他们随时可以在交易市场上出售套现,这样投资者将得以极其迅速的进行再融资。

    REITs allowed investors to get out of their holdings if they wanted; they have been able to recapitalise pretty swiftly, too.


  • 随着英国房地产投资恍然大悟以及不再接受低的收益率:房产的收益率曾一度低于无风险的国债的收益率(图表),商业地产的价值开始下降

    Values lurched downward as investors in British property woke up and stopped accepting ever lower yields: at one stage these had dropped below even yields on risk-free government bonds (see chart).


  • 财务净现值、内部收益率、动态投资回收期房地产投资动态财务评价指标,它考虑了资金时间价值,从项目寿命期考虑,比较合理准确

    They concern about the timing value of the investment while considering the whole process of the project so that are reasonable as well as accurate.


  • 通过投资房地产成了美国人之一

    By investing in real estate, he was one of the richest men in the United States.


  • 恰当城市组合维持了住房入住率提高了房地产价值吸引了大量投资资本

    The right urban mix has propped up home occupancy, increased property values, and attracted significant investment capital.


  • 意味着了解投资保险房地产规划税收背后基本情况然后求助其他专家予以证实。

    That means knowing the basics behind your investments, insurance, estate planning and taxes, and then turning to other experts for confirmation.


  • 过度乐观可能会助长不良投资模式导致出现房地产泡沫”,篇报告作者这种潜在后果只是一笔带过,认为这种后果尚未发生

    While excessive optimism can promote bad investment patterns, resulting in a real-estate "bubble," the report's writers downplay that potential outcome in that it has not yet occurred.


  • 报告作者指出美国基础设施投资失败,不仅影响房地产市场健康发展,影响了美国的全球竞争力

    The report's writers state that America's failure to invest in infrastructure impacts not only the health of the real estate market but also our ability to remain globally competitive.


  • 雷曼兄弟破产后,许多全球最大银行都曾担心出现糟糕的情况,因为房地产泡沫破裂暴露了它们高风险贷款方面的投资

    After the failure of Lehman Brothers, many of the world's largest banks feared the worst as the collapse of the housing bubble exposed investments in risky loans.


  • 报告作者指出美国基础设施投资方面失败不仅影响房地产市场健康影响到我们保持全球竞争力能力

    The report's writers state that America's failure to invest in infrastructure impacts not only the health of the real-estate market, but also our ability to remain globally competitive.


  • 除了上述导致投资担忧特定趋势外,报告还描绘了近期房地产市场健康“上升周期”,经济形势好转,由此带来整体乐观态势。

    Apart from the specific trends highlighted above, which cause some investors to worry, the report portrays an overall optimism bore by the recent healthy real-estate "upcycle" and improving economy.


  • 除了上述一些导致投资担忧特定趋势外,报告还描绘了近期房地产市场健康“上升周期经济好转所带来的整体乐观态势。

    Apart from the specific trends highlighted above, which cause some investors to worry, the report portrays an overall optimism borne by the recent healthy real-estate "upcycle" and improving economy.


  • 新的规定仍然保留众多专门针对购买房地产作为投资投资者的惩罚性政策

    The new rules also leave in place China's many punitive policies toward people who buy real estate as an investment.


  • 新的规定仍然保留众多专门针对购买房地产作为投资投资者的惩罚性政策

    The new rules also leave in place China's many punitive policies toward people who buy real estate as an investment.


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