• 知道这会让正对萨姆的

    I knew that would send me right into Sam's face!


  • 知道说的是‘讨人喜欢的人’。”麦格一边说,一边小心地把鞋子系好,以免别人看到她的

    "I said 'pleasant people', you know." Meg carefully tied up her shoes as she spoke, so that no one saw her face.


  • 乌龟迷糊看着警探,回答:“什么知道,事情发生的太快了。”

    The turtle looked at the detective with a confused look on his face and replied "I don't know, it all happened so fast."


  • 却不能《血色子午线》上转过去,因为知道该如何以及为什么一定要去读这本书。

    But I cannot turn away from Blood Meridian, now that I know how to read it, and why it has to be read.


  • 知道自己棱角分明一双眼睛来着父亲西班牙祖先

    I knew that my angular face and large eyes came from my father's Spanish ancerstors.


  • 年龄大一点儿孩子只一眼,眼睛有点儿瞟向别的地方,好像知道了,是这

    The older kids would glance at it and then kind of look away as if to say, 'Oh yeah, I get it, it goes with that face.


  • 过去时候他们知道贝奈登家里,每天喝的拿咖啡够让他们一家人吃上

    I walk past them not looking into their faces, knowing that the price of my daily latte back in Benenden would feed their whole family for two days.


  • 看到知道是不是又变过去周里知道,那个冰冷的、漠然

    I wanted to see his face, to see if he'd gone back to the cold, indifferent person I'd known for the last several weeks.


  • 知道是不是一吻打动了哈里顿,有分钟,当心人看见等到抬起时,他却迷瞪地不知哪边才好。

    Whether the kiss convinced Hareton, I cannot tell: he was very careful, for some minutes, that his face should not be seen, and when he did raise it, he was sadly puzzled where to turn his eyes.


  • 儿子足球砸中时,可以秋天空气一丝暗示中知道

    I could tell there was a hint of autumn in the air when my son's football smashed me in the face.


  • 卫生间洗了出来时候给了那个宝丽金拍的京剧演唱照片们在天津拍的,我知道你喜欢这类则照片。

    I went to the toilet and washed my face. When I came out she gave me a Polaroid with the picture of a Beijing opera singer.


  • 知道是不是难过可是表姐跟他一样哭丧回到父亲身边。

    I do not know whether it were sorrow for him, but his cousin put on as sad a countenance as himself, and returned to her father.


  • 但是发红,而且呼吸急促,知道在发着高烧

    But her face was flushed, she was breathing rapidly, and I realized that she had a high fever.


  • 知道,”酒吧男侍说,福特面前邪恶地摇晃着,“考虑名誉。”

    "You see," said the barman, and his face seemed to wobble evilly in front of Ford's, "I have a reputation to think of."


  • 父亲把按住良久,他露出一神秘的笑容:“孩子,终于知道心疼这些了,相信,这钱挣的。”

    After quite a while, a mysterious smile was bloomed on his father's cheeks.and said: "my guy, you finally showed your care to these money and I believed that that was truly your achievement."


  • 知道相貌平平,身穿灰色外套太阳穴发灰,一张大众

    I know he's average in appearance, wears a gray suit, is graying at the temples, and has a common face.


  • 知道你的姓名尽管如此以为就不知道什么人,干什么。

    That's no matter, as I can't see your face and as I don't know your name, you are wrong in supposing that I don't know who you are and what you want.


  • 还有就是孩子们出生的时候——终于看到他们,你知道男孩,是你的宝贝。

    Also, when my children were born-when you finally see their faces and you know, that's your boy, that's your child.


  • 丹妮了一眼达里奥看见过一丝愤怒知道。“需要骑士,”

    Dany glanced at Daario and saw anger flash across his face. He did not know. "I have need of knights," she said.


  • 丹尼了一眼达里奥看见过一丝愤怒知道。“需要骑士,”

    Dany glanced at Daario and saw anger flash across his face. He did not know. "I have need of knights" she said.


  • 知道有些收集朋友,好象是受欢迎程度标志可是又有什么意义呢?

    I know some people "collect" Facebook friends as some sort of popularity status symbol, but what's the point really?


  • 知道在哪一个地方目不转睛地端详冷酷无情的谴责她的虚情假意的。

    I wonder where it was that he looked into her cruel face, and taxed her with her falsehood?


  • 孩子们看上去茫然出人头地奇怪的话。知道他们在不是爸爸在叫喊,那饭前的马提尼酒在作怪。

    The children looked blank. Amount to something? What a strange expression. I could see their thoughts: That isn't Dad yelling. That's those martinis he had before dinner.


  • 尼奥:认出能从动作中看出来。知道夏胡露降临的时刻。

    MONEO: I can recognize the Worm. I can see it in his face and in his movements. I know when Shai-Hulud approaches.


  • 尼奥:认出能从动作中看出来。知道夏胡露降临的时刻。

    MONEO: I can recognize the Worm. I can see it in his face and in his movements. I know when Shai-Hulud approaches.


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