• 杰克·格林一直在煽动最近要求涨工资已经注意时间了。

    I've had the idea for some time that Jack Green's been busy stirring things up in connection with the latest wage claim.


  • 商店招牌上写着工作时间10点6点但是如果生意平时少的话可以提前锁门离开了

    The sign on my store says the hours are ten to six, but if business is slower than usual, I can just lock up and take off early.


  • 商店招牌上写着工作时间10点6点但是如果生意平时少的话可以提前锁门离开了

    Well, the sign on my store says the hours are ten to six, but if business is slower than usual, I can just lock up and take off early.


  • 最近脸书上两个家庭成员之间对话注意这样一句话:“时间你想的事。”

    While reading a recent conversation on Facebook between two family members, I caught sight of these words: "You have time for whatever you make time for."


  • 的时候,他正在演讲,所以们没时间说几句话。

    When I arrived, he was giving a speech, so we had no time for a few words.


  • 的挑战中了解,没有智能手机,更容易陷入深度工作,所以在更短的时间内完成了的任务。

    As I learned in my challenge, by not having my smartphone, I fell into deep work more easily, so I completed my tasks in a shorter time.


  • 写这些笔记时,意识有多少次花时间在手机上,从一个软件另一个软件,欣赏着别人的生活。

    While writing the notes, I realized how often I had spent my time on the phone moving from app to app, appreciating other people's lives.


  • 经常给家人和朋友寄明信片,”他对《中国日报》说,“但你可以想象,过一段时间,你收的明信片不如你寄的那么多,而且你意识并不是每个人都喜欢这样,但也没关系。”

    "I often send postcards to family and friends," he says to China Daily, "but you can imagine that after a while, you never receive as many as you send, and you realize that not everyone is into it, and that's totally fine."


  • 随着时间流逝已经逐渐意识享受现今时光去达成任何目标都要重要

    As time passed, I've come to realize that enjoying the current moment is more important than reaching any goal.


  • 因此每周工作时间减少30小时同时出了10小时来做实质性工作

    So I was able to reduce my weekly working time by 30 hours while also getting 10 more hours of real work done.


  • 随着时间推移注意其中许多问题重复的。

    Over time, I have noticed that many of the questions are repeated.


  • 坦白地说,花了很长时间认识并不是所有用户一样

    It honestly took me a while to realize that not all users are just like me!


  • 时间之后了解大多数使用电脑目的搜集完成这些工作的最易使用的软件

    After a while I got a good idea what most people use their PC for and what programs where the easiest to use.


  • 知道并未花费很多时间来研究华盛顿施政方略,那儿待的时间已经足够认识华盛顿的施政方略必须要变革

    I know I haven't spent a lot of time learning the ways of Washington. But I've been there long enough to know that the ways of Washington must change.


  • 要将时间加倍20分钟。”小狐狸

    "I'll double that to 20 minutes," said Fox.


  • 知道并未花费很多时间来研究华盛顿施政方略,但那儿时间已经足够认识华盛顿施政方略必须要变革

    I know I haven't spent a lot of time learning the ways of Washington.But I've been there long enough to know that the ways of Washington must change.


  • 开始知道哪里但是随着时间流逝开始意识西班牙唯一居住地方所以去了。

    At first I didn't know where, but as time passed, I started to realize that Spain was the only place I wanted to live in, so that's where I went.


  • 星期时间认识世界上最后吸烟的人了。

    It took me a couple weeks to realize I am the last smoker in the world.


  • 决定飞去墨西哥意识醒来之前没有足够时间那里了。

    I decided to fly to Mexico City, but I realized I wouldn't have enough time to get there before I woke up.


  • 错过趟航班因为办理行李托运手续时间截止之后机场

    I've missed a flight because I arrived at the airport after the deadline to check baggage.


  • 意味着大多数情况下可以设置教堂工作日期时间

    This means for the most part, I set the days and times I go into church for work.


  • 了一时间反思,认识这种情况自己造成由于自己的选择和理财习惯而且这种习惯是有能够改变的。

    It took me awhile to step back and realize that this situation was all of my own making, due to my own choices and financial habits, and that it was possible to change.


  • 已经没有多少时间因为很快就会开始头发,那是察觉的了。

    I didn't have much time, because I would soon start to loose hair and she would find out eventually.


  • 了一时间以后,意识电动自行车摩托车安全多,环境也有好处。

    But after a while, I realized that e-bikes are actually much safer than motorcycles, and better for the environment.


  • 过排球,但是考虑花费的时间金钱觉得跑步最好选择

    I had played volleyball. But with little time or money to spare, I decided running was the best option.


  • 过了一段时间了解他人自己身上那种力量。

    It would be a long time before I could understand such forces in others or in myself.


  • 甚至更长的时间调整思维,全心投入实验测试中去。

    It took me even longer to make my own thoughts and put them into an experimental test.


  • 这个广告播放了几天之后,换班时间工厂门口工人们打招呼握手的时候,工人们已经开玩笑地对着汪汪”地叫了起来。

    By the time it had run a few days, workers were good-naturedly barking Woof, woof! at me when I shook hands at plant gates during shift changes.


  • 这个广告播放了几天之后,换班时间工厂门口工人们打招呼握手的时候,工人们已经开玩笑地对着汪汪”地叫了起来。

    By the time it had run a few days, workers were good-naturedly barking Woof, woof! at me when I shook hands at plant gates during shift changes.


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