• 记账主要工作

    Keeping the accounts is part and parcel of my job.


  • 你们谈论的母亲

    That happens to be my mother you're talking about!


  • 过去一个教授

    He used to be one of my professors.


  • 最亲密一位朋友

    He's one of my dearest friends.


  • 这些仍然珍贵财产之一

    These books are still among my most treasured possessions.


  • 对不起任务完成主要原因星期许多其他工作要做

    I'm sorry my assignment isn't finished. The thing is, I've had a lot of other work this week.


  • 保险丝不愿干麻烦事之一

    Changing a fuse is one of those fiddly jobs I hate.


  • 感动认为很有魅力

    I was touched to find that he regards me as engaging.


  • 没有逼迫的。

    He didn't force meI wanted to go.


  • 使大为惊奇还记得

    To my amazement , he remembered me.


  • 过的和善、最真诚

    He's the kindest and sincerest person I've ever met.


  • 然而如果换换

    Now, if it was me, I'd want to do more than just change the locks.


  • 道篱笆她的住宅之间分界

    The fence marks the boundary between my property and hers.


  • 糟糕甚至不能确定他们收到了

    The worst of it is that I can't even be sure if they received my letter.


  • 性格坚强令人钦佩鼓舞人心的人物之一

    She was a very strong, impressive character and one of the most inspiring people I've ever met.


  • 可能过的光秃最荒凉、最贫瘠最不适合居住岛屿

    That's probably the most bare, bleak, barren and inhospitable island I've ever seen.


  • 证明罪人需要罪孽忏悔

    I was shown that I am a sinner, that I needed to repent of my sins.


  • “你觉得病人交往主意吗?”——“说实话觉得觉得这一个非常好的主意。”

    "Do you think it's a good idea to socialize with one's patients?"—"Actually, I do, I think it's a great idea."


  • 坐了位子送了。死的应该,那颗子弹冲着来的。

    He took my place and got killed. It should have been me—that bullet had my name on it.


  • 肯定不会介意意思的那个

    I'm sure he wouldn't mind. I mean, I was the one who asked him.


  • 意思感到有些受侮辱他们认为收受贿赂才肯闭嘴

    I mean, I was a bit insulted that they thought I needed bribing to shut up.


  • 一些朋友了”这句话的言外之的一些朋友没有”。

    An implicature of 'Some of my friends came' is 'Some of my friends did not come'.


  • 知道拥有过的最好团队可以这么告诉他们非常的合作伙伴。

    I don't know if it's the best team I've ever had, but I can tell you this much, they're incredible people to be around.


  • 这个工作做不了从未去过西班牙;重要不会西班牙语。

    I couldn't do the job—I've never been to Spain and, more to the point, I don't speak Spanish.


  • 感到惊讶的北方视为理所当然一切事物南美大草原上几乎没有发生

    I was amazed that virtually all the things I took for granted up north just didn't happen in Savannah.


  • 赶紧点—我是并排停车。

    I'll have to rush—I'm double-parked.


  • 没有乘飞机灰狗巴士。

    I didn't fly. I took the Greyhound.


  • 难于操纵这个变速杆因为我是左撇子

    I'm having trouble with this gear lever because I'm left-handed.


  • 我是葬送得到份工作机会

    I think I've just sunk my chances of getting the job.


  • 驾驶的爱好

    Driving is my hobby.


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