• 项研究发现脂肪饮食对照组相比,被指定连续5吃高脂肪食物健康成年人表现出注意力记忆情绪受损

    One study found healthy adults designated to a high-fat diet for five days showed impaired attention, memory, and mood compared with a low-fat diet control group.


  • 日常生活中大量积极情绪往往快乐、健康得更好他人相处得很好

    People who have plenty of positive emotions in their everyday lives tend to be happier, healthier, learn better, and get along well with others.


  • 想要健康我们必要仔细观察感情食品之间的联系知道怎样正确调解内在情绪才能我们感到轻松和舒适。

    To become healthier, we need to observe our emotions relative to food, and learn how to do the right inner work which will allow us to feel comfortable with our emotions.


  • 西蒙格拉斯正在从事一个研究项目内容是比较美国父母来自其他21个发达国家父母情绪健康”。

    Simon and Glass are working on a project to compare the "emotional well-being" of U.S. parents versus parents from 21 other developed countries.


  • 拉尔森博士说比如面对配偶离开人世人们感受到希望悲伤交织在一起的复杂情绪,那么一般来说,他们就可以拿出更为健康的应对策略。

    And when people are able to feel mixed emotions, such as hope and sadness, they tend to have healthier coping strategies, such as when a spouse passes away, according to Dr. Larsen.


  • 发烧常见的事,并不简单,当中涉及科学情绪健康体温计量

    Fever is common, but fever is complicated. It brings up science and emotion, comfort and calculation.


  • 锻炼合理饮食是身体健康的保证,朋友爱人聊聊关于自己愁事有助于消除紧张情绪

    Exercise and a good diet will help you stay healthy, and talking to friends and loved ones about your worries can also help you work through your anxiety.


  • 2006年的论文表明了普通消极情绪包括焦虑心烦部分地解释他们发现社会定向型完美主义糟糕健康状况之间关系

    The 2006 paper showed general negative feelings, including feeling anxious and upset, could partially explain the relationship they saw between socially prescribed perfectionism and poorer health.


  • 关于你的心健康其中包括情绪压力抑郁精神问题过去的30中,有多少天你的心理健康不好?

    Thinking about your mental health, which includes stress, depression, and problems with emotions, for how many days during the past 30 days was your mental health not good?


  • 在一起的人巨大的影响包括精神身体情绪健康

    Who you spend time with has a huge effect on you, including your mental, physical, and emotional health.


  • 研究根据长处困难问卷对儿童情绪凝视举止以及多动问题评定结果,对儿童的心理健康进行评估。

    Children's psychological wellbeing was assessed on the basis of a strengths and difficulties questionnaire which rated their emotional, peer, conduct and hyperactivity problems.


  • 通过分析交通警察不良情绪产生种种诱因,从而探寻一些心理健康维护情绪调适方法途径。

    In this paper, the author has analyzes the causes which give rise to bad emotion and inquires into the way to safeguard and adjust the traffic policeman's mind health.


  • 家庭环境基本变量因子心理健康情绪性格缺陷退缩行为行为障碍因子存在显著相关

    Tthe basic variables of family environment have significant negative relation with the factors of moral and disposition flaw, shrinking back behavior, behavioral hinder in psychological health.


  • SARS患者健康认知观念自信心情绪状态差别

    Differences of SARS patients from healthy persons in cognition, self-confidence and emotional state.


  • 本文主要论述人的情绪身体健康关系介绍一些合理宣泄情绪方法

    In this paper, the relationship between emotion and health was discussed end some unbossoming methods were presented.


  • 冥想带给一种平静安宁平衡感,将有利于情绪你的全面健康

    Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that benefits both your emotional well-being and your overall health.


  • 目的探讨慢性肾脏疾病透析患者情绪心理健康状况人格等心理因素及病情的相关性。

    Objective:To explore the role of negative mood, psychological health, and personality in non-dialysis patients with chronic kidney disease.


  • 健康志愿者相比健忘症患者提及了较少事物和感觉细节例如声音气味以及较少的因想象场景而产生的想法情绪

    Compared to healthy subjects, the patients described fewer objects, fewer sensory details such as sounds and smells, and fewer thoughts or emotions that might be evoked in the imagined scenario.


  • 第三情绪耗竭情绪劳动心理健康之间中介作用。

    Thirdly, emotional exhaustion acts as the mediator between the emotional labor and mental health.


  • 逐步回归分析结果表明,幼师学生危害健康行为发生抑郁情绪人格特性有关。

    Stepwise regression analyses showed health risk behaviors were relative to depression and personality for children's normal school students.


  • 目的研究青少年危害健康减肥行为情绪症状其他心理社会因素的关系。

    Objective: to study the effects of depression symptoms and other psychosocial factors on unhealthy weight reducing behaviors of adolescents.


  • 而限制性疾病功能整体健康感觉一般健康身心活力自我调控的自我评分较低、而抑郁情绪的自我评分较高有关

    Restrictive lung function was associated with lower scores on feelings of overall well-being, general health, vitality and self-control, and higher depression scores.


  • 奶粉强化维生素矿物质和亲生物细菌用品基石,建立坚实基础孩子情绪身体健康

    Goat Milk powder fortified with vitamins, minerals and pro-biotic bacteria supplies the building blocks to build a solid foundation for your child's emotional and physical well-being.


  • 结果表明工作需求情绪衰竭相关一般健康状况相关;工作控制情绪衰竭负相关,一般健康状况正相关。

    The results indicated that job demands was significantly positively related to emotional exhaustion but negatively related to general health.


  • 目的探究高职新生心理健康情绪稳定性、自尊社会支持、近期生活事件儿童心理虐待忽视之间关系

    Objective: To explore the relationship of vocational college freshmen 'mental health with neuroticism, self-esteem, social support, life events, childhood psychological maltreatment and neglect.


  • 乐观或者敌对情绪健康情绪联系,例如吸烟健康饮食影响心脏的健康

    Optimistic or hostile attitudes can be linked to health behaviours such as smoking or poor diet, which may also influence heart health.


  • 有关自我研究主要集中自我自我标准差异、对归因的影响、情绪心理健康关系等方面。

    Sociometric nomination and the questionnaire method were applied to explore the relationship of loneliness with peer relationship, social behavior and self-perceived social competence.


  • 有关自我研究主要集中于自我觉知自我标准差异、对归因影响情绪心理健康关系等方面

    Using moral situation stories and taking 170 pupils as participants, this research explored the relationships between the awareness of moral self and emotional experience and its influencing factors.


  • 有关自我研究主要集中于自我觉知自我标准差异、对归因影响情绪心理健康关系等方面

    Using moral situation stories and taking 170 pupils as participants, this research explored the relationships between the awareness of moral self and emotional experience and its influencing factors.


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