• 中西悲剧根本的不同就是选择悲剧人物悲剧冲突的不同。

    The main differences between Chinese and western tragedies lie in choosing tragic characters and conflicts.


  • 第三章讨论了李尔王自身内部冲突根据黑格尔悲剧理论冲突属于悲剧冲突中的第三

    Chapter Three discusses the collision within King Lear himself, which belongs to the third kind of collisions according to Hegel's tragedy theory.


  • 悲剧道德观念又是通过目的性和反目的性矛盾冲突实现的,从而奠定了黑格尔悲剧冲突理论的基础。

    The moral concept of tragedy is realized in contradictory conflicts of different aims, which is the foundation for Hegel's tragedy conflict theory.


  • 西方现代悲剧理论强调悲剧对象审美价值忽略道德价值,并将悲剧冲突根源指向内心矛盾

    The modern tragic theory in the West emphasizes the tragic object's aesthetic value and neglects its moral value. Pointing the root of tragic conflict to the people's inner contradiction.


  • 第二集中阐述了李尔王考狄利亚之间冲突根据黑格尔悲剧理论这一冲突属于悲剧冲突中的第二

    Chapter Two concentrates on the collision between King Lear and Cordelia, which belongs to the second kind of collisions according to Hegel's tragedy theory.


  • 人物性格自然规律行动结果带来一系列悲剧冲突,使作品表现英雄精神的同时,交织着许多震撼人心的悲剧特质读者带来全新阅读体验

    The tragic conflicts between the heros character and the natural law, the action and its result offer the reader a new reading experience in heroism mingled with tragic features.


  • 马歇尔避免二十世纪抗议小说典型受压迫白人社会冲突悲剧女主人公

    Marshall avoided the oppressed and tragic heroine in conflict with White society that had been typical of the protest novels of the early twentieth century.


  • 心理存在这些划分时,必然会存在生理上划分所有冲突战争苦难悲剧以及人与人之间的残忍行为都会随之而来。

    When there are these psychological divisions, there must inevitably be physiological division with all its conflicts, wars, and the suffering and the tragedy and the inhumanity of man to man.


  • 世界上真正悲剧不是正确错误之间冲突而是两个正确之间的冲突

    Genuine tragedies in the world are not conflicts between right and wrong. They are conflicts between two rights.


  • 各种人物之间冲突人物与社会之间的冲突相互作用,最终决定了故事结局悲剧

    The conflicts between the characters in this book, together with conflicts between the characters and the society, are inseparable ingredients of the tragic ending of this story.


  • 悲剧自然、人与社会人与自身命运冲突艺术表现

    Tragedy is an artistic expression of conflicts between human beings and nature, human beings and society, human beings and their own fate.


  • 这种冲突社会思想影响之外,自身无法跨越心理悲剧

    And this kind of conflict is outside the influence of the social thought, it is the psychological tragedy that can't be crossed over oneself.


  • 本文对《婉容词》重新解读,着重分析其中西文化冲突悲剧意义

    This paper reinterprets Wan Rong Ci, and emphatically analyses its tragic meaning from the conflicts between the east and the west culture.


  • 悲剧冲突罗密欧朱丽叶恋情两个家族仇恨对立

    The conflict is tragic Romeo and Juliet love and hatred between the two families and confrontation.


  • 女巫麦克白心灵魔鬼是其内在私欲外在表现; 女巫的预言反映了主人公的内心矛盾冲突昭示了麦克白的悲剧命运

    While witches are Macbeth's spiritual demon and the external manifestation of his intrinsic desire, their prophets reflect his inner contradiction and conflicts, and foretell his tragic destiny.


  • 基础作者指出对于黑格尔悲剧理论著名冲突说”,应该将之放在情境理论的基础上来加以理解。

    On this basis, the author points out that the well - known "idea of conflict" in Hegel's theory of tragedy is advisable to be comprehended in the context of theory of mind.


  • 本文比较莎士比亚关汉卿悲剧艺术主题人物冲突结局方面差别,并设法找出差异原因

    Differences on themes, personages, conflicts, endings between Shakespeare 's and Guan Hanqing' s tragic arts are compared in the article and the reasons of diversity are tried to find out.


  • 可以公开只是里面宿命悲剧完美主义失望熟悉和熟视无睹之间冲突

    Which are open is the connotations of conflicts between destiny and tragedy, perfectionism and disappointment, and between familiarization and unconscious neglect.


  • 爱米丽爱情悲剧不是新旧冲突而是清教思想核心传统造成的。

    Emily's love tragedy is not caused by the conflict between the old and the new, but by the tradition with the Puritanism as its core.


  • 本质上,使人物外在内在冲突提升人性冲突生命悲剧提升文化悲剧

    In nature, the characters? Internal and external conflict was promoted to that of human nature, and life tragedy to culture tragedy.


  • 湿摩悲剧实质就是自我本我斗争社会和谐冲突之间的斗争。

    The nature of Bhishma tragedy is the struggle among human's Superego, Id and ego, the fight between social harmony and conflict.


  • 由于现代自我意识产生导致生命悲剧意识觉醒以及自由意识与生存状态冲突

    It is the result of conflict between the awakening of self-consciousness and tragedy-consciousness and condition of existence.


  • 她们身上有着强烈悲剧色彩,具体表现自身无法摆脱矛盾冲突:梦想与现实的冲突

    On them, there is intense tragic color, which is epitomized by the conflicts that they can not get rid of.


  • 基础作者指出,对于黑格尔悲剧理论著名冲突说”,应该将之放在情境理论的基础上来加以理解。

    On this basis, the author points out that the well - known "idea of conflict" in Hegel's theory of tragedy is advisable tob...


  • 基础作者指出,对于黑格尔悲剧理论著名冲突说”,应该将之放在情境理论的基础上来加以理解。

    On this basis, the author points out that the well - known "idea of conflict" in Hegel's theory of tragedy is advisable tob...


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