• 可以选择接受二元论,拒绝承认大脑引起心理活动观点

    You may choose to embrace dualism, reject the idea that the brain is responsible for mental life.


  • 72%“不退休受访者表示他们退休重返岗位,保持心理健康;59%的受访者表示选择维持生计有关。

    About 72% of "unretiree" respondents said that they would return to work once retired to keep mentally fit while 59% said it would be tied to making ends meet.


  • 博士生他们导师奥斯丁德克萨斯州立大学心理教授大卫·巴斯确实要求人们这样选择

    Two Ph.D. students and their advisor, David Buss professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, did force people to make this very choice.


  • 根据心理学家莎伦·德雷珀的说法,我们着装选择绝对会影响我们的健康

    According to psychologist Sharon Draper, our clothing choices can absolutely affect our well-being.


  • 认知心理学家们断言我们行为我们的价值观我们了解自己处境方式我们选择的影响。

    Cognitive psychologists assert that our behavior is influenced by our values, by the ways in which we interpret our situations and by choice.


  • 人们偏爱糖果油脂就是一种精密心理演化机制我们不是有意识的去选择喜欢甜食和脂肪,只是它们味道实在不错而已

    Our preference for sweets and fats is an evolved psychological mechanism. We do not consciously choose to like sweets and fats; they just taste good to us.


  • 如今一些雇主以及保险商正在测试如何此类心理缺陷进行干预,鼓励人们做出更加健康选择

    Now, some employers and insurers are testing ways to harness such psychological pitfalls to get people to make healthier choices.


  • 这位曾经中场天才很早的时候就结束了职业生涯,因为认为考虑自己心理状况最好选择

    The once promising midfielder had ended his career at an early stage, because he thought that all things considering this was the best thing for his mental health.


  • 两种方式描述其实是同样人口数量但是堪萨斯大学心理教授却发现,选择反映了你如何来理解数字信息

    The numbers represent about the same number of people, but how you answered explains how you understand numerical information, according to a psychology professor at Kansas State University.


  • 尼克尔女士过去主修心理电信行业工作多年,由于热爱最后选择了目前的事业

    Ms. Nichols got her degree in psychology and worked in the telecom industry for years before pursuing a career that caters to her passion for dogs.


  • 当然还有影响我们做出选择因素,在下一个帖子我会讲形成阻碍我们做出选择心理因素。

    Of course, there are factors that influence our choice, psychological factors that serve to facilitate or hinder choice, and I'll discuss these in posts to come.


  • Bereczkei指出,选择压力更多的来自进化压力,较少心理或社会因素的影响。

    The choices are driven less by psychology and socialization and more by evolutionary pressures, suggests Bereczkei.


  • 心理组成囊括了选择食物餐饮准备饮食方式,”Estrow

    "Slow food embraces the psychological component in food choices, meal preparation, and the act of eating," Estrow says.


  • 那些懒得学习心理心理学,还有那些相信物质的思想身体作用的人所选择心理治疗。

    It is the psychology of those who have not bothered to learn psychology, and the psychotherapy of choice for those who believe in the power of immaterial mind over body.


  • 不过如果他们一旦意识到心理方法用于影响选择,“反作用巨大的,甚至可能导致一些人不在购买任何东西”,补充说

    But if they did realise psychological methods were being used to influence their choice, "the counteraction can be so huge it can put someone off buying anything at all," he adds.


  • 心理学家之所以选择搜寻这个词语,是因为他们理念看做一种抽象资源就像是大脑食物

    The choice of the term "forage" by the psychologists - they consider ideas to be abstract resources that are, in effect, food for the brain.


  • 我们这样真的是在一个世纪或者下一个千禧年正确选择么?我们还没有心理适应长期后果这个概念

    Are we going to make the right decisions for the next century or the next millennium? We have not adapted psychologically to the notion of long-term consequences.


  • 黛比·季默一位来自研究所色彩专家,用心理生理学知识为我们提供最佳选择

    Debbie Zimmer, an color expert at the Institute, offers her take on the psychology and physiological impact of color choices.


  • 知道怎样作出这个选择也许他是一个很好的心理学家,”

    "I don't know how he made the choice; perhaps he was a good psychologist," she said.


  • 我们能力打破一些心理模式使不再我们服务,我们也有能力自觉选择一些心理模式。

    We have the power to break mental patterns that no longer serve us, and we have the power to consciously choose thoughts that empower us.


  • 上瘾选择障碍》的作者一个行为心理学家,而临床医生。

    The author of Addiction: A Disorder of Choice is a behavioral psychologist, not a clinician.


  • 就是为什么最近几届世博会越来越多选择这种主题作为组织原则

    This is why more recent Expos have elected the theme as their central core and organizing principle.


  • 意味着心理变态上得分个体擅长选择受害人

    This means that individuals that score higher for psychopathy are better at selecting victims.


  • 我们提供大量相关信息网站还有心理学家通过评估提供咨询选择最好治疗可以帮助你。

    We provide lots of information, and the psychologists on this site can assist you with assessment, counselling and choosing the best therapy.


  • 对于中度抑郁心理疗法最佳治疗选择

    For mild to moderate depression, psychotherapy may be the best option.


  • 儿子了解真相后,去看心理专家,希望能更好地理解当初父亲选择自己面对的生活

    After his son learned the truth, he began seeing a therapist to better understand his father's choices and his own life.


  • 政客们希望移民话题展开一场合理辩论太多时候,他们选择迎合选民害怕移民心理试图平息这种心理

    Politicians often say that they want a sensible debate about immigration; but too often they pander to voters’ fears of immigrants rather than attempting to allay them.


  • 心理学家正在帮助家属选择合适人员通过改造电话矿工通话并且引导他们注意讲内容保持矿工的心理健康

    Psychologists are helping the families choose who will speak to the miners on a modified telephone, and instructing them to be careful about what they say to help maintain their psychological health.


  • 因此,与以前机械讲话方式,以及注意他人的方式不同,我们解他们需要情绪,去选择词语语气去沟通。

    Thus, instead of speaking mechanically, without really paying attention to others, we choose the words and the tone we use with care, realizing the needs and emotions that everyone lives.


  • 因此,与以前机械讲话方式,以及注意他人的方式不同,我们解他们需要情绪,去选择词语语气去沟通。

    Thus, instead of speaking mechanically, without really paying attention to others, we choose the words and the tone we use with care, realizing the needs and emotions that everyone lives.


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