• 学起,个月学会了德语

    I learned German from scratch in six months.


  • 并不认为德语是一容易学的语言

    I wouldn't call German an easy language.


  • 当时开始德语喊叫只是为了好玩

    I started shouting in German, just for the hell of it.


  • 在学习普通中等教育证书的德语课程。

    He's doing German at GCSE.


  • 工作包括德语翻译

    My work involves translating from German.


  • 夸奖德语棒极了

    She complimented him on his excellent German.


  • 开始说德语并不奇怪毕竟她的母语。

    Her lapse into German didn't seem peculiar. After all, it was her native tongue.


  • 德语中的haus一词英语中的house同源

    'Haus' in German is cognate with 'house' in English.


  • 德语Gymnasium基本上相当于英格兰文法学校

    The German 'Gymnasium' is the closest equivalent to the grammar school in England.


  • trafficcalming德语Verkehrsberuhigung直译过来的。

    'Traffic calming' is a calque of the German 'Verkehrsberuhigung'.


  • 正在英语德语学习管理学。

    I'm doing Management Studies with English and German.


  • 英语荷兰语德语同源语言

    English, Dutch and German are cognate languages.


  • 这些有一半德语

    Half of the books are in German.


  • 世界语词汇主要来自拉丁语罗马英语德语

    Esperanto vocabulary is drawn primarily from Latin, the Roman's languages, English and German.


  • 精通英语德语法语俄语阿拉伯语乃至世界语

    He has a good command of English, German, French, Russian, Arabic and even Esperanto.


  • 然而那些德语苍蝇不会赶走而是成群结队回来

    The flies, however, who understood no German, would not be turned away, but came back again in ever-increasing companies.


  • 女人惊奇眼光打量着摇了摇头;然后德语他说话。

    The woman examined him with eyes of astonishment, and shook her head; she then addressed him in German.


  • 纳瓦特语希腊语德语一样一种允许形成广泛复合词语言

    Nahuatl, like Greek and German, is a language that allows the formation of extensive compounds.


  • 剑桥豪兰学院法语德语留在那里攻读法国东北方言的博士学位。

    I read French and German at Howland College, Cambridge and stayed there to take my Ph.D in the dialects of North-East France.


  • 我们需要法语西班牙语德语的人周二周六城市博物馆商店工作

    We need French, Spanish or German speakers to work in the City Museum shop from Tuesday to Saturday.


  • 例如不同拉丁语俄语德语名词形容词动词没有几十个不同的词尾

    For example, it doesn't have dozens of different endings for its nouns, adjectives and verbs, not like Latin, Russian and German for example.


  • 剑桥大学学院学习法语德语那里攻读关于法国东北方言博士学位。

    I read French and German at Howland College, Cambridge and stayed there to take my Ph.D in the dialects of Northeast France.


  • 列支敦士登位于中欧阿尔卑斯山地区,这一个人口3万小国,主要语言为德语

    Within the Alps in Central Europe is Liechtenstein, a tiny country of about 30,000 people who speak mostly German.


  • 法语、德语荷兰语尽管他的英语说得流利,羞于公共场合使用它。

    He speaks French and German as well as Dutch, but he is shy of using English in public although he is fluent in it.


  • 苹果公司声明是这样写的:Siri可以任何国家使用,可以选择英语法语德语跟她交流

    The notice of Apple.Inc reads: Siri can be enabled in any country, and you can choose to speak to it in English, French, or German.


  • 椒盐实际上被认为来自德语单词bretzel”,指一种在烘烤一个加盐的薄面包卷。

    Pretzel is indeed thought to come from a German word "bretzel" described as a kind of thin bread roll twisted into a knot and salted before baking.


  • 《1912年农民百科全书》告诉,“mangel-wurzel”德语粗略翻译过来的意思是“稀缺根源”。

    My Farmers' Cyclopedia of 1912 tells me that mangel-wurzel means, roughly translated from German, "root of scarcity".


  • 那些第二次世界战后我们军队包裹在上面注明礼物逃避税款普通公民,根本没有费心发现“礼物”在德语中是“毒药”的意思

    Those private citizens who sent packages to our troops occupying Germany after World War II and marked them GIFT to escape duty payments did not bother to find out that "Gift" means poison in German.


  • 然而怀疑者支持者问题上达成了一致:迄今为止,令人印象深刻证据来自所谓的“甘兹菲尔德实验,这是德语术语意思是整个领域”。

    Sceptics and advocates alike do concur on one issue, however: that the most impressive evidence so far has come from the so-called "ganzfeld" experiments, a German term that means "whole field".


  • 国人说德语

    The people in Germany speak German.


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