• 快餐食客新闻主播短信发信人所有人都微笑微笑微笑

    Fast food eaters, news anchors, text messengers, all smiling, smiling, smiling.


  • 一些知名微笑研究关于人们怎么辨认一个真诚微笑-又称杜乡的微笑鱼尾纹微笑

    Some of the best known research on smiling is about how people judge an authentic smile - the so-called 'Duchenne smile' or the 'crinkly-eyed smile'.


  • 不是一个微笑,然而,近来感觉到微笑时候似乎很久没有微笑了。

    I'm not a very smiley person, and lately I've noticed that when I do smile, my face sometimes feels like I haven't smiled in a long time.


  • 每一种文化问候式微笑开心微笑腼腆微笑,不同还在于,怎么被抚养大,你身边如何。

    Every culture is going to have Pan Am smiles, happiness smiles, coy smiles, but the variation of that sort is something which will vary as a result of how you're raised and the people around you.


  • 快餐食客新闻主播、发短信者,所有人都微笑微笑微笑

    Fast-food eaters, news anchors12, text messengers, all smiling, smiling, smiling.


  • 微笑事实证明报他人以微笑时,别人也易于微笑

    Smiling facts state that people tend to return the favor when you smile at them first.


  • 无法抗拒开心微笑一样,微笑会传染的,你可以成为微笑传播者帮助自己开心起来的同时带给别人快乐。

    And just like that jolly laugh you cannot resist joining in, a smile can be contagious and you as the spreader become instrumental in not only your own happiness but that of others as well.


  • 攻读经济学博士学位,目前正在研究"期权微笑",也就是,期权隐含波动率微笑现象中的价格变动趋势,她现在微笑

    She is also a PhD candidate in Economics and is doing research on the behavior of options prices in a phenomenon called the "Options smile," as she's smiling at me right now.


  • 上周六,“微笑志愿者”小组上海电影艺术中心执行第一个微笑任务”:面带微笑询问来访者是否需要帮助

    They carried out their first "smiling task" on Saturday at the Shanghai Film Art Centre, where they smiled at all the visitors and asked if anyone needed any help.


  • 现在发现眼轮匝的动作是无意识做出的,因此,带鱼尾纹微笑看成是情感自然流露,誉为微笑(发自内心的微笑)。

    Now it’s this latter muscle that’s involuntary, so the crows feet smile is considered the real spontaneous emotion and is known now as the Duchenne smile.


  • 大大的虚假微笑泛美式微笑微笑意味着你好,但与微笑截然相反,交流时微笑真正开心的。

    But it was a big, fake smile, the Pan Am smile, a smile to communicate "hello" and but it's as opposed to a smile where the communication is that of genuine happiness.


  • 微笑能够使和身边人进入到一种更加积极的情绪当中,甚至并不微笑也会奏效如果你感到沮丧,那么着保持三十秒钟微笑吧,看看这样有什么效果。

    It even works when you don't feel much like smiling. Just try forcing a smile for 30 seconds if you are feeling a bit negative and see what happens.


  • 尼采受苦没有悲观权力所以我们不一定向着胜利微笑面对暂时困难,我们必须微笑而且心动微笑

    Nietzsche said that people do not suffer the power of pessimism, so we do not have to smile toward victory, but the face of temporary difficulties, we have to smile, but also to heart smile.


  • 微笑是因为快乐。你的微笑会释放出一种激素,会为你带来更多的快乐。对别人微笑礼貌、友好的表现。

    You smile because you are happy. You smile because it releases those endorphins that bring you extra happiness. You smile at others because it is polite and friendly (and you are glad to see them).


  • 上周六,“微笑志愿者”小组上海电影艺术中心执行第一个微笑任务”:面带微笑询问来访者是否需要帮助

    They carried out their first smiling task on Saturday at the Shanghai Film Art Centre, where they smiled at all the visitors and asked if anyone needed any help.


  • 我们微笑,我们就平息许多消极情况微笑别人带来善意。微笑不需要什么代价但是有效地平息紧张的情绪。

    When we smile we defuse many negative situations. To smile is offer goodwill to others. Smiling costs nothing but can effectively defuse tense situations.


  • 总体来说微笑会让更加有魅力女士要微笑男士的话,三思而后行。改善微笑吗?那就慢慢的笑。

    As a general rule, smiling makes you more attractive. That said, ladies, smile. Guys... well, think twice. Want to improve your smile? Smile slower.


  • 他们微笑——微笑会分泌感觉良好的化学物质多巴胺,反过来,他们有可能对你微笑

    Smile at them - smiling releases the feel-good chemical dopamine and they'll likely smile back too.


  • 微笑可以让免疫系统更好工作微笑,免疫功能可能会你的放松增强微笑可以预防流感伤风

    Smiling helps the immune system to work better. When you smile, immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed. Preventthe flu and colds by smiling.


  • 微笑朋友最好语言一个自然流露的微笑胜过千言万语,无论是初次谋面也好,相识已久也好,微笑拉近人与人之间的距离,令彼此之间倍感温暖。

    Smile is the best language among the friends. A natural smile surpasses a thousand words. No matter the first time meet or long-time friends, smile make you close, feel warm.


  • 有些来说,微笑可能是件自然事情,但是微笑最有吸引力事情之一结识新人时,人们可以传递他们微笑

    It may not be natural for some of us to smile, but a smile is one of the most attractive things that someone can display when they're meeting new people.


  • 微笑北京微笑中国微笑

    I like smiling, Beijing like smiling, and China like smiling, too!


  • 微笑一个伤感的人微笑微笑似乎感觉好些

    SmileShe smiled at a sorrowful stranger, The smile seemed to make him feel better.


  • 微笑体现着爱友谊老师微笑激励着我们母亲微笑使我们感到温暖朋友微笑使我们更加亲密。

    Smiles show love and friendship. Teachers 'smiles encourage us. Mothers' smiles warm us. Friend 'smiles make us feel closer.


  • 你千万小看这些微笑微笑蔑视困难勇气,微笑改变一生

    Do not look down on you, they smile, a smile to the contempt of the difficulties you courage, a smile will change your life.


  • 微笑体现着爱友谊老师微笑激励着我们母亲微笑使我们感到温暖朋友微笑使我们更加亲密

    Smiles show love and friendship. Teachers' smiles encourage us. Mothers' smiles warm us. Friends' smiles make us closer.


  • 微笑浮现着友情教员微笑激励着我们母亲微笑使我们感应暖和伴侣微笑使我们加倍亲密

    Smiles show love and friendship. Teachers' smiles encourage us. Mothers' smiles warm us. Friends' smiles make us closer.


  • 微笑浮现着友情教员微笑激励着我们母亲微笑使我们感应暖和伴侣微笑使我们加倍亲密

    Smiles show love and friendship. Teachers' smiles encourage us. Mothers' smiles warm us. Friends' smiles make us closer.


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