• 评论好像反驳主席当天早些时候言论

    His comments appeared to contradict remarks made earlier in the day by the chairman.


  • 如果中午12点前房间腾空,退房当天免交费用。

    The day of discharge is not chargeable if rooms are vacated by 12:00 noon.


  • 享受中的第一小时重要因为第一个小时决定当天其余时间情绪

    Enjoy the first hour of the day. This is important as it sets the mood for the rest of the day.


  • 比赛当天卡西失望,豆子最后

    On the day of the competition, Cassie was disappointed that her beans were in last place.


  • 然而当天重要统计数字1亿美元电视广告费

    The most important statistic of the day, however, was the $100,000,000 in TV advertising fees.


  • 那家超市宣布开业当天第一购物的人得到大奖

    The new supermarket announced that the first to purchase goods on the opening day shall get a big prize.


  • 建议每天写下三件当天发生积极事情,以此训练自己关注自身的运气

    She recommends you train yourself to pay attention to good fortune by writing down three positive things that come about each day.


  • 妻子艾萨尔在毡房干牛粪块点燃炉子准备开始拷当天面包生面团

    His wife, Asel, lights the iron stove inside the yurt, feeding it with bricks of dried cow dung, and prepares dough to bake the day's bread.


  • 建筑工地助理工地经理向工地主管汇报安排指导协调必要的任务完成当天活动

    At a construction site, assistant site managers report to head site managers and plan, direct and coordinate the necessary tasks to complete that day's activities.


  • 麦克高邀请实验室开始进行测试给出一个日期告诉当天发生世界大事。

    McGaugh invited her to his lab, and began to test her: he would give her a date and ask her to tell him about the world events on that day.


  • 大选当天仍然认为艾尔因为好的势头,并且争议性问题上的主张都是正确的。

    Going into election day, I still thought Al would win because he had the momentum and he was right on the issues.


  • 22Tatenda Majiri 在说起当天新闻时候带着权威,举自家啤酒葫芦

    Tatenda Majiri, 22, hoists a calabash of home-brewed beer with some authority while discussing news of the day.


  • 我们当天捕获放到艘漂浮加工里,再船上清洗包装冷冻那些鱼,这些全都在海上完成。

    We'd bring in the day's catch to a floating processor boat where the fish got cleaned, packaged and frozen right at sea.


  • 工作日购买任意全价电影票,只需半价即可为朋友购买第二张电影票,生日当天也可免费购买第二张电影票!

    Buy any full price movie ticket on weekdays, you can buy a second ticket for a friend for only half price, or a second ticket for free on your birthday!


  • 道琼斯股票平均价格指数当天下挫7.49点,跌幅0.1%。

    The Dow Jones average closed down 7.49, or 0.1%.


  • 晚些时候,张回复库里:“你好,库里!”

    Later that day, Zhang replied to Curry, "Hello, Curry!"


  • 子发出的当天,普鲁伊特就收到了30辆二手自行车。

    The day the post went live, Pruitt received thirty used bicycles.


  • 娜之家被划分为几个区域,当天气太冷,人们在户外睡觉可能意味着死亡时,汉娜之家为他们提供庇护。

    Hannah's Place is divided into several areas, providing shelter for people when it is so cold that sleeping outdoors can mean death.


  • 乎意料的是,她发现当天晚些时候,小偷把自行车返还到了原处,还附上了一封道歉信。

    To her surprise, she found the thief had returned the bike, together with a written apology later that day.


  • 年蝉有两对翅膀,当天气炎热时,这两双翅膀一起震动,发出一种巨大而连续的响声。

    The adult cicada has two sets of wings which can shake together to produce a high, continuous sound when the weather is hot.


  • 那里,两个富有的兄弟,奥利弗和罗德里克,给了他一封信,并告诉他在当天两点之前不要打开它。

    There two rich brothers, Oliver and Roderick, gave him a letter and told him not to open it until two o'clock of the day.


  • 晚上8点外滩约有30万人,并且越来越多的人陆续到达,直到11点左右,人们突然变得吵闹和愤怒。一些人摔倒在楼梯上,遭到严重踩踏而死。

    About 300,000 people were on the Bund by 8:00 that evening and more kept arriving until people suddenly became noisy and angry around 11:00. Some people fell on the stairs and were stepped heavily on and died.


  • 当天刮风时候风筝

    When it's windy, I fly a kite.


  • 终于平静下来时,约翰迈克尔发现黑暗中只有他们两人。

    When at last the heavens were steady again, John and Michael found themselves alone in the darkness.


  • 当天时候彩色的灯光亮起来了水手们愉快地甲板上起舞来。

    When it grew dark, a number of colored lamps were lit, and the sailors danced merrily on the deck.


  • 当天突然狂风大作的时候,要小心一场危险暴风雨可能来了。

    When the sky suddenly turns dark and the wind is strong, watch out! A dangerous storm might be coming.


  • 当天晚上些时候,我们偶遇一位穿着黑色慢跑灰色运动衫24岁男子

    A flushed 24-year-old man dressed in black jogging pants and a grey sweatshirt when we meet later in the evening.


  • 文馆天空外面天空相匹配时,鸟儿们朝着它们正常迁徙方向飞翔。

    When the planetarium sky matched the sky outside, the birds fluttered in the direction of their normal migration.


  • 炎热时,鸵鸟会把它们背上这样就增加太阳辐射皮肤之间屏障厚度

    When conditions are hot, the ostrich erects them on its back, thus increasing the thickness of the barrier between solar radiation and the skin.


  • 炎热时,鸵鸟会把它们背上这样就增加太阳辐射皮肤之间屏障厚度

    When conditions are hot, the ostrich erects them on its back, thus increasing the thickness of the barrier between solar radiation and the skin.


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