• 然后缓慢坐下拐杖放到地上,把矫正器卸下,把向内弯曲一只脚向前

    Then he sits down, slowly, puts his crutches on the floor, undoes the clasps on his legs, tucks one foot back and extends the other foot forward.


  • 腿部向前弯曲手臂伸展努力触及脚趾

    Bend forward from your hips and stretch your arms toward your feet. Try to touch your toes.


  • 在那里发现大宅里,院子里,弯曲小巷里皇宫周围古老市场里,生活总是一如既往地向前流淌。

    Here you will find life lived as it always has been in the mansions, courtyards, winding lanes and ancient markets that arose around a city's royal palace.


  • 能带弯曲一种有效杀死病毒方法因为这种技术使得电子紫外线解脱出来,来游荡反应产生羟基自由基

    Band bending is an effective way to kill viruses because the technique allows electrons, which were freed by the UV, to travel forward and create hydroxyl radicals by reacting with water.


  • 于是很快容易顺利地将菲尔移动并且因为的膝盖不能弯曲所以使她的脚向前伸出着,然后带下楼开始危险旅程

    Forthwith, very smoothly and easily, they lift Phil into the carrying chair and take her on the perilous journey downstairs with her feet sticking well out in front because her knees won't bend.


  • 别人告诉,我的腿明显有点瘸,几天我拒绝承认现在清楚地感觉到身体右边晃动大了,向前跨步时,右脚弯曲得更厉害了。

    I have been told that I have a significant limp, which I denied for a few days but now I can clearly feel my body rocking more to the right and my right foot curving in more as I stagger forward.


  • 布鲁斯挂上慢,把两只前轮分别搁裂缝两边,顺着弯曲的裂缝,以发疯的速度向前开去

    Bruce went into a low gear and drove at a terrifying speed, keeping the front wheels astride the crack as he followed its zigzag course.


  • 屈膝礼主要妇女表示尊重恭敬的动作,弯曲膝,向前使身体下坐。

    A gesture of respect or reverence made chiefly by women by bending the knees with one foot forward and lowering the body.


  • 正在努力通过向前弯曲身体左手抓住车顶扶手同时拄着一个拐杖保持自己平衡

    He is struggling to keep his balance by bending his body forward and holding on to the roof handrail with his left hand, and simultaneously standing on a crutch.


  • 手腕前臂向前伸出手臂,然后,手腕弯曲

    Wrists and forearms: Extend them and bend your hands back at the wrist.


  • 步行带动腰椎向前弯曲左右下肢运动旋转、侧弯,主要作用力来自肌。

    Walking brought along the lumbar vertebra to bend forward and rotate with the movement of right and left lower limbs. The main force to finish this movement came mainly from musculus psoas major.


  • 躯干符合你的头向前弯曲面对前进均衡

    Your head and torso should be in-line with your head slightly bent forward, facing forward, and balanced.


  • 布鲁斯挂上慢,把两只前轮分别搁裂缝两边,顺着弯曲曲的裂缝,发疯的速度向前开去

    Bruce engaged low gear and drove at a terrifying speed, keeping the front wheels astride the crack as he followed its zig-zag course.


  • 通过燕式跳水动作向前弯曲身体,同时用鼻子呼气双手尽量触摸脚

    Swan dive into a standing forward bend, exhaling through your nose and placing your hands on your legs as close to your feet as you can.


  • 确保向前引人注目地面直截了当膝伤弯曲否则性格可能看起来负重回到喘不过气来的。

    Make sure the forward leg striking the ground is straight (knee is not bent) otherwise your character may look like he's carrying a load in the back of his pant's.


  • 老年人在上坡时倾向弯曲髋关节多用伸直肌群的策略使重心向前身体推进。

    The elderly are tend to flex hip joint more and use hip extensor muscle to propel the body forward.


  • 凭借椅子一样外型产品可以实现内部外部轮换以及提升向前弯曲)。

    With the addition of the chair model, the JACE Shoulder chair CMP achieves internal and external rotation as well as elevation (forward flexion).


  • 婴儿3~4个月颈部脊柱开始向前弯曲这时睡觉厘米枕头。

    When the baby grow to 3 to 4 months, the beginning of the forward bending of the spine and neck, then go to bed when one centimeters high pillow pillow .


  • 接着足尖内侧同时呼气向前弯曲双手不能地。

    Then sufficient needle twists inside, at the same time at expiratory in bend ahead, but both hands cannot leave the ground.


  • 非常柔软学员可以尝试前脚向前移动垫子前侧平行弯曲膝盖滑向身体的侧方如果可能,把脚移动至胸骨下方

    Really flexible students may try to bring front foot forward parallel to the front of their mat and slide the bent knee more to the side: bring the foot beneath the sternum if possible;


  • 继续保持双手两个肘关节稳稳地向前伸展没有丝毫弯曲手指笔直微微收敛下巴,脊柱挺直

    Continue, keeping your hands and elbows held straight out firmly, and with no bend, fingers pointing straight forward, chin pulled slightly in, and spine straight.


  • 这时爸爸严肃说: :“时候腿弯曲膝盖向前弯曲身体地面45

    Then father seriously said to me: "you slide the legs and waist will bend, knee bend forward, the body into a 45 degree Angle with the ground."


  • 起始动作前,另一只手手掌握住柔和向前弯曲手腕

    With one arm in the same starting position as above, curl the outstretched hand into the palm of the other hand, gently folding the wrist forward.


  • 起始动作前,另一只手手掌握住柔和向前弯曲手腕

    With one arm in the same starting position as above, curl the outstretched hand into the palm of the other hand, gently folding the wrist forward.


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